The game was better under Dive meta

It’s also the period where most comp was also doable and fun (Similar to Double sniper anyways, whoever gets grav + dragon first wins.).

Every meta has some rose-coloured glasses on, dive and its problematic heroes (And still problematic till now.) , triple tanks (That now evolved to its ultimate form of Goats and a response to double sniper.) an double sniper in general.

We had that meta way too long. It was time to have it replaced. And so is the current one.

Metas needs to keep shifting to keep the game fresh and to have other heroes more viable once in a while.

Maybe it’s time to get a dive oriented meta again.

BuT gEnJi WaS gOoD iN tHaT mEtA
I h8 gEnJi He iS oP
gEfF pLs NeRf

Its okay if Mercy was meta, as long as she wasnt a must pick.

Heck, ANA has been meta for months and you dont see complaints from her.

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Not every one see faster moving hero as fun to play.

Also, during dive meta my rank games look like this: pick dive heros, just run foward and kill shoot something, it will work.

during goats meta- no one play goats, everyone play what they like

In my opinion goats meta was better for this game.

True, but a lot of heroes have a lot of their hero power tied up in speed, and they get dragged down significantly when everything is dragged down into a stand-off. Meanwhile some slower heroes can still function okay at most ranks with good positioning against faster compositions.

Yea. No. Winston, dva, zarya and hog were all viable. Now rein, dva, zarya are mandatory. We went fron having choices in comp to play theres heroes or you lose.

Now its 3 tanks 3 healers or 5 healers and a rein.

Mobility and fast paced team comps make a sizeable chunk of the roster irrelevant as they simply can’t keep up.

I mean, if you want to talk about diverse metas, moth meta was by far the most diverse. Ana was really the only victim.

Dive was always the best meta, i was saying that even when dive was on its top.

All heroes were played anyway and dive was never instant pick to win. And IF there was a meta game with dive only on both teams it was still the most fun game compared to any other meta.

Except it wasn’t these heroes. It was Winston and D.Va that defined the meta. The four you mentioned are the most replaceable in that meta, Winston and D.Va were absolutely required.

marginally better or rather, ow metas keep getting worse as time goes on and if dive returns it will be in the same way tank meta did as GOATS

competitive and overwatch, square pegs and holes

Yeah yeah, was better before, and in 6 months, when the new thing will be there, we will have the exact same post except it will be named “the game was better under Goats meta”.
Your problem is far beyond that. There’s a meta, there will always be, so there will always have a prominent gameplay that you will see again and again during 6months+. So you will end up bored to death.

the reality is that you can run a diveish comp anytime now. Some pros do it. And it can consistently work in lower ranks, so, do it, instead of complaining about a meta that is none of your business until you’re Master of higher …

No. As an average gold player, dive was a nightmare.
Yeah, I rarely saw a full dive comp back in those days. But you didn’t even need a full dive comp. An halfway decent duo composed by Tracer/Genji/D.Va (pick 2 randomly) was enough to make games literally unplayable, because there was simply not enough counterplay for them. There were a few counters, all terribles:

  • Mei? Trash pick.
  • Torb? Trash pick.
  • Sym? Trash pick.
  • Sombra? Trash pick, also sometimes a dive enforcer.
  • Junk? Trash pick, nerfed to the ground when became viable.
  • Hog? Actually good, but then nerfed to the ground.
  • McCree? A joke.

Simply, hyper-mobility was OP across all ranks. Sometimes you only needed a good Tracer to carry entire games without even needing that much effort from other players, something disgusting for a team-based game.

At least there isn’t something like this now, in my rank you can run almost every comp (even dive).
GOATS is boring to watch? I agree, and I’m absolutely fine with that. Hope that OWL and all eSport-related crap will fail ASAP.

You are 1.7k sr, you never played dive and you certainly don’t play goats now. Even in low masters 3dps is common and people are too stubborn to even have 1 tank sometimes. Goats is not a thing unless you are mid gm+.

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Specially talking about OPs rank. I dont think any meta has a heavy impact there though. Dive was HARDLY ever seen executed properly below Masters and GOATS … probably the same under Diamond.

I think we are trying to discuss “first world T500” problems honestly :thinking:

You managed to click my profile, but utterly failed to read the post. Well done.

Or if you play in 6stack teams in tourneys/scrims, you can see decent goats starting at ~3k3SR.

I read your post and I agree with him. Man, you don’t have any idea of what’s a true dive comp, or a goats comp, what it is to play against a true organized team that knows what you’re supposed to do at any moment.
And that’s not against you, 95% of the playerbase has definitely no idea what it is to play with and against a meta comp.
Even in Masters soloQ they don’t play that much META comps.

You start knowing what’s is all about when you play the true competitive game, the one with tournaments and scrims or very high ranked games.

I’m positive, meta is nothing but a word without any sense in the huge majority of mouths using it. :man_shrugging:

It’s just funny reading low elo people complain about goats when I’m sure you don’t see proper goat comps in 90% of your games.

It actually does, try playing Rein/Zar in Numbani/Gibraltar/Well/Sanctum etc against a decent team.

I really think it depends on who you are playing.
It also depends on your rank.

Right now no matter if you’re Master or Bronze you can play almost anything. Goats isn’t as strong as it used to be in those ranks and if you want you can play Dive and make it very good. The only rank where this doesn’t apply and Goats is the only comp is high GM.

During Dive meta you basically had :
Monkey,, Tracer, Genji, Zen, Mercy

No change in the comps, always the same. Sometimes you could go Rein/Zarya but if the ennemy had a dive you’d get destroyed.

If you were the one to play Mercy or Zen : Welcome to the “I died in 2s” world. Really annoying. Also the fact that you could only play Mercy or Zen was annoying as hell. Throughout the ranks you could see other tanks (like Monkey Zarya or Rein Zarya) and other dps (Sometimes Pharah, Sometimes Double sniper etc) but you always had Mercy and Zen because no other support was nearly as good as these two.

Yes you had a lot of mobility but at the end of the day it depends on how you like to play.
The matches were all the same just like for Goats. The issue was exactly the same : One comp is meta.

The good sides of Goats is that you can have such a bigger impact as a healer than Dive -main Healer mostly. You can play all 6 of them. You can play almost every tank depending on the maps because Dive Goats is a thing.

The idea that if they have Goats you’ll never win unless you have Goats as well is really only true in high GM.

This is incredible. Twice you respond to it without having actually read it.

It’s clear what you’re about here, you’re just embarrassing yourself now.

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