The "it's just QP" trolls

hey man its okay to lose games. your literally lose nothing when you lose. except your mind apparently


Lots of games in comp, especially in solo queue, involve weird comps. Most people don’t group either. It’s something that happens everywhere. Some people just don’t care about theory. It’s not worth getting worked up about, imo

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^^^^^^^^^^^^^^woke AF

So it’s throwing/trolling if you don’t play optimal heroes on every map and point? I get that situation you painted is not a good one, I would def ask the widow to change but it’s not to say they won’t be able to be effective. If the team knocks out the barriers, widow could have a field day from up top or out on the ledge by the health pack.

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Nowhere you can technically anywhere, you are also have the ability of being able to create pre-made games or joining others games. Unfortunately you, like most others are misunderstanding the point of this post. It’s so people aren’t using the excuse of it’s QP to not play objective and throwing/troll games doing whatever they feel.

Because for some people, QP is all we have. If you have a poor internet connection and simply cannot get it fixed (A common complaint I see on Ars Technica for the US), Blizzard has made it clear; we don’t want you in comp until you have a perfect connection.

Social anxiety would be another. Lack of mic or confidence in communications would be another.

For me, I avoid comp for a few reasons. AUS matches randomly get sent to a US server, although they’re a lot less now than last year. I leave them as soon as I notice the ping and confirm the server name. Which leads into #2, I’d get banned because I refuse to play on a non-AUS server.

The last one is confidence. I simply don’t have it, specifically Genji. I get pummeled by him day in day out to the point I have no confidence dealing with him. I don’t want to make a team lose because I’m yet to understand how to deal with him, and I’ve put in over 150 hours on McCree trying to find it :expressionless:

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I practice in deathmatch. I thought everyone did.


No, we don’t need to start cracking down on the phrase itself.

Crack down on trolling and throwing all you want. The report window still exists in QP and bad behavior is still actionable there.

“It’s just QP” is no excuse to throw. It is a perfectly reasonable thing to say to people who are getting unreasonably tilted over people in QP not playing pro strats or perfect metas.


The problem is that people treat comp like Qp now too

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Dude, if you want to have your mmr go up. You can still do that even if there are “it’s just qp” people on your team!
You know, by getting good.
Just because there is someone practicing Widow on your team and doing poorly, it’s better than not having anyone there like it’s possible in comp.
At least they will do some work.

I go into QP thinking it’s just qp, I will not get frustrated if I get defeat there. BUT, that doesn’t mean I won’t try and win.
I try in every mode I go into.
It’s just dumb to not try, you won’t be learning anything if you don’t try.


Yes you’re absolutely correct. But unfortunately you like most misread the meaning of the post and it went over your head. Nobody is worked up, it’s a matter of cleaning up Overwatch of the toxicity and excuses of using “it’s just QP” to troll/throw games.

Thanks for the irrelevant post to the conversation :slight_smile:

your missing my point. i chill in qp and semi try all the time. y because its practice and my ego doesnt break over losing to other people barely playing. so the point your missing is “its just qp” is valid because qp is where half the community just messes around inbetween game sthey actually ccare about. your ecpecting people to give effort all the time its a video game bro some people dont want to play it like a sport. if you do props and i hope your on my team.

QP is Overwatch for people who don’t play competitive.

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It’s as simple as reading the ToS for Overwatch. Also if you don’t want to help provide teamwork, maybe not play a team driven game?

No it’s not lol, what world are you living in.

Throwing is placing a Symm teleporter by a cliff. Not taking a game seriously is playing Pharah without any healers against two hitscans.

Read the ToS, that simple.

I’d rather not practice in the gamemode where the entire lobby decides to go genji with a sprinkle of hog.

i dont think ive ever found anybody legitimately throwing a qp game. But, even if they are, they are right, Its just a game man, dont let it get to you, i could understand if you were angry at people for throwing in competitive but quick play means nothing, half the time its just a widow, genji, and hanzo insta-lock as soon as you get in anyway. Dont take it too seriously, its just a game

hahah dawg your sounding like atroll now.

people arent going to act how you want them too.

“its just qp” is fair because there is no consquence to any of it and because many people use this as a strategy to not get tilted, somthing you might want to think about.

dont want people who are messing around, dont play qp because as i am telling you, again, more than 50% of the people there are using that to unwind from games that they tried very hard in.