The hitscan heroes need a buff

Soldier is good, simple and has so much of utility. But simple doesn’t mean easy at this point. He’s harder to play during divers domination. But it needs to do something with that . Idea of CS-like more predictable spread is great and good for his play is good idea.

Widow is ok. Maybe… She has not bad, but not good ult. Just a glass cannon, but ok glass cannon. I dunno.

Mccree is strange issue. He requires too much for simple gunplay an mechanical skill and has less utility, effective range and mobility than Soldier. And Cowboy’s ult is worst ult in attacker DPS party.
Mccree needs some buffs that will make him a bit easier to handle for starters. Decrease his roll cooldown for 2-3 sec, do something with his damage falloff and darn, make him another ult, Blizzard!

Since Hanzo got a double jump ability tied to a button, why Ana won’t have one? Sharpshooter needs quick access to vantage point or escape plan… and Ana is medic sharpshooter… and I guess she needs decreased cooldown on her sleep dart. BTW, why not having a choice between boosting teammate and yourself, but make the difference between bonuses from this nano?

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Ana absolutely needs something.

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What about Bastion and Sombra?

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BXR in Overwatch?! I’m down! Just let me spam plasma nades and it’ll be just like real Halo!

Anyways, yeah, hitscans are in a rough place. Bastion, as much of a dumpster fire-like state as it’s in already, just so happens to have the added benefit of being hitscan.

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76 is in a little better situation than mccree because he can survive being dived a bit better, but hes also got his own issues where your relying on RNG spray which can be super annoying, his ult, like McCree’s, also screams, “Hey come kill me”.

Sombra is in a good spot after patches. She just need to act with team that knows what they do.
Bastion is even more harder to buff, cuz any wrong move would make it OP again.

Define “good spot.”
Not being played on ladder?

Like I said, it’s all about team comp.
Since there is no idiot-proof systems in this game… you’ll never utilize any feature that Hackerwoman provides

What is per your defintion a “good spot”?

Better to play as disruptor since all space bar passives are hacked. Genji hacking dream come true.

hitscan tank should never happen, too op, unless he has less damage than a moira.

can you imagine a 200 hp + 200 armor tank on highground shooting you non-stop?

So being able to hack Genjis passives automatically put her in a good spot?

I see that as a good buff. Translocator is better too. Maybe the weapon buff wasn’t good enough…
But what do you want from Sombra in order to see that char as a good one?

I made a few suggestions for buffing McCree and Changing Widow in a thread yesterday

Mainly deals with giving McCree more flexability in dealing with flankers and modifying Widows Ultimate to reward more skillful play.

Heavy Assault. Hero 28. Make it happen Blizzard.

Considering that most people only use Ana unscoped, she is barely a hitscan hero. She still needs a buff though.

Awesome Idea, would increase his skill ceilling by a Lot and add an unique mechanic like genji’s dash reset.
Could be a little Op at high levels though.

Fixing her bugs would be the first thing.

There are some suggestions i’d love to see. Note that it doesnt have to be all of them just some, or even just one would be great. I’ll take anything at this point.

  • Timer skull above hacked targets for better visualization
  • Reduced delay going into stealth
  • Base movement speed increased to Tracer Genji lvl
  • Translocator becomes invisible when using stealth camo
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Bastion needs a rework TBH. Sentry just needs the spread reverted but the rest of its kit is… well, a dumpster fire.

Does everyone just forget that Bastion exists? Oh yeah, there’s a thread about that. Bastion is being forgotten