The "hiding mercy" fallacy

Punishing coordination and teamwork with a reset button will NEVER be healthy for the game.


We can be pretty sure. We know what worked, and we also know what doesn’t.

You mean, punishing the mistake of throwing in 4 ults to wipe a team?

You mean, erasing the mistakes of your team for not coordinating and bad teamwork?

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So getting wiped by a team that’s trigger happy and wastes all their ults is your team’s fault? Lmao


Because, of course, the meta is always that predictable.

You’re guessing. The meta would counter mass res somehow - my guess would be we’d get a massive focus on “kill mercy first” comps, and a massive increase in sombra use.

Not sure if you’ve played any games like Overwatch before, but, erm… you should always kill the supports, first. If it’s not Mercy, then Ana, Zen, Lúcio, whatever.

Why didn’t you avoid it?
Why didn’t you cancel it?

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Yes honey, i know, i’m talking about mercy specifically :slight_smile:

Not a balance issue but a gameplay issue. Hide and Rez was a flawed gameplay mechanic. Pretty much everyone except mercy players agreed that mass Rez had to go.

Because they’re throwing in 4 ultimates without thinking about possible counters, like Rez, or the enemy team just respawning and now having a 4 ult advantage over you. It’s simple, really. Mercy was a skill check. More specifically, for game sense. And just like we’ve seen with Brigitte. People don’t like that, because it makes their failings glaringly obvious.


As a mercy player, i agree that hide and res was boring, and mass res had to go.

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Sorry I didn’t mean “all mercy players”

Actually it was more like, Mercy’s niche would only work in low elo rather than high elo because they know how to deal with Rez and her kit is lackluster compared to other what other supports provide.

Theres a reason why seasons before her rework, Zen and Lucio had higher pickrates compared to Mercy. They bring more to the table in their kits and their ults were harder to counter than Mercy’s.

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Oh boy.
How is giving your team a get out of jail free card a skill check?
On top of that, it removed skill because hey, i’m gonna risk and die because Mercy can always rez me if i f*ck up.

It was punishing good positioning, and skill all together.
It’s like spending 5 hours on stacking cards to make a house of cards, and then your brother coming in and pushing it down.

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Id say it was a skill check to make sure people dont spam their ults and hit Q to win. It involved target prioritization and if the Mercy was smart to evade or the enemy was dumb to spam all their Qs to win without killing the target, which they should have, it heavily punished players.

The problem with risking and dying is that its not always guaranteed what would happen next. Ive been on the receiving and giving end of that scenario. Take for example, if a team was reliant on Rez so much, they often die. They get rezzed. But that leaves vulnerability to get another teamwipe because when you get rezzed, theres a 2s of wait until you get in control of your hero again. A LOT can happen within that 2s scenario.

That fraction of time that you could get bombed, Riptired and basically teamwiped again. Which is why you didnt see Mercy become meta in higher elos, because they were smart enough to dea with it. Heck if Mass Rez was such a problem, she should have been meta, but she wasnt and was considered UP and a troll pick back then even with Mass Rez.

I’d say Mass Rez encouraged people to be careful with their ults. Kill the Mercy or bait her ult and ult back. It wasnt hard unless you were lower elo.

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AKA “Kill Mercy first of eleventh.”

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It still works to this day when it comes to supports.

Its always best to kill supports before they ult no matter what. You dont ult as Genji without killling the Zenyatta or Lucio for example because they make your ult useless.

Its not Mercy exclusive.


It works differently tho.
The equivalent would be if mercy would bring back dead heroes to fight for 3 seconds and then they die again.

There’s also a pretty big flaw in your theory, if they reworked her to increase her time played in OWL then why would they nerf her back to a point where she’s not used anymore? Exactly, because they didn’t rework her for OWL.