The "its just 1 second" argument is dumb

This is some mental gymnastics right here.

So now it’s about how long you ditch your team, not just that you ditch your team?

So by your logic, if Mercy ditched her team for less time, Mass Rez would’ve been ok?

And if other characters start taking too long with their ditching, we need to rework them too?

The mental gymnastics is the false equivalency you’re making between Mass Rez encouraging Mercy players to abandon their team to hide & let their teammates die so they can get a big rez… and Reinhardt players sometimes flanking for a big shatter.

The issue & clear difference is that Mass Rez encouraged Mercy to abandon her team & let them die to try to get a big ult.

Reinhardt is not encouraged to hide & let his team die so he can get a big shatter.


The argument about 1 sec can be dumb, if out of the context or in a vaccum for sure.

The goal was to prevent too much evasive behavior. With the game having one shots and several abilities on animation/cast/cooldown times that could enable more counterplay. While at same time due this “increased window” they also made changes to not make her too much vulnerable, otherwise her overall deaths would increase by a ton.

They reached their goal with that change. On Sigma’s compairson he was overtuned for some time, some things were funny like his barrier making pharah having their ult negated, were a nightmare for pharah and fun for Sigma, at same time wasn’t balanced.

They interacted with him and landed on somewhat fine spot. Nothing too often is great, because becomes spammy and can be abused even more if you reduce most of it’s counterplays. While the “fun factor” is debateable, balance wise those changes were fine.

Remember that most CC were removed, mobility reached to the point of being too oppressive to the point of them capping how much percentile you can get.

One of their major mistakes were the removal of CC and putting on mostly on tanks. Instead of decrease the effect on tanks and put those on supports.

High mobility were way more impacted by CC in terms of balance. While tanks were way more impacted on the fun factor by it.

CC kept channeling abilities at bay, also prevented too much mobility. While as side effect also made tanks life really painful. They could had solved that with reduced effects of it or invulnerability windows, like Orisa has by example. Or simply making a mechannic of temporary immunity to it or reduced effect from it.

How many times you need to rely on ana to sleep/nade Reaper’s ult? Similarly to the same against genji?

Brig in the past doing similarly to Reaper’s and moira.

What this game needs less is a “press one button to kill”. CC often didn’t had much damage to enable the play.

They’re on the go gauging what is compatible with their goals and learning how to land in “sweet spots”. Is a hit and miss thing, which they did in the past with OW1, but due the ammount of changes needed to adapt the game to 5v5 and their CC changes, was bound to happen some changes in that regard.

Is a set of points or dots that are linked to each other with somewhat barely visible strings, that keep stuff at some sort of “equilibrium”. Each change creates a ripple effect that later they address the impact of it.

Sojourn nerf, enabled pocket, this change reduced the db window. Which can co-relate in some ways, even if isn’t that noticiable at first. At same time made her mobility being less spammy without increasing her death per minute in “any meaningful way”.

“It’s just 1 second!” MF’s when I make them spend one second inside a volcano.

(It’s a change that makes them less frustrating to deal with)

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They could have just reduced how much health his barrier had to like 400 or 300 and he would have been fine in the OW1 setting

Instead they did it the unfun way that didn’t fix the problem because double shield was still top dog

exactly!!! but they changed literally the opposite of what her core issue was. remove/rework damage boost and resurrect, REWORK HER!! just leave GA alone. GA was the most fun about her because if you were good at her you can be very slippery (yes still can even with 2.5s) but i miss her feb 7th state. just rework dmg boost for gods sake even im with that bc its BS pocketing

I’ll be honest here, Tatianna…You play a lot of Mercy. And I’m not sure what your rank is, but you’ve been around a while, so you obviously understand her kit, the pros and cons, and at least have insight for how that fits into the game as a whole. You’re able to disregard some of your affection to a specific hero to take an overview for the sake of the game…and while it’s helpful to cite what you know to be true in regards to the feel of a specific hero, I see you often sort of play both sides of the field so the hero feels good, and the game feels good. So, in my opinion, you often have better takes than a lot of the other Mercy players on these forums, at least.

As a whole, the general Mercy playerbase does not do that. I’m not trying to lump everyone in together here but…as far as a vocal Mercy player, you’re the anomaly here. So when Blizz is getting overwhelmed with Mercy players basically wanting their hero to be a very specific way, (‘Don’t touch Mercy, we like damage boost, we love rez, bring back big rez!’), and then you have a smaller amount of Mercy players saying what, imo, are more rational takes like, ‘Well, rework her so she feels good, because that’ll be good for the game also’, it’s hard for them to come to terms with what the playerbase actually wants.

Mercy is a hero who gets played in (for the most part) two dramatically different ways. Most particularly lower SR Mercy play, which is closer to that ‘triage healer’ ideal they go for, and higher SR Mercy players who have to play that focused pocket-bot playstyle. So any one change they give to the hero typically impacts one side of the playerbase positively, but the other negatively…so someone is always complaining.

I personally do think Mercy’s movement (which make no mistake, took a big buff going into OW2) before her most recent change was a bit over the top. I can understand wanting to have that insane movement, but there really needed to be some drawback added. What they chose was to nerf the CD. That is what they thought had to give. As a support main who used to main Lucio specifically, Lucio had a huge nerf given to his movement several years ago ahead of the world cup so he could no longer use his ‘superboost’…and, unlike Mercy players, he never got it back. We just had to adjust. He wasn’t given a ‘compensation buff’, it was something the playerbase had grown used to just being part of his kit (as we were not told otherwise) from launch iirc, and removed. So for the second or third time, Lucio players had to relearn his movement.

So like…if you want Mercy to have all this fun movement, some part of her needs to be counterable. I play in GM; even GM level players were not able to reliably focus down non-valking Mercy players. That’s not really a great state for the hero (even if it feels like fun to play as). So maybe some other part of her kit will change for the next patch, who knows. While I don’t feel Mercy is really imbalanced right now, I also don’t think she (or Zen) feel very healthy for the game, either.

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shouldve been ? is there like a rule ??

mercy still regen health after 1.5 sec so idk whats the point of this

No, there is not a rule.


Sounds awful and like it wouldn’t have worked at all. 300-400hp with a barrier as large as his might as well not exist… there’s 6 enemies that can shoot at it and blow it up within a quarter of a second. Wouldn’t work like you think it would.

Instead they did it the best way to where he was still a great Tank and is still a great tank to this day, instead of butchering him making him useless with a 300/400hp barrier that gets instantly destroyed.

What you think would’ve been a better solution would not have worked. They more than likely tried it internally and saw his shield disintegrated.

Time is money homie :smile:

i’m saying if she kept her old regen passive, that increased the HPs from 15 to 22.5, and to reduce the activation time of the passive to 1 second down from 1.5, i wouldn’t mind keeping 2.5

and yes it should’ve been 2 seconds. no there’s not a rule, but it should’ve been 2 seconds so it’s still punishable and yet still let’s her be able to be fun to play.

no her old passive healed her for 37.5 thats a lot , her passive now is not on a cooldown so its better

it wont be punishable, ttk is low in ow thats why its 2.5

girl what stop lying. at first it was 20 then then ow2 changed it to 22.5, and now its 15.

the fact you dont even know it, you cant say anything LOL

my bad i didnt read the beta path notes since i didnt play it, i thought she had both passive at the same times, still my point stands her new passive is better since u can self heal up to 32 healing/s (healing <50%hp teammate + passive so 16.875+15 ~= 32 ), and u self heal even when ure being damaged, why would u want that removed is baffling to me

She needed the nerf she had way too much movement before she was flying around like an F-22 Raptor.

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You say that, except Sigma’s shield is good at blocking important damage while grasp is good at absorbing heavy fire. He has both options and is why he was overpowered on release.

And with there being two tanks per team and two barriers being the most common strategy, he really didn’t need that much shield health. It started with 1200 health and got cut down to 700 and he was still overpowered in double barrier comps while being plenty powrrful outside of them. 300 would be too low probably, but a 400 to 500 health barrier would have been perfectly usable in OW1, esecially with it having such a low cooldown between uses.

Just because you think it wouldn’t work doesn’t mean it couldn’t, and just because the change they did worked(though it didn’t lol) doesn’t mean it was a good change. Stop being a bootlicker.