The logic of support sustain

As someone who has complained, then played support, support is so easy its crazy.

All I did was focus on keeping discord on Tank, and I shot up from platinum to gm.


Yes, Diamond and above is easy for support.

Who knew that a role based around team co-ord would do well in ranks where their is team co-ord.

You used an ability which is really strong where there is focus fire, and you found it strong when playing in ranks where there is focus fire.



Dude funny you mention this. I’ve found that my gamesense goes way further in higher ranks. Silver was much harder for me than masters.

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I LITERALLY has 2 accounts, one in diamond, and one in silver. I was playing Mercy in both, and I couldn’t get my silver Mercy up in ranks.

It was crazy. Silver was LEGIT harder than Diamond was. That is a problem.


I understand what you’re saying but it’s wrong. Support utility is designed to be easy mode.

They’re globally nerfing supports next patch.


No they won’t.

And for which supports they do, it won’t be big, and they will buff them again soon after (if not instantly on other parts of their kit). People will complain, but Blizzard will keep the queues relatively even.

In ranks where your team can follow up on it.

Take Mercy, if you damage boost someone and they are not landing their shots, is your utility getting value?

If you discord a target, and there is no focus fire? Is it getting value?

If your team doesn’t understand than an Ana nade means focusing down on those targets while they can’t be healed, is it nearly as strong?

Just because it is easy to apply, it doesn’t mean you will get any value from it.

If you can’t get your team to group up to speed boost in, is boost going to get the same value? no? and what happens if the game has to work in those ranks?

And Blizzard needs people to queue for ranks where they won’t, and won’t get anything like peeling or know where they should position, or anything.

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ya know…just when you all might have me coming over to your side on the #nerfsupport argument, i have a game where a hot shot genji or a pharamercy focuses the supports and makes their game horrible to reel me back over to the side of not nerfing supports.

just sayin…


Yes. The fact I was able to without really having to do much, or think much while still providing that much Utility and Damage is the problem.

I should be losing to the Master+ DPS who are actually able to aim, but because of the class I am playing, that overcomes their skill.

You are misinterpreting what he is saying. The support is only strong when the whole team is able to capitalize on their utility. Its a team diff. Supports arent generally winning 1v1’s against dps even in GM.

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if you think thats perfect im sorry your wrong nade your feet and shoot a body shot while genji has to do the hardest combo in the game thats not equal

okay lets see a clip of you landing 3 head shots with genji then.

I’m sorry you are a subpar genji. Must not feel very good. Happens to the best of us though. I’m a subpar tank player.

im masters 1 and hit my combos regularly as well im a support main. ana is the second easiest support in the game with the 3rd lowest skill floor

and love you have no argument so you just insult

Hidden profile has me dubious…

okay what ever you want to belive but insulting just shows your argument has no legs to stand on

ya but the meta is 2 tanks 3 support in op

:eye: :nose: :eye:
:love_you_gesture:[_ { :lips: }_] :love_you_gesture:
:leg: :leg:

agreed he shouldn’t but the same goes for ana she has to play no near as well to genji to win that duel

genji needs to play nearly perfectly while ana doesn’t thats the problem

That would fix a lot of characters that are currently struggling and would bring down hitscans a lot as well. You can nerf Widow but she will still be terrifying on sniper maps and trash at KOTH maps with short sightlines. You can buff flankers but it won’t make them good on maps with huge sightlines where enemies can see you coming from a mile away and poke you down.

Would be lovely to try some Overwatch maps where you can actually hide from hitscans sight. I think Flashpoint maps are much more interesting in terms of map geometry than a lot of the old maps. And I will always hate Dorado that is prime example of “sit on the highground and abuse long range hitscans”. Gibraltar is dive map with more room to walk around on non hitscan characters. Especially after rework. Sightlines can be pretty long but there are also a lot of ways to get on them with one use of Dash, Boosters, Leaps etc. Other maps should get pieces of cover and alternate routes to come out of the choke as well

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One of the many reasons why Kings Row is often regarded as the best map in the game. Almost all of it is well designed from a balance standpoint.

With a strong caveat that is 3rd point where it goes out of window and you have uncontestable Ashe on the top. Just a little stairs on that left flank and it would be infinitely better designed point where attackers can contest the top. You have no way of avoiding those two big high grounds, especially the one more in the back.

First two points however are great. Especially first one may be the best designed point in entirety of Overwatch.

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