The Mercy Community Problem

Your entire thread comes off as patronizing and dismissive, as you presume to lecture Mercy players on how they need to act in order to win over all their haters (because I guess that’s possible) even though you’re not actually doing so hot at being understanding and convincing yourself. You’re completely one sided , you make no acknowledgements of the actual reasons some Mercy mains have for acting the way they do, neither of which do much to make me believe you’re a reliable source for tips on diplomacy. As a matter of fact, we’ve tried most of your advice, like, ten months ago, and it clearly hasn’t gotten us where we want to be, but your suggestions don’t build off that experience in any way.

You honestly don’t give the impression that you actually give a rip about helping Mercy players achieve what they’re trying to achieve. You’re really just calling us children, and telling us to shut up with this, that, this, that and that, oh and also go cry in a corner–I mean go cry in a “megathread.” Which is a corner for forums.

Also, if you’re trying to convince somebody to see things your way, maybe don’t compare that person to a child throwing rocks. It does not increase receptivity.


I believe Blizzard professional enough to act impartially. As for other community members then nobody cares because it’s personal toxicity of people who can’t ignore such topics and just comes by to find a target for their hatred. It’s silly to read those posts with “Just stop it already! It’s annoying!” like the hell you even doing here? It’s not your personal website to be upset about topics you not even invited to but you still go there and make it sound like Mercy mains point gun in your face and command you to read it. If you know what you’ll see in another Mercy thread and you not happy about it - move along. As simple as that.

There’s no point in mega threads if there not a single response from devs. That’s why people make new threads. I find absurd that people disappointed with recent changes writing walls of text filled with arguments and constructivity and still completely ignored with mocking label “it was successful”.

You can have an opinion but it might not be constructive. If we start to adjust every hero based on view from the outside then it’ll be a mess so opinions without actual experience not making any good no matter how you look at it. For example i find Genji to be very annoying with his ult and overall so based on that i assume it’s impactful and fun to play as Genji but i do not dare to say he need to be nerfed or buffed because i have almost zero hours on him and can’t do anything with his kit. The exception may be situations when hero is OP so other mains point out there’s something need to be done because if some hero is UP or/and do not compete with your main then you can easily say “he’s fine” or just don’t care. That’s natural.

Anyway i find such topics purposeless with all that pseudo-analytics and attempts to make people guilty for making new threads about problem that being ignored. And all that backed up with some people being upset about it and/or having bad opinion about others based on new threads wich is hardly justifies such attitude because nobody forces you to read them. So i assume if person posting or create threads like “STOP IT, Mercy mains” etc. then he just trying to draw attention taking advantage of hype.

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So this first part, is you basically saying that this has been attempted, so now what people should do and are doing (You aren’t denying this behavior), is to lash out. You are making an excuse for this behavior. And at no point am I addressing the mercy main community as a whole, wish I have established too many time to bother counting. I am addressing parts of the community which apparently included you.

Many people have been able to establish exactly what I have meant. At no point have I told you to “shut up”. By all means, shoot yourself in the foot. I don’t main any character, I’m a long time moba player, I expand my ability to play a list of heroes in case one does get hit by the nerf bat. If Mercy is delayed because of your hostility, go right on ahead. See the community rush in to help you. They won’t be doing that btw. If you weaponize your outrage against a portion of the community that hasn’t wronged you, get ready to start being approached with indifference.

No. See here’s where you and most other “Mains” mess up. There is no outside opinion. Even in games where you do not play said character, you still interact with it. And the reason why this is such a toxic position, is because what you are saying is essentially “Hey guy who has an opinion, your opinion doesn’t matter because I am the gatekeeper of opinions.” If this is how you address people who don’t almost exclusively play Mercy, then why should they even care about your problem? If you are going to tell another person to essentially go get bent, why would they care about your problem. Soooo now you got this person who you have now alienated altogether for not agreeing with you and not having the deemed appropriate hours on your main. They log in to the forums, and on a single page you have just on the first page alone, 4 topic addressing your main, I am not sure how you think that person is now going to approach you. But I do. And you aren’t alone in this mindset, and in fact, you are one of many. And as long as you, and people like you, have this mindset, no one is going to even bother. Because unless they toe the line, you are going to dismiss them and tell them their opinion doesn’t matter. You are wanting the change, not them. They don’t need to convince you of anything, you should be wanting to convince them that your standard and ideas are right because you need that push. Now yeah, there are going to be people that are outright dismissive. There are some who like a lot of the people I was addressing in my first post, are itching for a fight on both sides. You can not convince these people. However if you aren’t the change you want to see, there wont be a change. I hope I have made my stance clear here. I wont be making this statement again here.

It was me, and I don’t think I was hyperbolic. I said it has little purpose. Some, but little. Her ult is actually straight up underwhelming.

Recent balancing of Mercy was made with the perspective of people playing against her in mind. Pleas of Mercy community were mostly ignored, so they’re getting a tad desperate. To me, this is understandable, even if I don’t agree with everything they say and how they’re going about it. If you feel unheard, then you scream louder, this is natural. Other main communities act very similarly - the only difference is an amount of Mercy mains compared to any other character.

Truth be told, I think this will continue until the issue is somehow resolved.


And this is all the response to your thread


OP just give up. They’ll never stop.
They’ll always keep doing Youtube videos and threads in the delusion anybody actually cares anymore about what they have to say. Their threads rely on “fun” and “devs are dumb”. Fun is indeed a good point, but isn’t just a 1 hero-related fun, it involves all the other heroes on the game. But no, saying that makes us haters and they can’t realize they’re the selfish ones here.

We’re happy with current Mercy state. We’re happy with the fact she don’t outshines other supports.

Yesterday I’ve been talking with a group of friends that moved already to other games, and we decided to play for a few hours. And Mercy subject was the main reason almost everybody left the game.

There’s a hundred thousand problems in this game to be fixed, but all this community is arguing is that Mercy isn’t fun and that Mercy needs to be fixed. Other problems won’t exist. Developers are getting far and far from us due to s* like this, and still, they keep saying “but if Scatter Arrow took 2 years to be fixed, we’ll continue”. Well… Continue. People are leaving the forums because 7 in 10 threads, are from your main community, related to Mercy. There’s no space for other discussions or arguments.

This game is dying, and it’s their own fan base that’s killing it.
Keep spamming Mercy threads, treating other users poorly and in a year, you’ll get Mercy fixed, but there’s nobody left except Mercy mains to play this game. But hey. At least Mercy is … Uh? Fun?

This is ridiculous.
PS - Don’t worry. Anybody who doesn’t say that Mercy is bad on that certain YouTube channel, gets muted. Join the club. It’s their own perfect world bubble.

Just “fix” Mercy. This will never stop. Just move on to other game since they’ll never stop. There’s no more space to progression on our favorite video-game. It’s all about Mercy and always will be.


I am not a member of any community. I am an individual with my own mind and ideas. I am not a member of a cult, or a club. We don’t have meetings. We don’t have a god. I don’t worship youtubers. I just see a flaw in the design of the hero I like to play and I want it fixed.

End. Of.


Opinion matters only when it’s constructive that’s all i wanted to say.

There is and i gave an example of it. Without actual experience you have only subjective opinion based on your impression without knowing how much it takes to achieve something using that hero. There’s only difference in ability complexity that defines how far you can assume hero’s potential, difficulty and current state balance-wise that includes many other factors and comes only after experiencing it.

You can’t drive a car only because you were passenger many times and your opinion based on your observation without actual practice. Still you have an opinion that it’s not so hard because you saw how somebody did this and that car wasn’t that bad as people may say.

You don’t need to be a driver of a car to know when someone is a bad driver or the car itself needs repair work though.

If I nearly got hit by a reckless driver but never touched a car does that make my opinion invalid or an outside opinion? No it does not.

If vehicle is leaking oil all over road I do not need to be the owner of said vehicle to know something is wrong.

The same is applied to any hero in this game. I do not need to have played a hero for some arbitrary amount of time to know how that hero effects my game. I don’t need to be a GM level mercy main to know when something does not work.

Which is ironic considering that if I voice an opinion about Mercy and it is in agreement with Mercy mains I do not get any “You only have X hours! You should not be able to give feedback!”. I only get it if they are in vehement disagreement with me. Which is gate keeping at its core.

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Seeing a bad driver or leaking oil is view from the outside i.e. your impression/opinion. Some obvious for both side and some not.

If car keeps moving that doesn’t mean there’s everything alright inside it though it looks alright for everyone around and only driver knows/feels how bad it actually is or how afwul is steering so you need to adapt to drive it straight somehow i.e. this is driver’s impression/opinion.

So while both statements is true you can only point out obvious facts that can be seen by both sides but you can’t tell there’s something wrong that isn’t obvious before you experience it yourself by driving that car or looking under the hood.

Then why is it that when I have 31 hours on Mercy (more then enough to form a valid opinion about how she feels) I am still being Gatekeeped when I disagree with Mercy mains?

Why is it that since her hours do not exceed that of other hero’s I play my opinion is gate kept? Why is that I feel that unless she is my number one played hero (would not matter if I had 200+ hours on her) I have no say on her current state. Why is it that when I AGREE with Mercy mains this same concept does not apply?

That is why gatekeeping is bad and creates a terrible atmosphere for discussion.

Most people in this game actually have a decent number of hours on Mercy without being a mercy main themselves. Which in of itself makes your point incorrect.

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I don’t know? I was talking about constructive/non-constructive opinions with Virticon so i don’t blame those who have more or less hours at Mercy and think she’s fine for them. If you expressed a constructive opinion and was attacked for that with non-constructive toxicity then shame on them.

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That is essentially what Virticon is addressing as well. The fact that many (not all as that would be generalizing) mains tend to do this. They tend to try to invalidate opinion.

Frankly, I don’t care if you 0 hours or 1000 hours on a particular hero. Your opinion should not be dismissed out of hand based on it.


Not really. I just have more realism than idealism. People have been strung along for too long, now they’re frustrated and both sides are getting short of patience. That’s just how it is. Really the only solution is for Blizzard to resolve the source of frustration (that is; Mercy’s less-than-desirable state) but if you were really looking for a way to reduce toxicity from a group of very frustrated, mistreated people, then empathy and positive leadership, or even a well-placed image of cute puppies, would certainly go a lot further than a sanctimonious lecture.

Mercy will be undoubtedly be delayed by any number of things, of which my hostility is the least likely factor. If anything, one can hope that Blizzard will expedite their usual geologically-scaled work schedule for the sake of ending the bickering.

Just like they rush to help Reaper, Bastion, Soldier, Roadhog, Symmetra…?
I was never holding out for a fantasy to begin with, so I won’t be disappointed.

I weaponize my outrage against the devs, who destroyed the thing I loved most about this game. Everyone else is quite safe–from my outrage, at least.

Ah yes. Just like Reaper, Bastion, Soldier, Roadhog, Symmetra…

Honestly, all I’m saying here is that if you really wanted to help the Mercy community or improve toxicity in the community as a whole, then making yet another post where you self-righteously scold one group of jerks with a bunch of criticisms they’ve heard a thousand times before whilst simultaneously giving every other jerk a free pass is probably not the most effective way to go about it.

Just join the Baguetti Spaghetti Movement and re-enact scenes from Forrest Gump in heated threads. Sure it doesn’t help much but at least it doesn’t add fuel to the fire.


you’re treating her like Voldemort,dont be ridiculous and just call her by her name.

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With regards to the constant spamming of threads, may I remind you that there are a bunch of HUGE mega threads detailing problems and possible solutions for Mercy’s failed rework (some dating back over a year now). There hasn’t been any offical resonse or feedback from blizzard so what else is the community meant to do? Just sit by and allow it to be shelved and forgotten like the bastion thread.

And was the forum not filled with spam complaining about mass res? Well now there is a new problem, she doesn’t perform at all, even in ranks where she is meant to. If you don’t like a thread, don’t read it. The mercy community didn’t ask for this rework, the community did ( she was f tier before this broken rework) at least she could heal.

Perhaps if you played her for a month solo on your main account with your sr on the line you may just come away with a different opinion of whether she is fun and viable.


-Using weak arguments usually claiming that Mercy is not “fun” or “impactful”.

arguments that talk about fun are not weak.

Mass res was changed because “it was not fun to play against”
not because it was op.

Sombra her hack was changed because players said it was not fun.

Vitriolic responses to those who disagree with the state of Mercy.

It is not just mercy players just look at the forum and you will see it.

-Frequent attacks against developers and Jeff, usually in accusations of neglect.*
They are ignoring people saying they want mercy reverted and say that the changes were a succes.

Constant topics spamming the general thread about how mercy is being ignored.*@

Maby because it is true?

if you keep crying about something you will get what you want.
I think you already know some examples.

Attempting to be a gatekeeper of who and who can not criticize Mercy by claiming they do not have the appropriate amount of hours on Mercy to have an opinion. I have seen more often than not, if you don’t have most of your hours on Mercy, you will be disregarded.*

I have seen people claiming mercy is fun to play while they have under an hour playtime with her.
I have yet to see people say you have to main her before you can talk about her but having some hours on a hero you are going to talk about is inportant of course.

There are just alot more mercy players then other characters even when she was a trollpick with 1.0 she was the most played hero.
So of course it won’t be hard to find more people acting stupid to other people.


why is “not fun and impactful to play” not considered as valid arguments or as you said weak arguments? mercy’s kit and ult was changed because it was not “not fun” and “very frustating” to play against. that’s a double standard


they said unfun as well but they said her normal healing/boosting is unfun and now valk is just that. rez was the only fun thing people could agree on. Im fine with changing how she heals or does stuff to make her fun i just want some other heroes to get some love first to keep it on a rotation. I’m sure theyre working a bit on designing a new mercy or changes but thats not the main focus esports seems to be.
i havent seen many shut down a reply solely bc of unfun tho.

i used ana before all her buffs even when mercy was OP after the rework so i can get your frustration but every hero cant be worked on at once so you’ll need to wait like how other mains have. blizz isnt ignoring you they can easily see the feedback. just bc you dont get a reply doesnt mean theres no one looking at it

For gatekeeping topic, here’s my answer:

I hate being killed by doomfist by rocket punch. Or uppercut. Or seismic slam.

But I don’t go around claiming doomfist is unbalanced and OP because I don’t have enough hours on him. Because I don’t know his mechanics. Because I don’t know how hard it needs to master him. I don’t know about him.

But some people just go around claiming mass rez is OP. Current mercy is balanced. But they rarely played her. How did they claim they knew about her? Because she’s easy to play? Because mass rez makes their amazing kills moot?

This is where the hours come to play. When you didn’t play a character much and you feel that you already know about that character to say that he/she is OP/balanced and dismiss other people threads with “she is fine, she doesn’t need change” it surely will trigger someone. It just kinda shows that you don’t care about that character state because you don’t play them much.

Well maybe i’m just salty. I AM salty.

But i’m not talking about you OP. You seem objective enough to not to do this kind of thing. I really hope so.