The inconsistency in handling Mercy: Her Damage Buff "Bug fix"

That makes no sense. Just admit you’re wrong, “hide and rez” was a viable and used strategy. Quit denying it.

Game code is often far more complex than this. It’s almost 100% certainly a bug. They likely added additional logic to prevent damage boost from affecting these ults but probably forgot to handle a different message/event handler that provided ult charge to mercy. Likely through some sort of damage assist message or something.

Wait when did I say hide and rez wasnt viable and used actually when did I mention hide and rez I never said anything about hide and rez you were the one that brought it up

Oh whoops someone else with the same picture as you did, my bad.

Search for the patch notes where they changed it. First few months Zens ult was pretty pointless (and Zen himself too).
They buffed him:
Hp 150 -> 200
Movement speed doubled
Hp/S 200 -> 300

If we were perfect we might see the problems we cant see. Sadliest we arent perfect so we try to fix the problems we currently can see. One of the currenct problems is this cheap and super safe teamwhipe, so Blizz is trying to fix it
There might be better options to get rid of this problem, however:

  • Nerfing grav wont fix this issue, they just nerfed it but whatever is inside the grav will still die
  • Nerfing Hanzo’s basekit means going back to where he was before his rework (a pick 99% of this community cant do work with)
  • Allowing Ana to consistently block this ult might just make things worse as not everyone can play Ana but you need Ana + Zen to counter this combo. It might help on paper but I expect it to not help at all. It might bring Ana back into the meta but only to make this game even more “stiff”
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Mercy’s beam is longer than Grav’s radius so no. You don’t need to hide to avoid it.

Ok, I’m not typing what I already did. Play against Zaryas that don’t just grav blindly when they see a couple people.

You’re just avoiding the fact that you’re wrong. It is a fact that hiding isn’t the only way to get value out of Resurrect when against Zarya’s Graviton Surge and while we’re on the topic of “Hide n Res”, the only reason it was commonly (or assumed to be) used was because of a SR system that incentivized it. Yes, the old SR system essentially rewarded players for hiding as Mercy as you’d get more SR depending on the amount of Resses you got. It is a little known fact that you are likely to get more players ressed when hiding to res as you’d be leaving your team in a 5v6 situation without a main healer. Good Mercy’s. Most Mercy’s know very well that tempo ressing and staying with your team is strategically better not that “Hide n Res” was even a viable strategy.

Well… I know that coding is more complicated than easy. But, as you said if they simply forgot to remove/change that message/event for her Ult charge, than it’s very likely to be intended to work that way.
Like why even have that, if it’s called a bug now?

Again, it just looks inconsistent. I was thinking about that as well, but there are so many things which point at the fact that DmgBing both Ult’s was intended from the start up, if I’m no wrong even from the Beta up.

I don’t understand how people are still saying mercy got nerfed, mercy got reworked and in the end she ended up with a buff, im sorry that most of you mercys were crutched n didn’t learn to play her properly because you have a mass res for a blanket of protection, shes better now, shes stronger now, and she isn’t broken to hell L2Mercy

They explained that they called it out as a bug fix because the it simply wasn’t the intended design, not that something was actually broken in code. chances are the way everything got hooked up, it just happened to work like that. To correct the issue they likely added some special casing and/or yanked out some code, but likely missed something. This could result in message handlers in the code being left hooked up, which would not be obvious because the QA/testing was likely only looking to ensure that the damage values were correct.

This would be my guess, but I just strongly suspect this was just something they overlooked.

Again, i see your point, but why even have it in the first place if it was not intended?
Obviously, that she still gets charge is now a bug, but we have all the evidences that it was no bug fix to dmgb, in the first place.

It looks more to me that the DmgB for all 3 heroes (Mercy, Ana and Orisa) was specifically made for each individually. That would explain why they overlooked the charge gain for Mercy, because she is the only one which can gain charge with it, because it’s not in her Ult. And that just tells us again that they wanted dmgB to work that way.

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This. people have always been hypocritical when it comes to supports. The fact that Zenyatta has been meta longer than Mercy, but yet people tend to only complain about Mercy is beyond me.

But it’s okay because Zenyatta takes more skill than Mercy…

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This is not about Mercy being nerfed. We all know that this rewok made Mercy to an OP mess which is almost unfixable.

Maybe read the OP first befor you say something. I never mentioned a revert, Mass Res or how unfun Valkyrie Mercy is.

This is about the inconsistency of handling Mercy and how the Dev just lie to use with things like that.

But because i still want to say something about that shortly…

The most biased opinion of them all. Ask Mercy players, most will say that they never hid with Mass Res, that they were always in the fight and that this Mercy 1.x was far better balanced and more fun than the one we have now.
The current Mercy is just the same as the old one, only with a “easy mode pro simulator” Ult, which is pointless for everyone which knows how to play Mercy. On top of that, without any skillful mind games or difficulty spikes.
If you Son’t see how broken the Mercy is we have know go and read that:

To be honest though this is kinda getting out of hand and people are overreacting way to much. The changes to DmgB are not “huge” nerfs. Who knows if it might or might not be a bug that they fixed, it’s honestly pretty insignificant.

Come complain on the forum when they bug fix bunnyhopping with GA which literally is labeled a bug but kept as a feature… Or when they suddenly say being able to heal through barriers is a bug and they’ll fix that so she gets the same Moira treatment. Or they remove your animation cancels like a certain other hero making it so everything feels slow and clunky. Those are huge nerfs. Not being able to DmgB 2? ults in the whole roster is nothing.

This is the magic of coding though.

When you have a simple program like “Hello World” or like my C 300 class, a program that generates Driving Test results for a random amount of input, you can control the outcome of it. But when you have a game like Overwatch, where it contains a couple thousands to millions lines of code, things get weird. Unwanted interactions between them starts to pop up, for example, Quake’s Rocket Jump.

However, Quake’s Rocket jump sticks around to TF2 because the community likes to do it so much, it becomes an interaction. Boosting Dragonstrike however, was not. I remember there were a lot of posts saying that Blizzard should removed the interaction simply because it is hard to counter, even with Zen.

When I heard they removed DmB to traps and Nukes, my reactions were “WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT? That is a thing?”, but in the end, it would entirely pointless. Both of them are easy to avoid, and’s nuke already instagib a good portion of the heroes, so what is the point?

Considering that it’s effectively a nerf to 5 heroes, it’s quite a big thing.

Considering that it never was labeled as a bug, other than Moira healing through barriers which was officially confirmed as a bug long before it got fixed or Mercy’s space jump, It’s just unreasonable to say after 2 years of it being very well known by the community and by the Dev’s probably as well, that it’s a bug.

And it’s not insignificant. Yes the overall nerf might be not that big. But it’s just again inconsistency in regards to the negative follow up of the “rework”.

How many unreasonable changes did we got now thanks to her rework, letting out the 10-11 nerfs to Mercy which did absolutely nothing than making the player experience worse?

It’s more about the fact that more and more, very apparent, bad design choices occur now because of Mercy 2.x and the dev’s fear to say that they messed up with that, adding even worse interactions and bugs.

As i said. I do understand that coding can end with weird interactions. That’s nothing new for me.
But Blizzard is a very big and experienced company which should be able to see stuff like that, because it is very obvious if you think about it.

Yet again, as they said, they only removed the DmgB, but not more interactions.
You get the tick’s, the Ultcharge and the killfeed shows that as well.
It was a rushed change, not well thought out.
Will i could see it as a bug… The past tells us that it wasn’t/isn’t one.

The thing with the trap was a real bug, I’m sure about that and i didn’t even know that. Mercy (and the other DmgBs) was never able to boost things which have HP, like Sym’s and Torb’s turrets. But Dva’s Ult, which has no HP, was always boostable since release (same with hanzo). I can assure you that pretty much all veteran Mercy, Dva, Hanzo or better said all veteran players knowed that this was possible.

The point is that Mercy get’s Ult charge from those. Mercy players loved to boost Dva Ult because of the juicy amount of charge you would get. That shouldn’t be possible anymore. But as you can see, the inconsistency of handeling Mercy is there again.

Btw, it was actually three ults, there was a rip-tire too… :joy:

That makes it even worse. :joy:

Seriously, what did the person saying she hid expect her to do with all of that? Run into one or all of them??? Somehow magically heal through all of that damage??? If she could heal through a Barrage without an ult, that would be so OP.

AND… Lucio, the other healer, died behind a wall!!! How is that not considered hiding to them??? (Totally not him hiding though.)

The comment is usually “see, you were not standing in the middle of the team for four whole seconds, obviously hiding for rez!”.

Meanwhile I’m like, “Sorry, I didn’t feel like tanking a Rocket Barrage with my face”.