The irony of Rein

That post is over a year old…
During the peak of dive. When the most relevant tank combination was Dva+Winston.

So what.

The last known source of anything they directly stated is what the current status-quo is. That’s how debating works.

Until they say something else about Reinhardt, or balancing (which Jeff replied to a thread literally a few hours ago saying he felt the state of balance right now is amazing), the last thing spoken is what is the current standing on the situation.

That’s the most stupid thing i’ve ever read

Because Rein got CC he shouldn’t complain about CC ?

Do you know why tank are called “tanks” in the first place ? It’s not because of their big HP pool, it’s because they’re supposed to be disruptive enough in order to make your dps and healer do something.

Tanks SHOULD have CC. The entire DPS roster SHOULDNT

Period. You’re absolutely drunk mate.

That’s why people complain when they got both Roadhog AND zarya as tanks.

It’s not because they don’t shield, it’s because they don’t have any kind of CC to create space for their allies. Are we playing the same game? Holy smokes what did i just read…

They also said that they wanted the best Genji and Tracer players in the world playing Genji and Tracer, yet these players are stuck on Brigitte now.

I’m on neither side when it comes to buffing or nerfing Rein,
but just because they said something a year ago, doesn’t mean that it still applies today.

That thread is 18 months old!

A lot has changed in that time, the game isn’t even comparable.

Also. They eventually did nerf Tracer.

Yet Brigitte is getting nerfed. At the end of the day, none of us here arguing are in a super high-elo, so you can literally pretty much play anything you want because teamwork is near non-existent in 80% of the games I encounter.

That’s a very broad statement Jeff made, and doesn’t necessarily apply to anyone in particular. I just used the Tracer/Genji statement as an example. There’s multiple examples of this happening actually. Yes, they’re nerfing Brig. But they’re also compensating her with buffs. So from an overall balance perspective, they clearly think she’s in a good spot.

I just don’t understand what everyone wants.

They want to buff D.Va, but they want to nerf her too. They want to nerf Ana, but then they want to buff her. People want Zenyatta nerfed, but they want his mobility buffed. They want Junkrat to not be annoying, but then he’s weak.

Like, stop complaining and demanding changes, and just adapt and play the gosh darn game. The complaining has resulted in many good changes, BUT a ton of bad ones as well.

Everyone has their own ideal vision of balance, blurred by inevitable bias and personal experiences.

At what point in this thread did i ever ask for a nerf? I’m sorry, but i’m genuinely wondering why people are under the assumption i want nerfs or changes catered to my personal experience after stating that i don’t, multiple times.

I’m not saying YOU. Just in general. Everyone is whining and complaining.

The whining and complaining has resulted in things that did not need to happen.

So, when you’re complaining about people throwing garbage on the streets, but also do it yourself, am i wrong to address that?

I’m trying to raise awareness.
In a meta where Rein mirrors another Rein, you’re unironically going to suffer more, thanks to the existence of Rein on both sides.

I don’t believe that Reinhardt does because Earthshatter is the only CC ability with real impact.

In high level play you will rarely ever see a Reinhardt Charge, and in the rest of the ranks it’s generally an unwise decision to initiate that way unless you’re all coordinated.
His hammer does have CC capabilities, but it’s usually irrelevant or it actually works against his favor as it would sometimes push the enemy he’s attacking away.

Rein is a tank, a mostly melee one at that. His job is protecting his team and creating space. Tanks having CC is normal in any game with a tank category, in fact all the tanks (especially main tanks) have ways to either control others (with attacks, boops, stuns, etc.) or to stand their ground and they do this better than any of the other category for a reason…

I take it the OP doesn’t tank much.

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Bouth charge and hammer knockback are easly use agains rein.
With his hammer rein can push sometimes running enemy outside of his range, so thats it for killing for him.
With charge, you can actualy use it to bait rein away from his team, or position on the side of charging one to be throw in air and land as far as possible from him.
Great tools to use, but also something to exploid by other team.

I know how tanks function. There is absolutely no reason to come to the conclusion i dont play tanks much. I know why he has it, and i know how he utilizes it. And i’m not saying that he shouldn’t have it.

The point of this thread is to remind people, that Reinhardt himself contributes a lot of CC too. While being very vulnerable to it. We’re in a very Rein-centric meta, so a Rein mirroring another Rein, unironically makes Rein’s day even worse.

It isn’t Rein vs Rein that makes his day worse, it’s chain CC by non-tanks (any combination of Brig, DF, McCree) that any tank player has gripes with, and it only effects him the most because he can’t leap out with ease like Winston can.

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The rein bias always confused me, he has so much CC and people want him to have CC immunity.

There is only one tank that I consistently see getting triple or quad kills and potg.

One character that can hold down a button and kill 150 health characters with no aim in 2 swings.

One character 2000 mobile shield, 300 health and 200 armor.

one character that can stun your whole team

one character that has a 100 damage projectile that passes through barriers.

If rein was introduced today and orisa was the OG tank people would be crying about how OP and brain dead he is.

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Then they’d hear his ‘Beer’ voiceline and all would be forgiven :confused:

More like, every hero introduced today is OP and/or braindead by this community.

So, are we ignoring the one-second windup?