The "flex" changes on the PTR

No. It does not.

Currently a stack has harder time climbing due to:
Longer queue times
Harder games

The reason solo queue is currently preffered is faster queue times and easier more chaotic games. Its also the primary reason that LFG failed.

But this is another discussion

Fact remains that those who team up should have some distinct advantages over those who don’t. There is nothing wrong with people being able to swap mid match if they are within the sr range they are allowed to play with each other on those roles.

So it’s okay if a diamond support player plays support in a low gold average SR game? That’s what you’re saying.

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People within 1000 Sr of each other can queue up together.

So Yes. That is what both I and Blizzard are saying.

No, it’s not. Blizzard doesn’t allow role swapping in a match.

But they do allow for people within a 1000 SR to play with each other. Which this idea is just an extension of what they are doing.

Why aren’t you asking for a competitive ‘QP classic’ queue, that’s what you want isn’t it?

Yes. However, I am not oppossed to OTHER ideas that can get me similar results. I can ask for other things can’t I?


They “average” the SR numbers. I disagree with the way they do that, but that’s another topic. I believe that if a 3100 and a 2100 queue, they should not be put in a 2600 game. It should be closer to the higher SR’s rating.

… but I digress. They won’t allow people to abuse the system to get higher SR roles in a match where they’re not properly matchmaked.

I guess, but role queue is a multi faceted thing right?

Players won’t care if there’s a separate competitive mode where there’s no role restrictions, but they’re likely to if their team mates are encouraging them to a play a 4 tank/2 support comp every game, or have to play tank because there’s still role restrictions but no queue, etc.

And they wouldn’t be.

Their roles would have to be within 1000 SR of each other in order to swap on them.

Let me put it this way.


A person of 1000 SR in DPS can currently queue with someone of 2000 SR in Support. The inverse is also true.

With the change: The only thing that would be possible is that any of the given roles that BOTH queue for and swap for mid game are within that same bracket and requirements.

Meaning That if player “A” has a support SR of 2000 and a dps SR of 1000 and player “B” has a support sr of 1000 and a DPS sr of 2000 They can swap.

The impact of even the most extreme disparity has no effect.

Now you could argue that:

two players have relatively equal. One player having 2500 SR on both dps and support and the other having 2500 on support 1500 on dps.

But that still only has an impact change of maybe 500. Which they could still have queued with anyways.

Everyone would have this as an option. The queue could even take these different roles into account and reduce the window a little bit.

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Baby steps are sometimes what is needed. We a can address one thing at a time. Right now I would settle for gaining a little bit of flex freedom again. Enough to get my foot back in the door and enjoy this game again.

After that I am willing to try for a little more. I am not one to ignore a hug just because I’d rather get a cuddle.

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Not possible.
For example

You are in a 2500 sr match

You are
2500 sr tank
2500 sr support
1300 sr dps

Your teammates choose
Support 2x
Tank 2x
Dps 1x

You would have to play dps but it’s way below the sr standard.

You could ask your teammates to switch but for some reason the tanks are 1300 sr support and dps and your supports are 1300 sr tank and dps

You have no second up to standard dps in your team at all. Now you are… in quite the situation to put it nicely

When people will stop and think that the whole point of role queue is this? Flex roles would break the game.

I know of no verifiable data to prove this.

Your statement is fear based. Not fact based.

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Oh fear based huh? Id gladly queue with my 3800 dps friend while he is on his 2900 support role and then he just swaps to DPS and starts stomping everyone. This will be all over the forums if it starts happening dude. Unless they put some sort of lock, but then it wouldnt be a flex queue.

You need to read an entire post before responding…

This would mean the 500 SR restriction on Masters players would apply. Making it not possible for him to swap with his friend due to the large SR difference.

Thank you. You’ve demonstrated how fearful you are of the idea by not even reading the entire thing before opposing it.


Hmm not really.
I mean you are able to flex between multiple roles, depending on how much people you are in a group with.
Technically you could be a 6 Stack and flex
(works till GM tho)

You can currently FILL. Not flex.

Flexing is a mid match role. Not just fill in the blank spot on a team.


I’m a diamond tank, but probably a gold in healing. Can I queue for healing and trade for tank? It won’t ruin the game, I swear!

The current system allows for people within 1000 SR of each other at these ranks to queue with each other. Provided diamond tank is within 1000 SR of the person you are swapping with (and the inverse is true for what they are swapping too)and you queued for BOTH then it is fine.