"The Lucio emote is a one time paid DLC for the OWL, dont worry. They wont do it again."

I don’t hate the Tracer one. If you look hard you can see she has a lesbian lure like an angler fish on her head


alot of people have already left since the beginning.

roughly about 8-4 million people are left.

any more mess ups and the game is honestly on its way down the creek simply due to how people and society works. People will deem it unpopular and thus cause it to dwindle because less people will play it, thus it becomes less popular, people deem it less popular, and then they stop playing it.

its a very vicious cycle tbh but it will happen if blizzard mess up in terms of balancing again.

they’ve been slow in general tbh. But they did 100% slow down since the beginning.

Wow. Those are hideous.


they are allstars game themed skins. they are atlantic and pacific themed skins as in the ATLANTIC AND PACIFIC divisions of OWL. think they are cool? that’s fine. still directly tied to OWL.

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Honestly, I personally don’t mind paying for these separately. Blizz have dished out 2 years worth of free content for its community, that being something a lot of companies would not do. I would however prefer to buy the cosmetics separately instead of buying packs or bundles.

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Oh don’t worry the Lúcio emote was just a warm up. Those two skins are also. Expect animated sprays and stuff like that


It’s not like we haven’t payed already for playing the game or something.


this skins are not even OWL related… its pathetic how they wanna cash the playerbase…


I wouldn’t be making cosmetics if I couldn’t take criticism.


Nothing to see here just more fake news and speculation.

I hope to god I don’t have to pay for a Moira or Zarya skin that I really want when they could have just made them Summer Event Skins.


bruh i already addressed this.

just because you don’t know whats going on or what their theme is doesn’t mean they aren’t OWL related.

if profit did a dance and all of a suddent genji got an emote of that dance youd swear it has nothing to do with owl because you don’t understand it.

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I like parts of them, but not some parts. I won’t be paying for them though

two years of content that outright almost killed the game.

yeah, let them start pushing those cash grabs in hopes to gain all those skins possible. Its almost like the mercy cancer event was purely to scope out how much people were willing to buy a skin for 15 bucks.


ok i dont think theyve announced how to get them, but im thinking youll get them by watching the game like the sprays in the finals.

yes omg, if blizz wants to make dlc that doesnt effect game play i dont see an issue with it, if they sold buffs or aim bots, then thatd be a worry, but any cosmetics and things like that are completely up to blizz with how they distribute them.

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That’s how blizzard works though. I play hearthstone too and a little while ago they nerfed a card outright (I don’t care if people say “it’s ONLY BEHIND THE SCENEESsSS!!!” it changed the actual gameplay of the card.

And now they are nerfing cards and removing critical aspects of them like tribal interactions and saying “it’s not a nerf”.

Right, because removing a critical tribal interaction is somehow NOT a nerf.

You give them an inch, they will take a mile.


Tbqh I have no issue spending even $50 if the skin is nice enough.


As long as Blizz is exclusively “cash-grabbing,” as you guys say, with pure cosmetics, I have no issue with it. Money speaks louder than words, don’t buy it if you don’t agree with the practice. If enough people don’t, they will be forced to change. My guess is that the Lucio emote sold well despite the negative reception, so here they go again. They are a business afterall.

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