The forced 50% w/r does exist on paper in solo comp

Yeah. Blah, blah, blah. I’ve heard it all before. It’s all the individual’s fault for a loss. Well, there are 6 individuals on each team. So, my teammates are to blame for losses, right?

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Where did I say this?

And only one of them came to the forums trying to claim that they don’t belong in their rank simply because they make 1/2 decent decisions 20% of the time.

You are also involved in said team.

If you’d made fewer mistakes, you would have died less which means more up time, which means more prep-time which results in more ultimates and more games clutched.

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Like I said. I’ve heard it all before. You and your ilk think the ranking system for this game is perfect. Continue living in your fantasy and putting their ranking system up on a pedestal. I’ll continue to believe my lying eyes.

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Hearing and genuinely working to improve and succeed are not synonymous.

Never have I ever stated its perfect.

  • Though I do admit, its not bad :thinking: compared to some games.

Fantasy or not, my SR is higher and I’ve successfully climbed more accounts to high rank than 80% of the player base. I’d say “my fantasy” is looking pretty real.

  • but k

Its less about putting it on a pedestal and more about properly educating players on how they need to change their mentality if they’re going to be successful in gaming (or life for that matter).

You, do you, dawg.

GG Go Next

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Climbing in soloq is terrible. You do 3 steps forward, and 2 steps backward. The amount of time you waste is huge.

You’re in gold-plat, so you’re playing with tons of mis-ranked players. Mostly all the new players get ranked in gold instead of bronze.

If I win 4 placement matches out of 5, in the 5th one my teammates will be potato powered 100% of the times.

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Heres the kicker, the match quality is already that bad, with the sheer skill variance on the match to match basis.

Its a matchmaker trying to mix both extremes to make it “fair” and thats not a system that puts equal skill togather, not even close. Just a mix of both.

If the matchmaker isnt removed in OW2, this game after the initial release is going to die off rapidly.

Nobody wants to play a sequel with exactly all the same problems

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The matchmaker has a hand in it. When clearly they cannot get any numerical IE the play of the game system, to even work and they simply abandoned it. What makes you think the other systems work fine?

Hell characters are tuned not by “balance” but by pickrate.

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Again “players playing as little as possible”, while other players trying to rank up have to play as much as possible.

The limit needs to be upped to 100 games per season, or swapped to a system where you cannot drop multiple ranks. So you are encouraged to play. Rather than once you get into diamond players reduce the amount of games they play to the matchmaker trying to screw them over and getting a lock on their MMR and throwing them newbies to offset them ranking up

It’s not trying to match both extremes though. If you see a wide variance in skill within a given match it is because of some combination of a few factors:

  1. Low numbers of players queueing at a particular skill level (so this gets worse at the top and the bottom of the ladder, because there are fewer players at the top and the bottom of the skill range).
  2. People of different skills queueing together.
  3. People intentionally misranking themselves in some way.

But the other thing to recognize is that OW requires a very diverse skill set. So you might see someone who has really bad aim in a match with someone who has better aim. The first player probably has better knowledge of the game than the second, or is better at not tilting, or is more willing to adapt to the needs of the match, or…

Both players could be equally skilled in terms of how much they contribute to their teams, but they might have very different skillsets.


Ok, cool since you’ve listed why exactly the matchmaker doesn’t work with this variance of factors, can we get rid of it and try another way?

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Did you try to understand what I wrote?

None of the issues I listed have anything to do with the matchmaker. Changing the matchmaker would not improve any of those issues. That’s one of the problems with all of this misguided focus on the matchmaker- it keeps people from addressing the actual problems that they face.

If you want to address the issues I listed you have to do things like change grouping rules or increase the number of players queueing or… Changing the matchmaker would do nothing to fix those issues.


We could make people sign an affadavit that they don’t play while drunk!


So people throwing my matches have no effect on my MMR?

So leavers or disconnect/ers have no effect on my MMR?

Smurf accounts littering comp have no effect on my MMR?

Blizzard not resettin MMR when characters like Briggette or 2 shot Genji dominated comp for how long has no effect on my MMR? And when they get balanced out, simply have to forcefully fall out the ranks throwing the MMR for everyone in its path into disarray.

Math is a perfect system, if it’s even off by 1 number. The end result can be off by MILES. And its trying to quantify the un-quantifiable. But there are people taking a system like this one at face value

A good matchmaker you will never notice, thats when it’s doing its job correctly, a bad one will be noticeable by the majority. You remember that mask off moment, when they accidentally reset MMR and the pros were placing in gold and platinum? But nobody dared question the validity of the matchmaker when these pros had a fresh MMR and still ended up in gold?

If the majority of your community doesn’t like your matchmaker, you change it to something else.

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This is exactly what we would expect to happen if they reset MMR completely. An absolute mess, unless you’re trying to say that pros aren’t actually any better than anyone else.

Also, no, no system like this can be perfect. What do you want? Sounds like you want to get rid of throwers, leavers, smurfs, etc. Great. I agree.

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It depends on how poorly you perform. Because you can have games where you win and your MMR goes down.

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My favorite part of the day is reading all the new posts of people jumping through the depths of the earth to try and find an excuse to why they are stuck.


Honestly, I realldy do think that we could get rid of 80% of these complaints if they stopped being over-precise with the SR. You know as well as I do that 50 SR is absolutely meaningless, but you see people on the forums wanting their 25, 50 SR back when servers died.

They should just go to just a few tiers, like season 1. This is one situation where they gave in to player wishes and shouldn’t have because players don’t know what they want.

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I guess they could just not have an online game. That is a way to not need a matchmaker.

Or you could do it old school style, with lobbies that you had to join, where you have absolutely no idea of your relative skill as it’s not organized at all. And it takes forever to find a game.

Or you can be completely random, but considering you’re complaining about the bad players, leavers, throwers, and smurfs, I suspect you rather like the attempt, at the very least, to make decent matches.

If you want to write something better, get off the forums and crack some books. There’re decades of research from very smart people on this. You could probably get paid a ton of money if you can improve upon it.

Please, go on!


You have a weird definition of “rigging” if your complaint is that the game doesn’t allow individuals enough control over the outcome of the game.

Generally, when I hear “rigging”, it’s a predetermined outcome. You’re using it to indicate a completely random one.

There is some point where it’s nearly impossible to lose and nearly impossible to win. For me, this was a range of +/- 200 SR, IIRC, but I’ve heard good players report ranges of more than that. I wouldn’t be surprised if there are some with surprisingly large ranges. The skill tiers are +/- 500. If you watch the video above, someone a full skill tier up is expected to lose 25% of the games in the lower tier. It’s not that accurate, for a variety of reasons.

But…if you don’t like playing a game where there is a lot of variability and teamwork required, maybe Overwatch just isn’t for you? That’s just a fundamental design philosophy that will get slightly better in OW2 but will still be a part of the game. There are other games more your speed.

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If they were so good and within the 1% how did they rank in gold? Was the ranking system gasp flawed!!?!?!?!

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