The "hiding mercy" fallacy

The 312 replies kinda scares me as that makes me think the Brigitte Spaghetti Movement would have to take action

Sincerely, The Brigitte Spaghetti Movement

Well, that’s weird, don’t know what to say nor to feel. I’ll let it there, don’t want to extend xd.

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That doesn’t change the fact that they still, “layed it to rest”. It made its unfortunate return after 2 years. Looks like we have a lot of time to wait if mass res does ever return. :slight_smile:

They didnt lay Valk to rest, they cut it out of an in-development alpha build. They said actually said they’ve laid mass res to rest. As in its dead. They did it to mass res because it was overpowered, hard to balance and encouraged boring gameplay.

Changing the wording doesn’t change anything… Don’t know why you had to argue semantics. :confused:

This, they haven’t said. They’ve lead the idea of a revert to rest.

Same for Valkyrie?

False. Was historically underpowered and only remotely became viable after invulnerability but that was a balance change that was easy to deal with. Not hard.

Wrong. It is easier to balance than Valkyrie and Res on g E, mind you.

Are you referring to “Hide n Res” because that was intact encouraged by the SR system which was fixed before her rework. Had they done it quicker, the strategy would’ve died on its own quicker.


Even professional players couldn’t deal with it as there was no counterplay. How do we expect the rest of the server to deal with it then?

When she was F-Tier in pro tournaments? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


We are talking about the time Mercy did the hide n rez thing that pros hated so much and complained about.

“Hide n Res” is the easiest the counter lol. Infact, it counters itself.


I guess that is why professional players were complaining so much about it then, it counters itself :man_shrugging:

Yeah, because most of the time, said pros avoided killing the mercy and expended resources in a 6v5. They were upset over their own incompetence. Also, when you reference pros, you’re being very vague… if it’s xQc kinda pro, this convo is over… if it’s Taimou or Seagull, well you see, they have already said that they prefer mass res over current Mercy in their respective streams.


So professional players, the people who dedicate their lives to playing and understanding the game better than anyone else, are incompetent? Ok sure, nothing to do here, just emotional responses. Mass rez is not coming back.

Technically they do have a point, as much as they are pros, they can mess up and make mistakes, just like any profession.

Its their job, but that doesnt mean they they are literal gods and perfect players, they make mistakes here and there too.


Sure, i agree completely but, things don’t get changed like that overnight because they just couldn’t adapt or learn to deal with it. Blizzard and professional players are not as incompetent as some want to think. They just came to the realization after a long time that that particular situation was not working for the game and needed to go. You are welcome to disagree, but as long as they think that, it’s not going to change.

Firstly, I’m not saying they are always incompetent. Most of the time, when I see clips of them complaining about it, it is mostly either them complaining about their own incompetence or it’s just them saying how bad the strategy is which I can agree with. Also, a bunch of pros have agreed, in an article, that “Hide n Res” is easy to counter. To paraphrase it, they said it was easy to counter because the fight was already lopsided towards the team that isn’t hiding.

To something you made up? Yeah, sure.

It can come back.


They were complaining about Mercy the most, not the only ones of course, the whole server was complaining about Mercy, which is why she is talked about so much. I am not aware of that article you mention, if you could post the link I will take a look.

I didn’t made it up, it is literally what happened.

It won’t, the sooner you accept it the better it will be for you.

She was not talked about so much before because of “Hide n Res”. It was because of how much skill she takes and how she has such a powerful ultimate for, most pros consider, a low skill hero. They weren’t complaining about “Hide n Res” being uncounterable which is what you are arguing.

I’m referring to how you said that I said that pros are incompetent. I said, most of the time, from what I’ve seen, they’ve essentially complained about their incompetence when dealing with mass Res. That’s absolutely normal. Pro players aren’t perfect.

It can come back. The sooner you accept that, the sooner it will be better for you.


They were talking about hide n rez, and they came to the conclusion that it was an unhealthy skill that needed to go, hence why they removed it and will stay that way.

I didn’t say they were perfect, but the decision to remove mass rez wasn’t taken in a day. It took time and analysis to come to the conclusion that that particular skill wasn’t working with the game, so it had to go.

They already said that it won’t so what you are doing is just being in denial, but you are free to keep asking for it if you want, it won’t happen, but you are free to keep asking all you want.

Nope. The general consensus pros had was that Mercy was skiless and Res as a whole had to go. They even did a IGN video on that. :joy: Pro’s weren’t focused on “Hide n Res”. They were focused on the fact that, in their eyes, a low skill hero has a exceptionally powerful Res mechanic.

That’s cool. Blizz already fixed that before their rework. “Hide n Res” isn’t a problem but that’s not what you were arguing. You were arguing that pros hated it because it was uncounterable. That is objectively false and there’s already enough proof to suggest the contrary. I don’t know about you but I’m sure that evidence that can be applied to everyone is better than individual experiences, even if they are pros because again, pros are not perfect.

Now you’re just appealing to ignorance. I don’t need to address logical fallacies.

They’ve never said this. What you’re doing is misinterpreting what Jeff said to fit your narrative. In which case, I’ll remind you that bringing back mass Res with tweaks and a new e ability is a rework. Not a revert. A revert is to go back to a state that previously existed. Reworked Mass Res and a new e ability is not a revert. I want a rework. Not a rework.

Yes, because it can happen. At least you acknowledged that. :slight_smile:


No, they were very much talking about mass rez, it was a big thing since it was creating issues in the professional scene. This is why Blizzard addressed this and it was removed, things don’t just get removed because there is no issue with them, it’s just common sense.

Hide n rez is and was a problem, it was a faulty design that had to be corrected and luckily it did. Mr. Kaplan mentioned that asking a main healer to stop healing was wrong, and it’s as simple as that.

I would love to see that evidence that proofs without any reasonable doubt that mass rez was perfectly counterable.

I’m not appealing to ignorace, I stated that the decision to take the skill out of the game was carefully made and it took time and thought to come to that conclusion. Are you calling that ignorace?

I am not. They stated without any doubt, that the gameplay that that situation generated was opposed to the design philosophy of the game, it doesn’t get any more clear than that.


I didn’t acknowledge it, you didn’t understand what i said, common mistake so it’s no biggie. I literally said that it won’t happen, that you can ask for it all you want, but it won’t happen. The fact that you can ask for it doesn’t mean there is a chance for it to come back, it just means you are in denial and do not fully comprehend why the skill does not work with the design philosophy of the game and will never return.