The last good hero release was Ana

After today this even holds more than ever.

No, highground isnā€™t required for a map to be good for Widow. Low ground frequently offers a better view and better cover, meaning you are less likely to die even with the chance of being dived.

The new hero is a hamster.

The best hero added was Doomfist.

I always teabag and laugh every time I kill someone with his combo.I just imagine the face of my opponent tru the monitor staring how his/her character gets locked in mid air and then gets destroyed before landing the ground and before he/she can say anything Iā€™m already out.

Thatā€™s exactly why he needs a redesign.

Iā€™d say both Ana and Sombra were good hero releases. Unless Iā€™m forgetting something no other new hero has brought something truly new.


He is literally sitting with the same pick rate than Mei, you can find a DF player ( a good one no just a troll or someone who picks him for overtime) every 100 matches, he have been never meta not even one. When he gets the same pick rate than Mercy then I would agree with you, but now? nah.

I play DF on masters (public profile open) as my main character and I never see another Doomfist player and if see one they are just trash.

He doesnā€™t have a high pick rate, despite his ridiculously overloaded kit, because he controls so poorly.
If anything, thatā€™s another reason to redesign him.

And honestly? Doomfist is a hero who just sucks the fun out of the game. Iā€™m happy whenever he is not played.

Imo Ana and Lucio suck the fun out of the game

again I was comparing EQUAL VIEW on HG vs LG. HG would be better if EQUAL.

Even thatā€™s not true, itā€™s easier to aim horizontally than downwards.

OP just sounds like a DPS main with great aim, but poor positioning.

You sound like a support main with poor aim and poor positioning.

I can make random assumptions too, but itā€™s a rude thing to do, and doesnā€™t actually contribute to any discussion.

I like Ana and Orisa. Moira, Doomfist, sombra arenā€™t bad imo. I donā€™t know what I think of Brigetta since I havenā€™t experienced her much at all. Going to test Hammond in a few minutes.

no it is. if you have the same view but much less risk itā€™s better. MKB makes it easy to aim both vertically and horizontally.
clearly you need that less risk bc moria and brig kill you so easily. not their fault you make yourself an easy target AND fail to kill them as they approach

Itā€™s not my fault that they donā€™t have to aim.

it IS your fault if they get close. it IS your fault if you fail to position yourself right. it IS your fault when you donā€™t use your hook to get away from the ā€œno aimā€ stuff you keep saying. they have way less range than you. their aim is irrelevant.
by saying X isnā€™t my fault means youre only making excuses to improve and fail to make the improvements you need. clearly the hero isnā€™t the problem bc Iā€™m fine when fighting them as many heroes.

That really depends how you use her. Iā€™ve had a lot of success with her. Itā€™s just that she really needs her team with her and can manage flankers on her own.

Nope, itā€™s just how the maps were designed.

My positioning is fine.

You canā€™t hook away from Moira horizontally, and Brigitte can stun you out of it.

Irrelevant, when the maps are so small.

Yes, because they donā€™t have to aim.

So Iā€™m expected to perpetually improve, to counter people who decided to play easier heroes instead of improving. Fair.
And I actually canā€™t position safer without voluntarily throwing. The maps donā€™t allow me to.

lol no. if theyre coming towards you MOVE. blaming the map another poor excuse

um you know the hook works VERTICALLY right???
also hook BEFORE she gets close.

lol clearly not bc youre too close to hook away and didnā€™t try to move when theyā€™re getting close instead waiting for them to completely next to you

ppl move when they shoot and get shot at. so if a CLOSE RANGE her is trying to get into THEIR best position possible and YOU fail to move you knowingly allowed them to gain an advantage. how would you fight a sniper with just a hammer or flail? stand still and wait to be killed? itā€™s 100% fair if you fail to counter the enemy when theyre trying to gain an advantage. do you aim as widow by following the enemy in your cross hair or as soon as they move do you just give up?

yes they do. every map has highground first point temple has HG for both attack and defense.
also see above so you can learn that moving helps you not die. try it sometime. either go HG or voluntarily suicide bc its ā€œtoo hardā€ and ā€œunfairā€ to move

every single point you made is an excuse. proof you DONā€™T want to improve and just want to be handed wins.

widow can HS at 2.5x compared to the
standard 2x that every one else has. so no more that if you want ā€œfairā€ widow also has a scope most other heroes donā€™t so thats gone bc itā€™s ā€œunfairā€ to have a different kit and different ranges and different health. so now every hero only has a pistol with one bullet with no abilities and 1 health. there now the game is fair have fun with it