The inconsistency in handling Mercy: Her Damage Buff "Bug fix"

I mean, Mei’s ult is pretty uhmmm… It feels wrong even trying to talk about Mei as a viable pick.

Poor Mei.

MEIbe they should have just given her the ult she has in her winter arcade mode instead (the snowball blaster). :joy:

Hiding in plain sight?

Well, someone once told me this was hiding… :woman_shrugging:

Two ults and they can’t manage to kill the Mercy who is HEALING her team with her “I AM OVER HERE, GUYS” beam. :joy:

I’ve also seen ridiculous examples of hiding, like someone taking cover behind a pillar for Deadeye, after Pharah died over-extending, and then Roadhog took a High Noon to the face. Then Mercy came out from behind this pillar, flew to the Hog and rezzed two. Yeah, totally hiding.

This is exactly why I can’t take the “she totally hid!” crowd seriously. What they say Mercys did and what Mercys actually did do not line up. And their examples are pretty poor.

Seriously, you’d have to be an idiot to stand out in the open to be mowed down by Tactical Visor. But I guess we should just die to ults.


Considering that Graviton Surge has a range of 8 meters (soon to be 6 meters), and Mercy has a beam range of 15 meters, getting sucked into Graviton Surge as Mercy shouldn’t be a concern, even with the Mercy player playing casually. If they do get caught in Graviton Surge, it’s a pretty bad Mercy.


Im not commenting on your mass rezz discussion

Some facts most people dont know/dont want to be true

  1. GravStrike doesnt outdmg Trans neither does it negate Trans. You need a 3rd ult (or Nano) to outdmg transhealing
  2. Mercy Boosted GravStrike doesnt go through trans, it only negates Trans. You need someone else to clear up the Grav. Thats why a Rein usually hammers into the grav

Imo, wether or not is a bug or a nerf, this change was needed. Having no proper counter to such an easy executed teamwhipe is unhealthy

No bother, I’ll just boost the Rein probably whacking the enemy team in the Grav. It should have about the same effect. :woman_shrugging:

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Dragonstrike has more DPS than a Rein hammering into a grav. Rein deals 75DPS, Dragonstrike 200+ DPS. 30% of 200+ is more than 30% of 75. I expect it to negate trans - at best. You still need something else to actually kill the people inside grav

Also Rein is vulnerable when hes swinging his hammer. You can kill him, meaning more counterplay since you cant get rid of the dragons once theyre on their way

Oh and, was that a missspelling or did you just assume my gender

You forget fire strike though… I think one good boosted strike should be more than enough (also, shields won’t protect from it).

Point is, there will be easy ways around it. Might have to swap Widow for something else to do it though.

There were always “easy” ways to outdmg Trans. Dmg boosting a rocket barrage, mercy boosted nano blade
The point is tough, that because of this fix/nerf outdmg’ing trans in the current meta will be more difficult. Only because something is possible doesnt mean its worth doing

If its forcing the 2nd DPS to swap to a specific hero to execute this combo it might already be enough to (slightly) shift the meta
Its the small things that matter the most

True and good Zarya players will Grav the opposing Mercy.

Confused Dragons and Trance he’s right, my bad

“Current meta” being the key word. Should we always make these kind of inconsistent balance changes because of meta? If the issue is that the combo creates hard to counter teamwipes they could also 1) nerf Graviton (wait…) 2) tone down Hanzo to make him less of a consistent good pick or 3) make Ana viable so she can be used to help Zen counter the 2 ult+ability combo.


So the zarya perfectly countered the enemy mercy by making sure it hits her above everyone else (and possibly missing multiple people because of it) I don’t see the problem zarya outplayed the mercy its like killing zenyatta before the graviton you countered the counter

Youre confusing it with dragon strike. Its the dragons that dealt 200 damage based on the wiki, but people proved it to be false later.

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I’m just saying, the counterplay for the Mercy would be hiding.

the counterplay to the counterplay would be the mercy hiding completely which is correct but that doesnt mean the mercy will or even has to

Yes they would, if they didn’t want to get Graved then they’d hide. Why wouldn’t they?

alright why wouldn’t the entire enemy team hide if they didn’t want to get graved? it still works if the entire enemy team hides none of them will get graved why wouldn’t they?

Whoops sorry my bad been a long day