The majority doesn't like 222

And other comps as well - the ‘disrupt’ type 3dps dives:

I for one thought 3dps comps were going to be the most interesting era of Overwatch League.


I didn’t know you were the community manager with access to stats and polls and data

Tank main here I hate rolelock, Used to love the aspect that it was a heroshooter where you could swap roles and make up the craziest comps 3bastions 2 torbs and a mercy they did away with that understandably. But role lock is kinda overkill.


Well if you want to get into technicalities, and system theory and what-not, the whole 3 separate degrees of freedom thing, has strictly do with having 3 separate ranks, and not locked 2-2-2. We could theoretically have locked 2-2-2 without separate ranks. In such a scenario, we wouldn’t have your 3 degrees of freedom for disruption.

Taking the issue of just the 3 ranks in isolation, I can also submit that having just 1 rank brings with it its own issue. I’ve already pointed it out before, and it’s things like a diamond tank main who is filling as support, where their skill level on that role is equivalent to gold.

Do you have a separate argument strictly against locked 2-2-2? I realize I’ve argued in favor for both of these things, but they are still nontheless two separate things. 2-2-2 may indeed have its cons. But I don’t see how any of its cons outweighs things like 3+ DPS instalock.

That was some terribly awful maths. Just read through the thread to find out why.

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Ok it was made mainly for OWL but is still - karma.

As long as there is insufficiency on those - no.
Also you don’t see games being ruined by 5 tanks or 5 supports.

But the feedback not only on the forums have been overwhelming positive.

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If they don’t want to learn a new role, what exactly is wrong with that? Are they obligated to play other roles just because it’s a tEaM bAsEd gEiM? Well, they have learned how to play DPS the best way and they’re helping support/tank mains to win matches.

That’s the most funny logic I’ve ever seen. If Blizzard will install bitcoin miner on my computer in the next patch and for each DPS game I’d need to farm 1 bitcoin for Blizzard, that would still be my fault or what? If you like to tolerate when you’re being thrown to the side I can only wish you luck in your life. I’m not going to tolerate such queue times, that’re only present in huge MMOs or dead old games. When I press QP I want to get my match during first 30 seconds of waiting time, like it was before.

Ok. I don’t need to play my best role. But what if I want to? Did I owe you a game as support?

But you don’t have to play certain game modes all the time! It really affects me, when I don’t see you in RP custom games, I’m being really upset about this!

Well, look at you! I’m sorry, master! I’m still sure you’re not playing with controller on PC, but whatever
Let’s rephrase this then. You’re selfish for playing OW on PC and console, because mobile phone gamers, PS 2 gamers, ‘any old console here’ can’t play Overwatch on their favorite platform. You’re soo selfish! Have some pity for them and don’t play OW.

But guess what? I don’t give a little damn about competitive game mode. I’m fine with RQ in comp, because it doesn’t affect me, unlike QP.

Good, let them wait. Or let them get better at healing and tanking, I’m not fussy about what they do, so long as they don’t have the gaul/audacity to call tanks/healers selfish,lol, “HOW DARE YOU TRY TO HEAL ME THROUGH MY BAD DPS, you’re so selfish! HOW DARE YOU TRY TO SHIELD ME AGAINST THE ENEMY TEAM, stop being so selfish!!!” i mean, honestly.

Karma for what exactly?

For destroying matches for other in the past 3 years with bad team comps.

Yeah, you’re too far gone. You actually believe this crap to the point where I don’t know if I should feel sad or actually sorry for you.


I hope you won’t write any laws in your life :
“You did what you wanted and that was allowed, but people didn’t like it : now it’s ok for you to suffer”.



The majority AND a large number of content creators and pros really like 222, not sure where you’re getting your numbers from - just because people are in a queue doesn’t mean they dont like 222.

I’m flex and i love 222.

Tell me how exactly is 5 dps is OK. Especially QP was a pure joke with 4 snipers.

No one destroyed any of my matches during my 150 hours. That’s weird! Maybe we’re playing different game?

Weird flex, but ok.

Because it’s blown WAY out of proportion. Y’all act like every single game you ever had had five DPS when that is not the case.

222 was not implemented solely because of 3+ DPS comps

Why is this strawman in every single thread. You do understand very few things are as simple as pointing to 1 variable?

In QP pretty much is and in comp they were common enough to make me say that 222 can’t come fast enough. I literally had to stop playing because of garbage comps.