The mains that you don’t get along with?

McCree mains. They’re Dunning-Kruger manifest, and unpleasant with it.

Hmm i want to say genji mains, as there is a lot of skill elitist in that group, and they are not friendly with me usualy. But at the same time, one of my friends was genji main, and he is not like that at all.
So i say genji, but only some of them.

I’d say Torb mains, personally. Although that may be an outdated opinion, as my earlier days in comp were… influential.

True, there is something about the hero itself, his character or personality is of a bully. Every other hero has it’s charm, but no Doom-fist, he was made to be hated and whoever plays him is hated.

Tbh, out of all the players I have seen in my hours - you are most likely going to get t-bagged by a Doomfist lmaoo

I always laugh when it happens to my friend bc he used to main Doomfist so when he gets t-bagged, the match turns into Doomfist olympics of which one can be more toxic to eachother lmao :sob:

Moira mains. I despise them. They claim “Moira is underpowered! Moira takes skill! Moira doesn’t have a lockon! Moira needs buffs!” when Moira is in fact OVERPOWERED, and needs no more buffs. She needs nerfs, and we all know it.

I get along with every main, actually, I don’t stigmatize all of them. I get along with one-tricks because they know their heroes perfectly, I get along with DPS/Support/Tank/Flex mains because they all can be cool and etc. It depends on players behavior, not on their main. However, I dislike ranting players, their behavior is often annoying, they can make a good point, but rarely.

Moira mains on the forums

Hog & Ball mains in-game

Whoever decides they’re the self appointed team captain and proceeds to try to dictate every little aspect of the match.

No, you aren’t the captain and we don’t need to obey you.

It’s generally Ana/Rein/Zarya/Sigma players who have been like this the most in my matches.

Can I change my vote? Turns out Genji players are absolutely the most entitled jerks in the game.

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Then you’re conflating mains with one tricks. Pretty much everyone has a handful of heroes they play best with and play the most. You’re maining those heroes, whether you flex or not.

Genji mains = skill elitists and will never switch

I do not get along with Ball mains at all. I can run any shape or form of composition smoothly as I’m a flex player, but playing dive with a Ball is just something I find very hard to do unless that Ball is a god tier Ball player. I mostly play tanks and I will usually always instalock my tank after my tank buddy chooses their tank (unless it’s a map where I know a tank is so strong that I don’t want to play without it) and synergize with them quite well, but quite often I just stare at our Ball pick and can’t figure out any way to make it work against anything decent that the opponents might have

From supports anything works except Zen that just constantly dies or Ana/Bapo76 unless those 2 players are both really good support players. Like all it takes is a diamond Baptiste player and a diamond Ana player and it often turns out to be a really terrible combination that’s hard to play with even with enough healing because you lack so much other support utility

I hate soldier / mccree mains - they are just cringe

also lucio mains / one tricks who refuse to switch even though there is not enough healing for the main healer to keep up with

McCree mains, mostly because he’s cheap as hell in FFA.

Also Ana mains just because they’re super pretentious.

Hey I only flash & fan Reapers who ghost towards me, don’t do that. And Hogs (fan & roll & fan, flash to cancel the breather, finish off with headshot or two and tbag).

I’m a flex tank/flex support and I don’t get on with otps it people who only play 1 archetype of hero. “Oh I main widow but I can flex to hanzo and Ashe” yeah give me a break

Go for it, no rules in this thread :slight_smile: