The logic of support sustain

Goats was a thing even before ow2

And it wasnt a good thing loved by anybody.

Except in ow2 its even worse since supports are stronger than ever.

What game are you playing where lucio is broken?


You also see 1 Support, 4 dps. All supports. 3 dps, 1 tank, 1 support. All tanks. All dps. There’s a reason we don’t talk about OQ.

its not unfortunately, its just ow2 in 2023 with the abundance of broken supp abilities. this is how you must play.

Funny joke but kinda not relevant really. Nade has a pretty big splash so it’s not that hard to avoid deflect range. I cant really speak as a genji player in this interaction since I barely play him, I can only speak as the ana player. And as the ana player you barely have to fear genji at all even in a 1v1. Again, if the genji can even get that close to begin with otherwise he basically cant win that 1v1

Which is where you’re wrong. You dont see anyone complaining about Zens 1v1 ability because he’s mechanically difficult, has no get out of jail free cards and sacrifices healing as well as mobility for that power. His skill floor vs lots of comps is massive and that’s rewarded with high value.

The issues are supports who are equally threatening to duel as well as having mobility, self healing, tiny hitboxes, huge team healing and get out of jail free cards. It’s all way too much, too easy to get value and posts like this are exhausting to read since they come across as deliberately misrepresenting the problem.


I hear you and I understand you however there is a major flaw to this. The dps has to put themselves in a risky situation to get that 1v1 and many times over the other support or a dps are going to be within a few steps and always help them out. Add on that by the time the fight is over and they catch up to their team for the big fight their cd’s are already over so it’s not wasted. They just have way too much sustainability for a dps to get those picks especially if someone turns and helps them. Saying you got a cd out of it well Bap uses lamp to save himself. It’s a 14 second cd. He kills you within the next 7 seconds. Now there’s only 7 seconds left and by the time he gets to his team that’s another 3-7 seconds. That’s the whole cd for it so was it really baited out? No the answer is that while they have to be strategic about using it they can use it in 1v1’s with nearly no draw back. The dps player however will be out of position with no back up or help. He dies and it’s a gg fight. That’s the major problem. High sustain with relatively low to mid cd’s and mid power.

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Perhaps the issue is that you’re playing Junkrat? He’s not in a particularly strong state, but I don’t think that makes support to strong.

This is only true for a very small minority of heroes in Overwatch 2. The hit-scan crew plus Hanzo Can usually do massive amounts of damage from very, very far away. You aren’t ever gonna hear me say that this game doesn’t need more flank routes. I think that’s the biggest sin of the game right now actually is that there’s no way to close distances on far targets.

if you believe this, take up playing support. Seriously. It is just crazy seeing people complaining constantly, and then when it actually comes down to it, won’t play support.


This applies to almost every dps.

I did and climbed to near my dps peak with ease.


And? You stopped why? Because playing support isn’t all that much fun, and having to do so is a bit awful?

That you have a role which isn’t all that much fun, and people don’t queue it because it lacks the same enjoyment as DPS?

And you want to make it less fun?

How do you think that will work long term for the game?

How did it work out for Tanks in OW1? We LITERALLY had to drop a tank from the game because it straight up wasn’t as fun as DPS.

Where does your balancing choices put us if they were implemented?


Perhaps you just arent that good at dps? Believe it or not, tank was my lowest rank.

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That would make someone a Sad Tank Main.


You do see the obvious imbalance here right?
1 DPS scampered off into the enemy team, alone, unaided.
1 DPS stayed with their supports, as a team, that can get aid.

Which DPS do you think is playing smarter?


I still play support from time to time. I prefer playing dps as I’d rather worry about my own play instead of others.

What a silly comment.

Might I ask what rank you are because it only seems like it’s the high level players that have problems with support. That only seems to be the case because support’s utility is easier to act upon at higher ranks with coordination and precision.


I just straight up don’t think your ideas on balance are viable long term for the game.

What is you plan to deal with the above? Because if you actually want things to change, you NEED a plan for the above.


Gm. Bad at my role though :roll_eyes:

I’d probably find the role more enjoyable if there was less healing to do and less free value. Zen for example is great fun and is exactly how a lethal high damage support should be.

Well that’s my point. We oughtn’t punish a role because is exceeds with coordination… At the most coordinated levels of play.

We seem to forget that Gm’s and even masters, like myself, are statistical freaks of nature. The cream of the crop