The Forums are Extra Toxic

Overwatch pretty much toxic since OWL came. So yeah

comp is even more toxic than the forums, i made the mistake of joining a game after having an enjoyable time in some quickplay matches, only two get two comp games in a row where simply queuing my mic to suggest we spread out when we hear junkrat ulti or mention i have my ulti ready to go for the next push results in a torrent of disgusting comments regarding female genetalia and someone ‘smelling fish’, and being asked if im a ‘sl*t gamer’, whatever that means.

Comp as a woman, gotta love it.


Oh my god it is so questionable to listen to people who can play the game vs people who can’t play the game!!! /your average elitist forum user cookie

Zarya was never meta or very good in pro scene, you’re spewing lies. It was a change based on ladder meta only. They didn’t even nerf her, just redistributed her power so she becomes a better hero, and less Qverwatch, the better.

The post you’re responding to is almost 2 months old.

And yes, it is questionable considering those people who can play the game still give bad balance decisions. Just because you can click heads with widowmaker doesn’t mean you know any more or less than a player who can’t. It’s especially questionable when we are told every day that the feedabck we give is valuable, and despite giving that feedback for almost 2 years it took an OWL pro to get anything done.

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I feel the very same. Despite playing Overwatch for a very long time now and observing the forum for quite some day, I never really used it much.
I feel like the majority of topics is just people ranting about something instead of actual discussions.
There are some, of course, but rather rare compared to the ranting.
When I play games for a long time, I usually use the forum a lot to communicate, discuss, etc.
Overwatch forum is the first one I barely interact with simply due to the massive toxic ranting that is dominating the forum as you described very well.


I’m not on too many forums, but as far as official forums go (that I go to) this is the second most toxic place I have ever visited after the old Bioware forums.


Eh, I have been around about half a dozen and honestly, I am not feeling that. I still believe this is the most toxic community in gaming. I feel as though the forum toxicity is heavily overstated, however.

Thread 9/10

Not the Skrek 2 version.

Now remember I am talking about the OLD Bioware forums before they tore them down, rebuilt them and added about twice as many moderators.
It was about as toxic as here, but with a very very creepy layer of sexism on top.

Its because people have to ‘hold back’ on the official forum. People can’t vent their frustrations healthily with transparency so they have to use phrases like ‘nerf’ which in real world speak would be some kind of expletive. By doing this they have to form some sort of basis to their argument with charts and stats. When the reality of what they are trying to say is-

“I dont like this character, it annoys me, I dont want to hear I’m bad because it will send me over the edge even more, I just want to vent to like minded people who hate this character to make me feel better”


Hence why everyone wants every hero except their own main nerfed.


Thats why I only really vent on twitter to my friends, so I get the “omg same!” Validation I need without being presented with a spreadsheet on why I basically suck.

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Nice necro btw…

I’m actually embarrassed that this thread got rezed considering my comments on the summer games and OWL.

Want me to show u her OWL stats compared to Dva?

Not the one that revived this thread.

Both have been doing way better than Roadhog since the damage nerf, what, two years ago?

Even roadhog has better pickrate than Zarya at OWL stage 4/playoffs/finals. I was just telling the user that Zarya hasn’t been meta in the pro scene. Not for years anyway. But she’s always a good hero; and still is in the actual game

Ever heard of GOATS?

I don’t watch OWL :man_shrugging: