The hitscan heroes need a buff

Mccree Buff:

Combat role on a resource meter.

Make this happen blizz.

Ana and Mccree really needs something, widow and soldier are fine but I personally think that widows ult is pretty underwhelming although it is easier to land shots.

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Looking at Overbuff for last 3 months McCree seems fine? Hovering around the middle of the hero pool platinum and above. Tracer takes over a lot in GM, but below that McCree has a good pickrate and good win-rate at Diamond+.

He is a high-skill hero that works better at higher ranks. Not sure what you can do to lower his skill-floor and not also making him OP in higher ranks.

I think Soldier is in an ā€œokā€ area. His ult is pretty useless however, given how much shield spam we have. But this applies to most heroes, which is why I hope the next hero doesnā€™t have a darn shield.

McCree? Hm. I couldnā€™t imagine what he could be changed. Maybe give his roll a shorter cooldown? Lowering his stun will just be obnoxious seeing as we have way too many CC heroes at this point too.

Ana definitely needs a little help. I donā€™t know about Widow. I think her pickrate is low because sheā€™s one of the few heroes that needs someone with really good aim playing her.

I have an alternate account where I play mostly hitscan heroes and it has 30 hours competitive this season. Theyā€™re fine.

Okay, link the account and letā€™s see if itā€™s the same rank as your main tank account.

Iā€™m not linking it. Itā€™s about 3850, youā€™re going to have to take me at my word on that. I donā€™t want people getting a hold of that account. I have enough people spamming my main, I donā€™t need that on my alt too.

I can hit high masters with any hero (and GM with some), and it isnā€™t because of 1337 aim. Itā€™s because of situational awareness, communication, teamwork, ult economoy, game sense, map knowledge, team comp synergy, counter picking, etc. Those things apply to any hero. Iā€™m an Overwatch player, and a darned good one at that.

McCree is great. Widow is monstrously good. Soldier is fine. Stop this.


Lol, okay buddy. Whatever you say. Keep living in your dream world.

Is it so hard to imagine that someone who is 4100 on their main can hit 3850 on other heroes on a different account?

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Have thought about this, but I think Iā€™d rather have Combat Roll cooldown go down by 1 second every time he lands a headshot. Since he shoots a bullet every .5 seconds at least, and CR has an 8 sec cooldown, best case scenario he would be rolling every 3 seconds roughly, which is quite insane. Correct me if I did the math wrong.

Also, a resource meter for an ability with fixed duration is the same as adding charges, like Junkrat mines or Tracer blinks. Unless you meant to be able to keep rolling forever in a single motionā€¦

mcSonic? I could already see the montages.

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Iā€™m usually 4100 in my main, this one, but 4300 on my off tank account lol. People canā€™t handle the fact people play on more than one account.

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No buffs to Soldier please


soldier will never be great as long as winston and are meta


DV.A already dead in a match with Brigitte countering her.

If youā€™re an awful dva, sure.

She has a near 100% pickrate for a reasonā€¦

Widow is fine and she has a pretty good pick rate in high ranks, Idk what youā€™re talking about.

Honestly, Iā€™d just be happier if soldier either had

A. A predictable spread like in counterstrike


B. Had a slightly tighter spread after the first 3 or so shots


Because thereā€™re only 6 tanks and half of them are in a mediocre or outright bad state?


ann yes she need some reworks. I find her dart useless. But mcree I think he fine with damage.

Ehm, yes, exactly, actuallyā€¦

Dive doesnā€™t enable D.Vaā€¦ D.Va enables dive. This MAKES all other tanks booty compared to her.