The Last Call - An old way to pass the time, in this new age

Yes. Whatever happened, I’m sorry it did. You deserve better. Hope you feel better soon

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I don’t know why, but recently randomly i start to feel dread and try to divert my attention from it. I don’t know whats happening to me…

On a more positive not i will may have a temporary job soon. Well if they bother calling me the next week.

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Dread and despair for me :cold_sweat:

Also congrats :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

By the way does anyone remember Silenthill? :thinking:

Always remember positivity is :key:
:ribbon: :reminder_ribbon: :ribbon:

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I remember a little. He disappeared a long time ago.

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Says there last post was September 9th. I’m guessing this year as well. Spooky :ghost:

Last time I talked to them they helped raise the banner of Everlasting Hope :evergreen_tree:

Always remember positivity is :key:
:ribbon: :reminder_ribbon: :ribbon:

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Vanished and forgotten
The bard’s faith is rotten
Despair followed him
As he seeked for a grim light
What light?
Shall you ask


I present to all of you, fellow forum users, my biggest post yet, the


A very complete post including a lot of your ideas, organized in the most clean way I could think of, including screenshots, links and video footage, all of the community feedback and the FAITH that someday the devs will read it to build a better future!

Come join us! Leave your own ideas and help us create A BRIGHTER FUTURE!

Beware! Be sure to leave a like on this post. As the light is vanishing, and it needs to stay alive to someday reach the dev’s world. Help us in this journey! For a better quality of life!

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Aaaah, it just became worse today

do you live by yourself and are still cooped up in your house?
if the above is true (or mostly true anyway) then your having some sort of social depression (humans are very social animals, one study found that you live less long if you live alone)

or your just really board.

On the contrary. I live with my grandparents, a foster father (i don’t know if its the right translation) and three pets.

really board.

what kinds?

Two cats and one dog

maybe you could spend the day trying to teach your dog tricks?

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Maybe. We’ve adopted her days ago. But what i’ve said before about who i live albeit me being this way must have to do with me being an introvert and socially awkward. So many bad things happened to me socially in my childhood that i just can’t stand anyone new around me.

i dont know how to respond to this
but why are you on the forums if thats the case?

Theres no place where i can go besides gaming and media. One thing that keeps me happy is if i can make others happy even if its virtually only. And im glad that im half-successful in it here

your a little more successful then that

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Thank you for the kind words :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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We love you Starlord, you’re great :slight_smile: you always have a place here never forget that


Life is in no way fair or even fun at times but that’s just it we have to pick ourselves up and keep going no matter what the personal cost. If we give up we fall behind and before we know it everyone else is so far gone that we can’t be saved in the end. I’m dealing with a lot of stuff myself but I don’t give up!. I gave up in my high school years and that was not good. I have a difficult time trying to find and do things that won’t trigger painful memories but even when I’m reminded of those painful memories I keep going. I know you can too… Hugs :hugs:

There is always hope :innocent:

Always remember positivity is :key: