The forced 50% w/r does exist on paper in solo comp

It’s very tangible and noticeable. The arguments I see saying it doesn’t exist go like this.

The Sr is balanced over matches

There are huge fluctuations in Sr and many abuse the system by a plat dps duoing with a silver support into low gold. Also the Sr isn’t balanced across roles leading to a role diff which messes up the balance because it makes it to where plat level counterplay isn’t possible when u have a silver tank. You are forced to not play as a team and play in a deathwatch style

If you really belong in your rank u will climb there

At the current state of the game half of my matches have been just go next with trolls and leavers and a lack of banning these players. Not only that but with a matchmaking system with hidden mmr it will always put u against the better team when your dps stats are good.

It simply doesn’t exist

It does you may just not have noticed it because u aren’t playing on a level above your rank So u don’t see one sided games. Over time after a win streak or an over performance on your part your games get drastically one sided at this rank which is gold/plat/diamond. This is why it’s called elo hell. To make up for the randomness of your matches u have to perform at a level far far above what your rank is on dps slot as dps cannot carry games without being enabled.

So my tl;dr for this is that with dps being a role slot that isn’t as easy to carry games solo with you are kind of reliant on a comparable team skill across the tank and support roles if u want to be enabled midfight or have space taken for you or even Nanos and healing in general. This coupled with the match imbalance across roles makes the forced 50% winrate in solo a real experience for some who may belong at a slightly higher level of play. And it leads to frustration and people quitting the game. The main problem is they have not worked out a good system for balancing this deficit after role q.


I agree and I don’t think it belongs in the game


Even professional streamers like samito doing unranked to gms get stuck at gold for a minute and then when they climb out it’s smooth sailing. It’s a very big problem not addressed within the community and it was caused by trying to get casual players to play on the competitive ladder and not being proactive in banning trolls and throwers and also not doing any sort of verification to hinder smurfs. The plat rank is the worst rank because of these issues and even though I have a 70% wr on doom or reaper characters I can get value from from sheer pick potential and self sustain the second I get that massive wr my game balance goes off and my weaker counter pick heroes are now against a hog or ball abuser with supports who don’t know how to handle it because they were pulled up. Such as Anna can’t hit sleep made or healers going zen into ball with no brig to peel him and feeding. So many of these games u are almost reliant on your core not just absolutely doing air which is the case most games after this handicap is applied to your account.


Forced 50/50 you mean the rank you belong and are winning equal amounts of games?


“forced” win rate is a myth. And one people gravitate towards when they can’t understand why their progress has stalled.

If the match maker is working, 2 teams will be roughly similar skill. Giving you about a 50% chance of winning.

Play enough games and eventually you’ll be about 50%. Unless you are too low SR, then you will be higher and climbing. Or the reverse.


I just explained the imbalances in their algorithm. Such as people off rolling, silver tanks vs plat ones, ect. It does exist and I’m not here to argue I’m just giving examples of it existing and giving feedback so maybe overwatch 2 will have a truly balance matchmaking system that doesn’t take into account team spread but instead role spread.


It quite literally works if you are stuck where you belong lmao. Its not even an algorithm its basic statistics


They use an algorithm for discerning mmr on players accounts


Off rolling is irrelevant. Separate SR/MMR now.

Forced win rates doesn’t exist. Apart from it being a colossally stupid idea. It is completely illogical to implement.

The match maker cannot predict things…

  • you are ill so underperform
  • someone decides to randomly tilt and throw
  • you surprise yourself and just pop off
  • you do the opposite and play like a donkey.

The match maker cannot see the future, and cannot predict human emotions and behaviour. If it did, they would have said something by now as that would have amazing uses elsewhere.


I think you are just too busy crying to use common sense.


How do you know it’s a myth?

What evidence do you have that A) the matchmaker is working and B) EBMM (engagement based match making) isn’t part of the algorithm?

You’re describing how the system would work in a randomized system, but matchmaking isn’t random.


Don’t u have anything better to do besides strawmanning someone’s feedback. Refute the examples I gave instead of git gud or maybe u suck. It’s an issue many players have against the matchmaker.


You have no proof that it doesn’t exist. You haven’t seen the code, you don’t know what happens at Blizzard strategy meetings. Engagement based matchmaking exists in plenty of games, and you have no proof that it doesn’t exist in OW. You are stating opinions and passing them off as facts.

Why is it a colossally stupid idea? You don’t think gaming companies have any incentive to manage or curate the experiences of their players? Illogical to implement how?

Of course it can.

So your argument here is because it cannot predict everything, it can’t predict anything?

No one claimed the matchmaker can see the future, so you’re strawmanning here. It doesn’t have to predict emotions or behavior – it can see performance trends over time, and apply that knowledge, just like any countless number of the algorithms currently running much of the world. As for your last sentence, it’s clear you don’t understand how statistics or predictive models work.


My point isn’t that with enough skill improvement u can climb my point is that that system shouldn’t exist to begin with and that it causes a mixed bag and randomness of matches that make the game inconsistent and not fun or rewarding to win and when u lose u feel that there was nothing u could have done to have won besides just swapping hitscan and hitting crack headshots.


Because it isn’t a thing. It is stupid and illogical.

And has been debunked repeatedly.


You’re just repeating what you said before, not backing up your claims, and avoiding rebuttals.

Lol, also you can’t just claim that something is debunked. Imagine the absurdity of a debate in a debate hall, in which two people are arguing, say, global warming, and one of the participants gets up to the mic and says “global warming has been debunked repeatedly, thank you and goodnight.” The understandable question everyone would be asking themselves is: “if that’s all you’ve got, why the hell are you here?”


Just like you can’t prove it does exist. Because it doesn’t

You accuse them of forcing it. Prove it. Not with anecdotes.


You don’t understand how the burden of proof works. I didn’t make the claim that it didn’t exist. You did. Therefore, the burden of proof is on you to back up that claim.

Here’s how it doesn’t work: “I claim that unicorns exist! Now, it’s your job to prove that they don’t!”

Quote the part where I accused them of forcing it.


You believe and have stated it is a thing. That is an accusation.


I have no idea what you’re talking about, and neither do you.

I see your general strategy is just to pivot away, deflect/redirect from any rebuttal or question while trying to save face. We done here?