The mccree buff is a joke xd?

What a team balance!!!

Plz now bufff storm arrow again!!


Please. Don’t give them more bad ideas.


I figure it’s a precursor to his flashbang rework

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Nah. They just have some Kids as team balance xd

It’s also being overblown on here methinks….how impactful are they really?

Like I’m no mccree fanboy but I like the ult change….the roll change is meh….sounds super situational

I suspect as he is finally not meta they are throwing him the minor QoL buffs they have been saving for awhile.

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The point is that he didnt need a buff lol


That’s like 99% of all of OW’s buffs since launch….we do this every patch

the roll change gives him even more flanking routes and shortcuts
the ult buff lets him take out any squishy even faster than he already did


This just seems like a way to offset Flashbang CC by diverting power into other tools.

I’d much rather like to know what flashbang will work for OW2 if CC is off the table instead. Like, will it become another Ashe coachgun effect or dynamite where it does decent instead?

Then where are the nerf compensations? Xd


no nerfs, be glad they didn’t give him back his old fire rate, reload speed, roll distance and another 25hp (yet):joy:
someone from the balance team really loves mccree

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If flash bang was being nerfed I would think the changes are fine, but he’s getting straight buffs on a hero who is not doing bad by any means.

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Unless the rework is that now it stuns him instead of the enemy, there’s no way to justify an ult that can kill your entire team in half a second.

Even’s nuke, literal NUKE, has a wind up animation and visual clues to let you avoid it, and takes - what, almost 3 seconds? to explode, if not more.

This is HALF A SECOND and you are dead.

McCree’s in my games are already sneaking into the back and wiping 4 players with high noon right now, that happened in my game just today - it’s absurd.

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What a bs excuse. We have yet to seen any flashbang cc reduction and thats our excuse? Cree players now spamming this one? Do u all have some secret discord u prepare ones in advance?