The majority doesn't like 222

The “majority” is the vocal minority on the forums. People enjoy 2-2-2 but people aren’t going to make a topic about why they love the change and those who do are met with the “Well I don’t like it so it’s bad” responses.


dont you “right” me, that has actually happened to me once. We had 3 supports, 2 tanks, and i was solo dps. now granted this was back when i was still relatively new, but having to go against a whole team by being the only primary damage dealer was not fun, seriously. it was on numbani, we held on defense for a while but then we got rolled afterwards. a support did eventually swap to dps but they were, as everyone else will say, trash.

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Seeing the hate tanks give to dps in my games I can agree with your last sentence.
On the other hand 4 support was maybe a meme but definitely not a strat that happened more than once a month.
The biggest problem back then was when the same team had 4 mercy mains, now that happened quite often.
Also, 1 support is not viable because she will die to flankers in no time. Well, maybe Moira can solo heal and Mercy could enable a dps heavy team if the dps were actually decent but a Moira could nullify her easily. And then all you have is 5 players spamming “I need healing” and “trash mercy wtf gg”.

So yeah, no selfishness there. I also think queue times should be addressed, maybe with 2-3-2 or actually rebalancing the whole game from scratch so tanks wouldn’t be shield bots and supports wouldn’t be heal bots.

And I won a game once by myself as Mercy because my whole team left and we danced with the enemy team and they decided to let me solo win.


That doesn’t mean Mercy can 1v6.

3+ dps and no healer or a Zen/dps Moira only was not “once”.


Who are you to decide that? The whiny people are always the loudest.

I love RQ because we actually get a balanced team now.


You could start by admitting that its actually about 70% or so that do.

I love it when ONE PERSON makes a post declaring the “majority” doesn’t approve of something, as if they know and have seen that the entirety of the MILLIONS of people who play this game have all been to this specific forum at one point and made a post about how they don’t agree with something.

Youre “Majority” is just the collective negativism projected by a small number of people who enjoy posting on these forums.


I’ve seen WAY more pro-222 than anti-222 tbh. The forums is just a small group of people.


So all the tanks and supports, plus about half the DPS, is a minority?


i mean, yeah. one example is all you specified

I should have phrased it “how often did it happen” but you absolutely get my point, just splitting hairs here.

But fine I’ll bite, 2-2-2 was implemented because of selfish support mains who wanted barriers not to get oneshot and a second healer to be able to survive flanks.

I apologize in the name of support mains for this selfish act.


Better yet, it happened because whenever matchmaker dumped more than 3 mains of any one role into one team, results invariably sucked. Doesn’t really matter if it’s DPS instalock or Mercy main if both can’t tank for ****.


How about by not opening with a silent majority logical fallacy?


I disagree. I’ve played more DPS in RQ than I ever had in all seasons before. I am perfectly okay waiting 10 minutes to play DPS if it means I get to actually play DPS when I want to.


the majority u mean only dps player?

this was not my point at all, idk why you thought you had to bite the nonexistent bullet.
my point was that it’s just stupid to only call people who play dps selfish while the same people throwing that around are also people who only play support or tank. its hypocritical.
sure supports and tank mains didn’t cause 2-2-2, and to be fair, neither did dps oversaturation. people talking about having 5 dps in their games is honestly something that happened once in a blue moon. What caused this is that people wanted more “balanced” games and/or just didn’t want to solo. this goes for everyone. again, solo dps feels worse than solo tank or solo healing because literally everyone leaves the killing to you and only you. and naturally, the proposed solution would be to have 2 of all the 3 roles there are in one game. Is it the best solution? maybe, maybe not, depending on who you ask. Is it manageable and something that can be built upon? sure.


I gave 4000+ competitive wins to the Overwatch ladder and community in good faith and in the spirit of competition. I stood by as countless players learned the ropes on their trash dps picks.

3000 of those were on support, flex/fill, or very supportive dps/utility hybrid picks.

Is it selfish of me to finally be the one to ‘learn’ a bad asche or miss everything as widowmaker or play an awful genji that does nothing but feed?

I paid my dues and earned my keep. The selfish argument needs to end. Don’t tell war veterans they’re selfish if they ask for a little more respect from the hipsters.

So what is almost definitely the vocal minority you are now considering the “majority,” hrm? Interesting pretzel work you’ve done here. Lots of salt. And plenty of cheese too. Gross. I don’t like this snack, NEXT. :pretzel::cheese:


Where are these random numbers coming from?

Citation needed.


Not looking the queue times does not mean not liking 222, not even that one prefers three old system.

Fix your conclusion capability!