The homogenization is the one thing I can't get over

Well consider the peeling implications of #1.

1.25x on 55hps is 68hps.

So if Mery was healing an Ana who is getting Dived by a Winston. Your 68hps would cancel out his 60dps.

Since the way I see it, the most likely player to peel for a Support, is the other Support player.

Because a flanker that’s a threat to one Support, is also a threat to the other Support.

Where as it’s a lot easier for DPS/Tanks to get tunnel-vision on the frontline.

I will admit that I was mostly disregarding that because I don’t necessarily want to have to rely on my support buddy to stay alive.

That said, for peeling it still isn’t great. That only gives me a heal boost for 25% of my teammates. Not good if I am trying to save someone else. I’d much rather be able to do a mini burst heal of 25ish when I GA to someone.

What on earth does this mean?

Well how about this

  • Casting Rez on a living teammate puts out a beefy thick beam that rapidly heals the player to full health over 1.75sec. Same cooldown, no movement slow, and cast time applies. Must be grounded for it to work. Can move around at full speed. Using GA or Damage boost cancels it midway through. Say 10m range.

Like this:

Although maybe have a hold rez on a living player for 0.25sec to activate, then have it heal over 1.5sec. So they don’t accidentally BigHeal the wrong player.

I understand that this is to account for the pharamercy problem, but the number of times I res someone while soar is huge. Terrible, terrible limitation of applicability.

That would be helpful. After all, I did suggest a similar change about 3 years ago.

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Well, I’d still think it should be limited. Because having up to 467hps is pretty strong.

Maybe just make it so you can’t use Angelic Descent or GA without canceling it.

This makes the ability not just situational, but applicable only on a part of the maps. What then is the point at all?

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That’s the difference between artists and people who want to settle for money. You’d change your game and your vision to capitulate to some audience who just wants to shoot things. I wouldn’t dare change my game for a new audience simply because that’s not the kind of game I want to make, and doing so would only harm me.

Who looked at Overwatch, the game where the heroes are supposed to be unique, and said “lets just make all the guys the same”. That’s a dumb idea, and is obviously only chosen to make money and not for the good of the game.


Mostly a “Worthwhile big heal on Tanks”.

Rather than having the Tank intentionally die at a corner so you can Rez safely.

I mostly disagree. Most characters worth a darn are just shooty gun guy.

Soldier, McCree, Sojourn, Widow, Ashe.

The second most worth a darn are variants of shooty gun guy. They’re different enough for variety, but when you think about it, they’re closer to typical FPS characters than they are different.

Genji, Tracer, Ana, Baptiste, Roadhog, characters like that.

Consistently, the bottom heroes are ones that are more unique. Reinhardt’s power level is constantly overstated because he’s always getting pocketed. Its a fact that people continue to ignore for some reason.

In ow2 the importance of using cover and corners has grown tremendously. But you’re suggesting an ability that directly interferes with their use for Mercy? Seriously?

I’m right there with you with that whole post FF.

I came from games where playing a pure healing/support was a game in and of itself. It wasn’t for everyone, but it was for me. So any game that scratches that itch is a winner in my book. And one’s that don’t, while cool, just aren’t my cup of tea.

The only reason I even picked up this game to try it, was Mercy. If it was just a shooter, I’d pass on it like all the rest. And there are some good looking shooters out there. They just aren’t my groove.

My ideal support/healer is one who has so much to do with backing up their team and staying alive themselves that there is little time to even think about DPSing. I’d rather root you, sleep you, slow you, freeze you, vanish from your view and hide, sheep you, or just plain physically escape you, than kill you.

IMHO, OW has a multitude of ways to scratch someone’s DPS itch. In every role there is a way. What it doesn’t have enough of are options like the above. A pure support. And I know quite a few people who would play OW if it was there. For me it’s a demographic they are silly to ignore.


Not quite sure what the issue is here.

“Hey can you die in a safe spot so I can Rez you, because my wimpy 55hps is gonna take forever to heal up your 700hp”

Is kind of a scuffed game mechanic.

So this is basically doing the exact same effective thing, minus the “asking your teammate to intentionally die somewhere” part.

Shooty gun guys are always going to be at the top generally because it’s a shooty gun game

As for more unique characters, there were only a few that could truly be considered bad and that’s why they got the most major changes. Those changes however did not make them non-unique. Additionally, all of the shooty gun guys are completely unique from each other as well.


One convenient and useful strategy for mercy is the yolo-style behind a highground. When she is next to a teammate, but hidden from the enemy. But in order to use this ability, she must land. To the line of sight of the enemy. And stay there for the duration of the cast.

Less, but still distinctive.

That’s not true. If it was, then you’d be basically admitting “there’s no way this game will be balanced because melee characters are melee characters”.

The solution to making characters like Reinhardt good is admitting that he either needs a strong shield, or another way to mitigate damage or make space. It’s really that simple.

Like who? Symmetra? I’d argue Reaper’s changes made him quite bad. Same with Junkrat.

That’s not enitrely true. Soldier, Widow, Sojourn, and Ashe are all more similar than they are different. They hold long areas, have a movement ability to relocate, and an auxiliary skill to provide some kind of value in some way.

In fact, for Ashe, Soldier, and Widow, they all have secondary AOE skills (venom mine, Biotic Field, and Dynamite". They’re unique enough to not be the literal same character, but its clear they’re more like each other than they are different.

If I want to play “guy with a gun and some special trinket” I’ll play Titanfall 2 or Warzone.

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Did ya miss the part where this beam I’m suggesting wouldn’t have a walking/jumping/ducking movement penalty?

if you say so :sunglasses: