Low impact Mercy Rework

a lot of folks do seem to like bigmainlittlechains…not everyone, but quite a few

it took a while to grow on me as well

It seems so obvious once you hear it, it’s hard to imagine anything else. It’s like a better version of Mercy’s normal play, whereas currently Valk is just a lazier version of her normal play. You keep all the important decision making that makes Mercy fun in the first place, while not sacrificing the smaller buff to the entire team that keeps Valk as useful as other support ults at keeping the whole team up at once.

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There’s no reason for one… it would be like me asking for a soldier rework just because I don’t like the current one… that’s the current argument for mercy… it’s not she needs a rework it’s some of us want a rework

danke…that said, it was an idea I read in another post, and I wish I had recorded it so I could give credit where credit is due to the poster of that idea…tho of course said poster may have in turn read it elsewhere, and so on and so on…

Yet the feed back of “She needs a rework” has been going for over a year and shows no signs of stopping. The only other thing that has come even close to lasting this long was making DVa not only about her DM which only ended because DVa got a rework.

Well yeah, but honestly that’s how the forums should work, people bouncing ideas off each other and building them up into something better. And on the off-chance they actually implement any of our ideas, I doubt much respect is going to be given to the chain of intellectual custody anyway, so I’m not sure it matters as much who you took inspiration from as long as it’s acknowledged that the idea isn’t solely yours.

i wouldnt say she needs a rework but if a rework could be done that would keep the current Mercy players happy and at the same time make a sizeable portion of the unhappy players less unhappy (or maybe even happy) I think thats worth looking into - particularly given that there seems to be evidence that the playerbase is shrinking

That said, I dont think mass rez can be a point of compromise, based on the unwanted (per the devs) behavior it brought to the game

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I just always want to make it clear it wasn’t an idea I conceived on my own - it just slowly grew on me the more I thought about it to the point that I was willing to consider (and then eventually write up) a compromise rework with bigmainlittlechains as the centerpiece

So have the delete brig threads…so have the make pve permanent threads…so have the role queue threads…etc etc…

Forums asking for something doesn’t necessarily mean it’s “needed”…especially when blizz has made its stance on the subject matter pretty clear

None of those have lasted for over a year and a half.

They’ve said no revert. This isn’t a revert. Also several other things Jeff has said strongly indicates that he doesn’t understand why people are asking for Mercy changes.

Blizzard could in fact leave Mercy the way she is and never change her. She’s not breaking the game, and some people still do pick her.

However I do think that leaving Mercy the way she is is hurting the overall health of the game. It’s not exactly a secret that more people prefer DPS to healing and tanking, so having what formerly was the most picked support in the game in a position where she’s frequently complained about is probably a bad idea. Also… somehow Mercy is still kinda the only healer who works better with DPS than tanks, so if less people are willing to pick her, DPS as a class are more likely to be bad.

Agreed on Mass Resurrect. Unless they did something to drastically change how it worked, Mass Resurrect shouldn’t come back.

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I posted v2

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I haven’t been placed but I do genuinely have videos of me in competitive ranked games in masters/GM of me stationary in the air and not being shot at, with the only real movement in the clips of me holding spacebar.

Ah, so you are suffering from confirmation bias. Sounds good

Whatever you say :slight_smile:

I would call into question the actual difficulty and engagement of an ultimate if I can not press any buttons and still win teamfights using it



There are heroes where you can activate their ultimate and immediately receive value without any other button presses.

A stationary Mercy is a dead one against a team that is competent. Period.

If you want to cite the couple of times you can stand still and say that is the norm that’s fine, but we don’t all have to willingly suffer from the same fallacies.

Well I suppose the difference is here Sombra gets value is something like 0.8 seconds, Reaper 3-4 seconds. Hypothetically, if I get say 4 Valkyrie’s in a 10 minute game and simply didn’t want to move, I’m spending 10% of my total gametime as Mercy not even touching my keyboard, but still receiving value.

Are GM players incompetent? More competent than anyone else by Blizzard’s definition. I would say the most amount of movement I need to do is hold space bar and move behind a wall, if I wasn’t already in that position.

You can’t suffer from a fallacy, it’s not a disease or a state. It’s a ‘faulty argument’.

When did I say it was the norm? Since you like using the ‘hyper intelligent’ debate language, that’s a strawman. I haven’t said once it’s the norm, I’ve simply said I can do it and still win games doing it.

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