The game was better under Dive meta

100% dude.
When low elo players tell “we play goats” they just run Rein/Zarya/DVa/Moira/Lucio/Brig with no idea what to do with their picks and how to make synergies go well.
Playing specific 6 heroes =/= playing a comp.
A comp is a bit more that just a group of fixed characters …

I’ve literally not even mentioned GOATS in the OP. Rein/Zarya is not GOATS, it’s a consequence of the lack of dive.

And I wasn’t answering you on that specific part :man_shrugging:
(I understood you mainly talk about the Rein/Zarya thing, and I understood that you have an issue with Reinhardt in general, you’re all over the forum, everyone know that)

No, just like Squirrel you’re here to bash me, I get it.

No it wasn’t. People in gold can’t even spell dive never mind play it.

Picking the heroes is not ‘dive’. Being outplayed by a Tracer/Genji/D.Va is not ‘dive’. It is a player being mechanically unskilled enough at the game that a marginally better yet unskilled player can consistently kill you whilst you get triggered that you can’t just pick a hard counter hero to kill them with no counterplay other than to swap themselves.

There has ALWAYS been counterplay against these characters. Unfortunately it’s skill based, not pick based. If you aren’t good enough to outplay the people who are on them, then you simply deserved to lose.

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Stop playing the victim, it’s ridiculous.
As usual, talking about something on one of your posts is a pure waste of time.

The problem is too far the other way now, I’d like to play Tracer, but this is now virtually impossible. Playing against a Gold/Silver Tracer is a free win.

Who’s bashing you and why? Bashing of forum vets isn’t cool, bruh.

insert generic “but muh skill” reply here
insert generic “counterplay XYZ clicking heir heads” reply here

Yeah, sure.

How is telling you that meta is completely irrelevant at your rank bashing you?
Literally anything can work down there as long as you just outmechanic the enemy.

There’s a lot of space between those points I think we’re missing.

Um there was really not much variance during dive. By about 2000 SR pretty much every game had at LEAST 2 of genji/tracer/winston/dva

Winston/dva was pretty much a forgone conclusion

ONce mercy got her comically broken rework this was basically the meta


x/x was basically either a tracer or genji or both

And this is why Blizz trying to ‘force the meta’ as they would put it, is far worse than letting something be marginally better to be meta based on skill.

They’ve utterly destroyed the balance of the game by introducing Brigitte and all the ‘rebalancing’ that has had to be done around her to the point that nearly nothing is viable due to the absurd amount of healing and armour. Unless it’s massive burst damage, it’s a war of attrition between tanks and supports. Tickling the enemy team with trickle damage just simply charges their support ults.

Having a meta amongst the top level/OWL but having almost the entire cast be playable by the majority of players is probably the closest thing to absolute balance that Overwatch can achieve, and that’s what we did have in the ‘dive meta’ right before the ‘moth meta’ Mercy started the trend of massively skewing game balance in ridiculous degrees. And that’s when it was best and most fun for the most players.

Jessicka is completely right, the game was better then and it doesn’t take a T500 to recognise that.

Again you are looking at with rose tinted glasses. Sure brig was as an abomination that did the game no favors. But let’s be real.
Again the game was shiny and new and everyone and their grandmother played comp back then therefore tons of points were being fed into the system. You could be absolutely TERRIBLE at the game and still break into plat. And when I mean terrible I mean playing at a skill level that would probably not get you out of bronze now days.

Now the game is just washed up plats/golds and smurfs in silver now. Of course the game isn’t fun anymore. The ladder is stale and it’s a massive traffic jam in lower elo.

Plat should be the average player rank though. And yeah, more people playing does mean that more people should be at higher ranks, but that just meant that you’d see more of a skill progression between smaller increments of SR.

Now there’s barely any difference between the ranks until you shift around 500 SR higher.

To be honest though, the quality of games probably was better at that point too because people were actually trying, even though the competitive system was pretty broken (though not as awful as it is now).

Plat still is and always was above average. Your average bracket is basically mid gold.

As for why the system is so broken now you could write a novel on it. But to make a very TLDR version of it. Seagull got his wish the filthy casuals quit and we got the mess we have right now.

There are very few “real bronze and silver” players left. They quit so now we have washed up above average players devouring each other in low silver. I know I have an account there and I cannot get out no matter how hard I try.

Honestly I dont blame those bronzers and silvers that quit. They honestly have ZERO incentive to que anymore. That is the real problem with the system. A total lack of incentive.

Sorry but that’s what distinguishes a good from a bad support; survivability. If you want to stay alive and heal for the eternity, wow is there.

Supports and especially the main ones hold the highest tactical value. You cannot trade them with any other role and gain advantage.

For example, if a main tank trades its life with enemy main support, inevitably he creates space in the process. If a dps trades with a main support, automatically gives tactical advantage on the tank side.

Thus, dive gives the opportunity to shine as a good support and feed as a bad one.

problem is during dive playing support was terrible.

Now you are pretty much immortal. Both extremes are bad there is a happy medium

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Flash news, low tiers don’t experiment GOATS either.

lower tiers don’t have a meta. The best you can hope for is a 2/2/2. ANY 2/2/2 there.

When you talk about meta, you talk about ranks that actually do have a thing called meta. Not the lower ranks you’re talking about.