The "its just 1 second" argument is dumb

If its just a second and that doesn’t matter, than surely no one will notice if we change it back to 1.5 seconds yes?


who said “its just 1 second” ?? like the whole community agrees that the 1 sec is needed to make mercy killable ? who r you arguing with ?

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I would have rather Mercy gone to 150 hp than GA go up at all tbh. Narrow her margins for error, rather than kill her crazy movement potential, because fighter jet Mercy is fun af.

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Yeah, that Sigma change is what made me drop OW1 for the most part. Strictly an unfun change.

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People that say “it’s only 1 second” are just a little bit stupid.

However, I do agree with the change. She was too evasive and the fact that it makes such a big difference shows it’s NOT just one second.


Well I was right, Alec was drawing the connection between her increased mobility and her feeling “too difficult to kill”.

And that the best way to get the 1.5sec GA back, is to find a more agreeable way to lower her survival.

For example:

[OW2] Make Mercy Wider + 1.5sec GA

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I play Mercy in plat and can barely notice the change. If you compare this change to the way they have completly butchered heroes like Mei and Roadhog, the whining by Mercy players seems pathetic. This 1 second causes me maybe one or two deaths per match if even that, usually i don’t even notice it.


Mercy has a long history of being on the losing end of hypocrisy.

Simply speaking, standards applied to other characters do not apply to her.

For example:

DPS leaving their team to get a sick ult?


Mercy leaving her team to get a sick ult?



Ya thats a 150% vs 66% change its a huge difference

yet its still the same number isnt it?

1, 1.5, doesnt matter. its still the same number boosted up in the end.

agreed, its not that bad, but 2s would make her feel so much more fluid yet still remain difficult to kill.

multiple people, i even said in this thread that yes she needed a nerf to her GA but boosting it to 2.5s was bad, 2s wouldve been fine.

No its not its alot .5 is a huge difference.

Have you tested this in the work shop? Because most people who say this have never even tested it just like with the original nerf.

yes actually i have an entire worlshop code dedicated to balance changes, and this is one of em.

no its really not. infact it doesnt even change the argument

1s is worse than 1.5 bc its faster, so sigma obviously needed the 1.5s nerf, yet there was an entire outrage and got it reduced to 2s

thats literally the same with mercy except she had 1.5s and got it increased to 2.5. you can still feel how bad it is.

im advocating for it to be 2s, because if sigma being at 2s feels like a great middle stop, so will mercys

The same thing happened to DVas defense matrix when they gave it a 2 second cooldown when it used to be one second. That was eventually reverted.


Good most people just say stuff with out testing stuff so good.

I get your point but it is flawed in the sense of how diffrent a change they are and i have no horse in this race because i was fine with both and just adapted

ive adapted to her mobility being at 2.5s, but i cant sit here and lie and say she feels much worse to play now.

Well beased on how they havent changed other heros after their nerfs i dont think they will be reverting this net buff

That was still true for 2 seconds imo. Now you don’t have to react as quick because tanks in general survive better, so it’s not as bad.

Yes the absolute amount of change means nothing, same is true for e.g. damage per bullet

There is no ability in the game with a CD short enough to counter Mercy’s 2.5s CD of GA… So it was even worse when it is 1s.
What are the counters you are talking about but shooting then?

Yeah, no matter how you feel about Mercy, “just one second” doesn’t fly. People called Cassidy at 0.42s fire rate a McChinegun, but not when he’s at 0.5s fire rate. That’s a difference of zero point zero eight seconds. Bap’s fire rate was improved from its slow 0.45s recovery time to 0.38s and let me tell you, I would never want to go back. That’s a difference of zero point zero seven seconds. We’re talking about hundreths of seconds here having an impact.

Numbers that appear insignificant on paper can turn out to be significant in practice.


no the 2.5 sec cooldown is to make sure super jump can be punished now , 2s cooldown is not a nerf