The irony of Rein

Probably because she’s the third picked on the ladder right now, while he’s in 70%+ of teams. And there are still plenty of people out for her blood.

Even when he was ‘obsolete’ at high levels, he was pretty much a must pick below Masters still.

You have a stun every 10 seconds though it’s called charge

You mean, a Reinhardt shield? Or a miraculously timed Orisa/Winston barrier… Much more reliably, the Reinhardt shield.

D.Va’s pickrate right now in OWL is like 92% or something insane.

She works in every team composition.

Also, I think she’s super balanced, which is why she does work in every team composition. She’s versatile.

Look, we all already know you have a misplaced vendetta against Reinhardt, for whatever the reason.

Bubble, shields, walls, hiding

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Don’t forget lightposts and trashcans.

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There is no OWL right now. You’re quoting some dubiously collected stats from the World Cup.

Which aren’t even being translated by the same players into ladder play.

What hero hasnt been complained about on the forums for being OP.

No one use Charge, ever. Not at high ranks, or pro play, try again.

I would take Rocket punch, Bash, or Flash bang over charge any day. They’re easier to hit, low on cool down and not a death sentence. Did I mention the bugs, I haven’t? Ok…


Your points are still super irrelevant.

Jeff already stated Reinhardt is not going to get buffs or nerfs, because he’s very easily affected by the meta and hero popularity. That’s what happens when you make the tank choices limited.

His only competition in a basic, general setting is Orisa and Winston, and Winston is not even used the same way Reinhardt is. Also, Orisa is pretty freaking weak and situational. She needs buffs.

I really don’t understand you or what you’re trying to accomplish.


snaps finger
You heard it folks, Rein ain’t going nowhere.

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Source for that, I’m genuinely interested.

Not to even mention he is a big part of the meta.

Part of that comment:

"If you look back to a few months ago, a lot of people were demanding Reinhardt nerfs because he was a “must pick” hero in the meta. At that time, Winston was literally the least played hero. Fast forward to today, and we’re seeing Winston as the dominant tank choice in the tournament scene (along with D.Va) and Reinhardt’s play time has dropped significantly. "

Another part:

“Short of the adjustment to Earthshatter (not intended as a huge balance nerf but rather more of a “that doesn’t seem right” fix), we did not touch Reinhardt’s balance. But changes to other heroes and changes to the “accepted” strategy of how the game should be played at a meta level has changed which tanks are perceived to be “right” or “wrong” to play.”

He’s pretty much blatantly saying a hero like Reinhardt is fine because he’s so easily swayed and affected by meta and hero choices.

That post is over a year old…
During the peak of dive. When the most relevant tank combination was Dva+Winston.

So what.

The last known source of anything they directly stated is what the current status-quo is. That’s how debating works.

Until they say something else about Reinhardt, or balancing (which Jeff replied to a thread literally a few hours ago saying he felt the state of balance right now is amazing), the last thing spoken is what is the current standing on the situation.

That’s the most stupid thing i’ve ever read

Because Rein got CC he shouldn’t complain about CC ?

Do you know why tank are called “tanks” in the first place ? It’s not because of their big HP pool, it’s because they’re supposed to be disruptive enough in order to make your dps and healer do something.

Tanks SHOULD have CC. The entire DPS roster SHOULDNT

Period. You’re absolutely drunk mate.

That’s why people complain when they got both Roadhog AND zarya as tanks.

It’s not because they don’t shield, it’s because they don’t have any kind of CC to create space for their allies. Are we playing the same game? Holy smokes what did i just read…

They also said that they wanted the best Genji and Tracer players in the world playing Genji and Tracer, yet these players are stuck on Brigitte now.

I’m on neither side when it comes to buffing or nerfing Rein,
but just because they said something a year ago, doesn’t mean that it still applies today.

That thread is 18 months old!

A lot has changed in that time, the game isn’t even comparable.

Also. They eventually did nerf Tracer.

Yet Brigitte is getting nerfed. At the end of the day, none of us here arguing are in a super high-elo, so you can literally pretty much play anything you want because teamwork is near non-existent in 80% of the games I encounter.