"The Lucio emote is a one time paid DLC for the OWL, dont worry. They wont do it again."


You were saying? I’m 90% sure you’re going to have to pay for these skins.

I hope in all the high heavens this is not the case :cry:


It’s almost an insult how ugly they are. Poor guys who paid for them.


Leave then.

That’s what everyone says to players who don’t like the current state of the game. Let’s just ignore the core issue and remove the players who don’t enjoy it.

Serious note: It’s insane that Blizzard were to be so anti-consumer. If these are Access Pass only I’d be mad. (I mean… I have the All Access pass… but still)


Well I always got the graffiti skin for Tracer. So, I’m good lol.

Thing is, I enjoy the game. I love the game. The only reason I point this out is because I dont want this game to go down a dark road, but they’re doing shady business practices that are completely scummy, and you know it. Destiny 2 did this, and we all saw the backlash they’ve been getting.

Combine that with the fact the games balance updates have been slow since OWL came out, its all going to boil over and a large majority of Overwatch players will leave. The same thing happened with Destiny, and its going to happen with this game if it continues like this.


Again, I said it in another thread, these skins look like Lunar new year rejects.


Also, these skins are the Wonder Twins type quality.

They are not “ugly”. YOU just think that… doesn’t mean they are. :neutral_face: They were worked hard on… it’s an insult to call them “ugly”. :thinking:


They poured so much time and money into a thing that like 2 people watch


Same with me. I love this game so much, I love all the players, the toxic ones are hilarious and the sensitive ones crack me up. :joy:

But - I hate the direction the game is going. I just want to go back to the days of:

  • Ana
  • Lucio
  • Any tank
  • Any tank
  • Mccree
  • Any dps.

It was so much more fun… I loved Lucio 1.0… And 2.0 tbf.

1.0 felt great, it gave you lots of opportunities to be attacking and healing/speeding your team at the same time… pepehands ;c


Fixed it for you.


thx ily :slight_smile:

If its meant for the all-access OWL pass, then those skin prob be free for them.

So yes, it’ll be a one-time thing for the OWL pass holder.

Not to mention you’ll be getting two skins + multiple ones, as well that sweet lucio emote now. So its more worth it for the OWL pass.

And its still optional stuff, not core-gameplay. I’m not seeing the problem with it.


oh god is there a dva one

More than likely in the future, unfortunately

Then I will insult them. Over. and Over…and OVER…and OVER…


I doubt you’d like it if it were your work being called ugly.

:thinking: lol

Just do what I do.

Stop caring about cosmetics. Nobody cares what skin you use.



Blizzard is clearly playing to most of the fanbase with these two skins. That’s how many skins now? For Tracer and Genji I mean? :joy: Meanwhile, in other heroes news…

These are pretty unique skins. I’m guessing they will be separate from the owl pass because $$$$