The mains that you don’t get along with?

To be honest, I’m a flex player between DPS and Support - I’ve tried to get myself in tank more lately but it’s often hard without a friend there.

But I mostly seem to headbutt with other support mains - whether in game or on the forums. Currently, I’ve been up in arms for with Ana mains because some of them have been utterly victimising Ana - before that it was Lucio mains. Lol

What mains do y’all not get along with?


As an avid flexer, I do not get along with mains.


That’s fair enough, I guess

One-tricks of any kind because their arrogance matters more than switching.


Well, I’ve ended up a DPS main since everything else is miserable in Overwatch, but I’m Flex in pretty much every other game and used to be here.

So, I pretty much end up a mix end my feelings toward every side? All role mains tend to have both reasonable and unreasonable opinions, it’s natural to end up with some bias if you heavily prefer one particular role.

I must admit though, while it certainly ain’t all or even most of them, that certain type of stereotypical gamer scum do tend to be pure DPS mains. Also, I feel like nearly every Tank main (besides hamster one-tricks) I’ve met ends up being hyper toxic, but well, I kinda can’t blame them.

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I think my most disliked mains are Genji, Widowmaker, Reinhardt, and Mercy mains.

Genji and Widowmaker mains seem to absolutely HATE the very concept of teamwork and also seem to regard all other heroes as being skill-less, which is particularly ironic for Genji (a medium difficulty hero at best). They are also incredibly resistant to switching off when they suck or fail.

Reinhardt and Mercy mains anger me because they usually have no regard for the value or worth of other heroes in their role and often genuinely believe their hero should be vastly superior to any of them.


i dont get along with main support players (at least in ranked and on forums), hitscan players, and symm mains. the only one that i understand is hitscan since i think every hitscan hero but soldier and mccree are cringe.


On the forums it’s the rest of the support hivemind and the Dva history revisionists.

In game, idk, the closest thing I can think of are the subset of Mercy mains that love sighing loudly in voice chat.



Even other Ashe mains because they’re convinced they need 15 shots.

Brig mains. i’ve never met a Brig main that was pleasant to play with or against.

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Ashe and Pharah mains who expect hard pocketing :pensive:


Haven’t met one Genji main who wasn’t entitled.


I usually don’t get a long with Sym One-Tricks and Lucio One-Tricks. Oh my gawd, are they irritating.

Im mostly dpsing rn bc, the tanks i liked started to crumble down, and I gotta tell you, I absolutely hate other dps mains. Like that.

Lucio, specially the “Reddit” ones.

When I play tank Lucio is absolutely awful at healing tanks, if he even healing at all, aka Reddit Lucio flanking @ enemy spawn.

When i play support, I must play Moira/ana to try to keep my team alive, as our glorious Reddit Lucio is one again FLANKING AT ENEMY SPAWN AND DYING WITHOUT GETTING A SINGLE ENVIRONMENTAL KILL!

Ok, that’s enough salt for the day.


I dont think anyone gets along with Doomfist. Annoying hero, usually a toxic person playing him


Currently players who just try to take every single opportunity to point out how incredible bad their hero is - even tho she is not.

Yes, she needs a buff (make her more tanky, nothing else).
But other heros need it more and will probably never get something (Bastion, Symmetra) :upside_down_face:


Thank god I didn’t have to wait for 200 comments to see this one. God bless you and, curse one tricks :smiley:

people’s ego’s are so big they will never admit they’re the problem…
six stacking is the only way you can semi control at least a decent composition

I wouldn’t say that there’s a type of main I just generally don’t get along with but as a Mercy main myself I’ve talked to quite a few other Mercy mains and well, let’s put it like this, many of us Mercy mains, especially the more vocal ones tend to have some interesting opinions. And as a Mercy main I obviously also find the entitled dps mains that expect you to hard pocket them just bc of thier hero pick kinda annoying, but that’s again just a small minority among those mains so that doesn’t really count either, the prime example for this would ofc be Pharah mains, while most of them are pretty chill you do occasionally get the ones that just rage in team chat bc you left them for a few seconds to help your other support or something.