The Karen posts about Widow

this is silly.
Comp forum is just full of
“look at my losing streak”
“matchmaker rigged”

I will rez you as many times, as it takes for you to finally do things. That’s my approach to “combat medicine” - since I don’t have better teammates, you will be resurrected, until you make it.

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Match maker is really too lax in QP cause you can never win more than 3 or 4 games cause you always get matched with someone whos either better than you or the other team has 4+ partied up players together and they coordinate.

In what world is being perched on a far-away ledge a risky playstyle??

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Have you ever been parched before. And the most available water source is always on low ground. You’d be surprised how parched widows get. Oh and the arid climate of high ground is just insufferable.

She is too easy, they need to add a gun sway to her when scoped in, other games do it which makes it more challenging and rewarding for one-hit kills.

I think your miss-understanding what a match maker does.

Because it’s supposed to put you in scenarios where you roughly have 50/50 to win or lose.

Ya it’s hard to maintain a long winstreak because the enemy team also has a near equal chance to win said game.

It’s not designed to make you win all the time.


You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

Trash system though, it probably only works maybe 25% of the time and that would be in non casual modes.

People just expect too much form the matchmaker imo.
It really just says “hey these peoples MMRs are similar, match em up”.

It doesnt take into consideration the amount of hours someone has played or if they are smurfing or not.

oh it works fine, just isn’t made to set you up for constent wins.

And at the same time people blame gameplay aspects like bad/good hero matchups. And or team / player synergy.

on the match maker, when it has no real control in how those players will play or pick.

so you know you walking into three counters, and having a completely different plays style then the rest of your team. Is not the MM fault why that match went baddly.

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Yes and no.
Thats where confidence level in MMR comes in.
If someone is new or has not played in a while, the confidence level is smaller. (so the +/- window around the MMR is larger)

This is why newer/returning players see large swings in their SR when they start playing comp.
(It happens in QP too, but comp gives you a visual)