The "it's just QP" trolls

We need to start cracking down on people who have the nerve to say anything that involves “it’s just QP”, in any sort of fashion. They try to use that as if it’s an excuse to troll or throw games and do whatever they want. Because i’m not playing serious games I can do whatever I want and troll my own team etc. etc. Why should it be any different from competitive. It’s the most frustrating excuse for being bad and acting a fool in-game. It’s a plague that needs to be removed from Overwatch.


QP is meant to not be taken seriously and play new and different characters that you wouldn’t play in comp because you’re not great at them. Some people abuse it but if comp and quick play were the same or similar what’s the point of either? Instead of complaining you might aswell play some comp where most people care.


If I want to practice Widowmaker. I’m going to go practice in Quick Play.

If someone asks me to switch, I won’t be able to practice. If they get upset, I’ll tell them to relax, it’s just quick play.

I’m not trolling, I’m just practicing.

If you want a more serious game, play competitive. I don’t use heroes that I’m inexperienced at in competitive, nor would I practice a hero I’ve never played there.


I hate those kinds of people too, I usually see better players in arcade than quickplay. I don’t think people should be going around banning people for playing a game they own the way they want. I think they should just bring back the avoid player option.


Well there is a distinction between trolling and trying something out. When I say “it’s just qp” it’s in reference to that I am not so good with that hero or I don’t get worked up when someone isn’t playing well. Now when someone is trolling, I report that regardless if they are carrying while doing it.


I’ve been playing quickplay for a while now. So it’s the only source of report that comes from my account. Judging by the number of notifications from blizzard, telling me that the person you reported has been banned, I know for a fact, that throwing in quickplay is a bannable offense. So just report them. They’ll be banned if they’re throwing.


I’ll kindly refer you to this Overwatch post.


Take a break, dude, lol.


That’s understandable to a degree, but if you’re like the widow in one of my prior games with a map disadvantage such as Lijiang Tower Control Center and playing vs 2 shields tanks… I would then consider you trolling and throwing regardless if you consider yourself “practicing”.


As others have said, if you are trying to win and someone is trying to force you to change characters “it’s just QP” is a legit thing to say

If they are trolling or actively throwing (this does NOT include practising a character you don’t want them to) then you should report them as that is what the reporting system is for and get on with your life


There’s a difference between not taking it seriously, and not playing the game. There’s nothing wrong with playing any hero poorly. However, there are basic rules and methods that apply across all heroes, like grouping as a team, pushing, contesting the objective, and focusing targets. Just because you are not experienced on the specific hero you’re playing doesn’t mean those basics go out the window.

Quick Play is not an excuse to ignore your team or the objective. You’re still expected to try.


because qp is practice while arcade is for actually playing

I’m fine, thanks! :slight_smile:

There is a pretty vast expanse between actually throwing or trolling a team, and just not taking a game seriously or playing heroes someone isn’t good at.
According to you, OP, anyone who is in between the two doesn’t belong in quickplay?
Also, if the matches mean so much to you, why aren’t you in ranked instead of qp?


Where exactly have you read this? Curious?

That kind of thing is fine. What is really annoying is the people who decide to make friends with the whole lobby and then get mad and hate message me for still playing the objective and trying to win the game.

Practice any hero all you want in QP, but none of this griefing/trolling/toxic behaviour like making friends with the enemy, placing teleporters the furthest possible spot from the objective, constantly purposefully getting killed or being afk while avoiding being kicked, as well as treating it too seriously to the point that you’re reporting your team for poor teamwork because they want to improve on a non-meta hero.

i didnt read it, i see that in the game. tell me where else you should practice?? and if you say bots imma laugh my heart out. arcade i dont want to hurt others chances to win loot boxes, qp there is litterally nothing gained or lost besides ego and expirence (practice).

They should really make the offseason competitive mode a permanent feature even during the season so people have a mode that is more serious than QP but not as serious as regular competitive.

You have too big of a divide of people that want to play QP like a normal match of Overwatch without the hassle or time investment of comp and the other group that just want to practice and play what they want regardless of the game situation.

And neither side of that divide is really wrong so it would be nice to have another game mode to make both sides happy.


I’m guessing at some point in the game, they will release something that regulates the picks of the team, so you don’t have Hanzo+Genji+McCree+Sombra on the same team. But if you want a more serious experience, then go Competitive, it’s just a rank based match, that’s all, not like losing there is gonna do anything, at least not for the average player.


There really isn’t. Because what you just described as not taking a game seriously is considered throwing. Because that statement alone boils down to it’s not comp so I don’t care to play legitimately. You unfortunately misread the purpose of this post but that’s OK. I play both, why should it matter which I play for people to play to win. I can’t say I’ve actually played something to try and lose.