The "hiding mercy" fallacy

aside from junkrat, not a single hero hides during ult (and the part you control during ult doesn’t hide either)

last time i checked mccree didn’t hide and then get a 5k through the floor, maybe mass rezz wouldn’t have been deleted if it only worked with line of sight to the rezz targets

In her small, fast moving hitbox, again you’d have to know exactly where she is otherwise you have to factor in time to react to Mercy along with TTK. Most of the time she didn’t even need to come in LoS.

Again, you have to know exactly where she was and you commonly got around this by gliding in from the high ground.

If you react fast enough and know where she’s coming from.


See first point.

Debatable, you had a short window of invulnerability where you had the chance to move out of the way, raise a barrier, activate DM etc.

Which is why before ulting you told everyone to stick together, even if you hooked someone out of range you could still rez the majority of your team.

See previous point.

This is where the hiding part comes in.




Nice refutation, I bet you win a lot of arguments with that one.

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Played since before Ana’s release. Never hid. Never been told about hiding by anyone. Never told any Mercy to hide. Never accused of playing her bad.

It was very easy to counter indeed, and that’s why Mercy wasn’t picked at all in certain ranks, because once learnt to deal with the rez, she had no mid game utility, so she was really bad in comparison with other heroes.

Only a bunch of Mercys hiding” Seagull, the pro player and one of the creators of that stereotype

No, sorry, hide and rez existed but it was only an exploit made by a very very very tiny minority, not even a half of the player base. The way to use her was tempo rezzes, that were infinitely more common than huge rezzes. Why? Because hide and rez was incredibly uncommon in comparison with how the playerbase played.

“No plans to revert her” Jeff before reverting every single aspect of Mercy back to alpha.

I’m sorry, but he never said anything about mass rez never coming back. I’ll tell you what that old fashioned statement meant:

We have no plans to bring mass rez as it was, remove her E ability (they didn’t revert her healing yet, so I’ll skip that part) and remove the bunny hop.

In other words:

Bring back mass rez as it was + no more E ability + revert reverted healing (60 hp/s once more) + no more bunny hop = revert

However, I don’t see anyone saying that:

Bring back valk (existed during alpha) + E rez, again stationary (like beta’s) + revert healing + accidental (not planned) bunny hop = revert (for some reason everybody calls this a rework)

Considering that people are calling that this a “rework”, then this formula is irrefutably right:

Bring back mass rez with changes + completely new E ability + revert reverted healing + keep the rest as it is =/= revert

Anyway, Blizz said that Deathmatch would be never added to Overwatch (they used the specific word NEVER, to the message was infinitely clearer). Know the result? Never say never. Deathmatch was added to Overwatch.

Or just use your resources wisely and wipe her and her entire team right after her rez.

7:56-8:11 Easy way to prevent/counter mass rez. You don’t need huge resources. Just kill her team, use an ult and force her to take this easy decision. To give up that rez and loose the fight and probably the game? Or to rez and suffer a team wipe, loosing the fight and probably the game? Now guess why Mercy wasn’t picked at top ranks.

The same as people are suggesting now and somepeople are trying to shut them down. Anyway, I never saw that kind of complaint, mostly, it was about her not having E ability, something that made her very weak in mid game.

Okay, you played her wrong. You could play her actively and agressive, never letting anyone to die, and switching from teammate to teammate without stopping your job for a single second. That was the way to go with her back then.

No, sorry, there is no skill at all involved in valk. In her basics, yeah but that’s nothing new, you had it before. And when to resurrect? Considering that you have rez each 30 sec, faster than when it was an ult, you will use it on cd as long as the teammate died next to a wall or a corner.

Huge problem here. Blizz has tried everything with this design and it’s a disaster. 13 nerfs in just one year! That’s enough to see that this design is pure garbage and will never work. Reverting Mercy back to valk and stationary rez was a huge mistake, and that never had to happen.

Yeah, we know the exploit existed, but it wasn’t that horrible nor hard to fix. There were other characters who needed more urgent attention than a lesser problem that only needed QoL changes. Indeed, the biggest problem with mass rez was how much power it had concentrated in it. That’s what made her unbalanced through ranks, despite being overall balanced.

Once more, some hints:
1- Number of tempo rezzes done >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> huge rezzes done
2- “Just a bunch of Mercys hiding” Seagull, pro player and creator of the hide and rez stereotype
3- “A matter of her broken SR system” Taimu, pro player and creator of the hide and rez stereotype

Finally, having to save your rez wasn’t bad at all, in fact that was what made her skill ceiling so high before. You had to take a lot of decisions, and depending on your good or bad judgement you could either win or loose. That’s way better than having a piece of garbage that you can press on cd and hide and hold M1 for example (now that tactic is useless because a single ape can outdamage it).

Also, why tempo rezzes were used so much? Do I have to remind you that Mercy was a single target support? What means being single target? You can only heal one target at the same time. What does that mean? The enemy can overload you and kill your teammates while you are trying to save others, even if you are a t500s Mercy. What does that mean? If you are being outplayed, you will have to think whether to use your ult or not for that situation. Anyway, you could replicate valk’s effects in terms of healing just with some skill, it never helped so much on that matter.

Finally, current rez is not build around that concept. Tempo rezzes are 2-3 men rezzes. That was the original rez during this “rework”, and of course, having tempo rez as an E ability was op beyond imagination, so they nerfed it to the ground. Now it’s hide and single rez, nothing else.


Hiding is not the best tactic unless your goal is to get wiped again.

Proves my point. A strategy is most definitely bad if it relies on the opposition’s incompetence to be successful.


Current rez is 10000000% reliant on a simple and unevitable question: Where can I hide? If the answer is “nowhere” then you won’t rez in the open because then, go back to beta days. Why mass rez was turned into instant? Exactly, because being stationary she was a free kill during rez. There is no skill nor decision making behind that. Is there a wall? Go and rez. There isn’t? Don’t even think about it.

Oh, and now letting people to die in order to rez is the most valuable way to “heal” some characters because of Mercy’s pathetic healing.

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A wall? Not even that these days. You forgot about a family of Doomfists living in every backline… :unamused:

That will happen… almost never. Anyway, that takes skill from them, not from you. You are only a sort of princess in mistress who needs protection while being completely frozen for two seconds, and even in the best possible scenario, you are letting your team without one support for that time, while they are using all their resources on covering you.

So you MUST hide and rez or being babysitted or die… or use rez out of fight, that’s a valuable option now too. Anyway, that doesn’t make up the point that E rez makes Mercy too hard to balance properly and contradicts her role as a main support, at the same time that it has become her only real focus, being “let people to die in order to rez them whilie hiding” her real way to go now, just because she can’t heal them.


No, you’re just not worth anymore thought than that. See ya!

Complaint about her healing? Why?
Her healing can be 1000 hp/s, but that doesn’t matter when you are locked in res.

Mercy is the only support who can’t do more things at the same time. And at that - all things that she has to choose from are mediocre at best.

It’s two sides of a single issue, really. Restricting conversation by neglecting obvious connections will never give you any relevant outcomes.

Sorry. I get you disagree, but I hate when people say “You played her wrong” just because I don’t share the opinion. I highly doubt I played her wrong after 60 hours in on her with her old kit. There was significantly less decision making than her current version, because her entire usefulness is not tied to mass resurrect. :man_shrugging:

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It is not just that. Yes, it is one of the points, but for real, do not try to reduce complex things to A>B scenarios.

Yes - healing nerf puts more emphasis on res usage since you can’t really keep your team alive that well. Which leads to even more focus on how bad of a design current resurrect has.

Not a full story, but a valid part for sure.

Every time i see the tears of old mercy is an new tear to a next nerf lol

I can’t talk for anyone else, but if you are ignored from the very start of this circus, salty memes are the only thing left.

Yes, of course you will try to heal people, but they will die anyway, so while you have all the time in the world before the res animation ends, you can contemplate if that healing was even necessary in the first place.

I am not sure if you should take such things 100% seriously. Just a little joke here and there… C’mon :neutral_face:.

Well, if that’s your only counterargument, you should just stop because it’s clear you run out of them. I’m not complaining about her old ult, I’m complaining about her current design, which is the worst piece of garbage she has ever been. She must be reworked for good, exactly as it happened in the past. E rez doesn’t belong to Mercy, and the same goes for valk, she doesn’t need an ez mode pro simulator for dummies.

And yes, current Mercy is focused on dps and rez because her healing is trash. That means that the best way to heal some characters now is just letting them to die next to a corner and rez them. That never happened before.

Well, let’s use other words then, let’s try more neutral. Back when Mercy had mass rez, you could play her in two different ways. One was passive, aka pocketing, hiding, not engaging at all, etcetera. An incredibly easy way to play her, but truely boring and unskilled. On the other hand you could play her actively and agressive, and that was quite the opposite. Frenzy playstyle, never stopping, all the time engaging with your team and thinking about how to use your rez while using your entire kit at its full potential. Which one was easier? First one, of course.

That being said, current Mercy has no decision making at all. If you played her engaging and actively before (and you said that you didn’t) there is nothing new to learn, indeed you are now playing passively, taking no risks at all, hiding like a coward, stopping doing your job each 30 sec, disengaging with valk all the time unless chasing Pharah/Widow. Current Mercy’s niche is indeed pocketing/chasing Pharah/Widow, and that’s it. There is no skill involved in that, specially if you played her whole kit at its full potential before instead of only caring of her mass rez.

Summing up, you probably knew how to play her, but if you wanted to master her, she was way more complex than just using mass rez sometimes and pocketing from the far. That was more or less her skill floor, and that’s how she must be played now. That’s something that people who were going deeper in her kit are missing. There are not things to think about, everything is hide and single rez or press the spectator ez mode… or just ignore it, since it does nothing relevant tbh.


That’s a new one.

Exactly this. Mass Res could have been fixed with this. But people just went straight away with this rework that clearly ruined her…


I know a lot of Mercy players and that’s one complaint from them. They are from all ranks, from bronze to t500s and from all countries (we have a discord channel), so I don’t get where is the funny point in that. There is a huge problem with current Mercy. If you can’t bring counterarguments, please, search information.

So now trolling? That other counterargument? Yeah, high quality one… Please, don’t be ridiculous. If you can’t come with anything realistic, stop trolling, do us a favour.


So I guess Lucio and Zenyatta should both give up because they have lower hps than Mercy right?

I wonder how they stayed meta for so long…