The guy who buffed soldier

is the same guy that buffed mcree, instead of nerf ashe + mercy combo.

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He is better at balance than most of the team. I wish he did more for us.

That guy is someone who did his job well. Soldier and McCree were throw picks or mediocre at best. Now I’m sure someone will come with 'but, but, but…!!" but those are the facts. Not my facts but objective facts like win rate and viability. They are viable now which is a good thing.


Nah buffing Soldier is a chad move, so they can’t be the same person.


The soldier buff is great so nope


Fire him.

(+20 characters)


no… soodier and mccree were bad heros on double shield time or goats time. but they were decent heros when blizzard nerfed the shields… is just that ashe + mercy combo was a lot better.

the guy who buffed soldier probably also knows how to make BEER CHICKEN!

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You know who the devs like playing, because those are the heroes they let be op forever until people complain enough. Soldier was balanced fine… now he’s just Bastion that can run, it’s so stupid. But smurfs love playing him now, so they won’t change it.

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The +1 damage buff wasnt as dumb as the +25 hp buff for cree


I agree they both were pretty bad, (mainly soldier tho)

And I think the soldier buff was good (hes balanced i think) but they did kinda go overboard with mcree buffs. Yeah they’ve toned them back and even now he’s still a strong hero imo, it kinda shows how strong he was before the 3 nerfs.

I wish he wasn’t meta for a while so we can finally have a break from him, but they can’t do that without nerfing him which I dont think he needs, so idk…
(Tho I would much rather they address tracer first)

soldier got like 30 buffs in a row its crazy