The fact that zarya is getting nerfed

Because what do you really have to counter a combo like that if Transendence can’t?

People don’t like to accept this, but the reason grav+dragon is as big of an issue right now as it was many seasons ago is because there is one less counter to it now. Mass Rez is gone. Meaning Transcendence is the only viable team wipe saver. When that is overpowered by a boost, there’s nothing left.

So than why didn’t they simply buff another support character. Like Lucio, so that two ults can block two ults? Isn’t that simpler than just nerfing multiple characters?


Reminds me of the triple tank meta when they ruined all tanks before they figured that they have to nerf ana.


Except she has the opposite problem that hanzo has Where she’s ok but her ult is op unlike hanzo where he’s op in his base kit but his ult is garbage on its own the thing that makes grav dragons op is zarya since she keeps them there with verry little counterplay to her ult unlike hanzo’s which if it was by itself people would just move out of the way

Like I said, buffing Lucio is easier than changing 3 characters. Everyone is arguing that no one person should be able to dominate with a single ult. Valid. So require two ults to counter Grav/Dragon and be done with it. Isn’t just buffing his ult and allowing Mercy to boost him. Basically an equal mirror to grav/dragon.

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Wouldn’t it have been simpler to tweak Symmetra or Mercy instead of rework them entirely?

You’re asking the real questions now. Unfortunately, the only answer I can provide is that it’s Blizzard.

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So basically just block Mercy from boosting ultimates? Would that appease everyone? Because it seemed people wanted Trans, a single ult. To block Grav/Dragon. Which everyone here is saying they don’t want one ult to dominate. Which is why Mercy’s ult was constantly screwed with.

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Lucio did just get that extra 250 barrier buff to his ult that was added to PTR. So maybe that’ll do something?

Here’s to empty aspirations.

I don’t understand any of the logic Blizzard does. Maybe it’s because they have other heroes in the works. But because they don’t share that info. In till X is almost coming out. They look like weirdo’s changing all this stuff.

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They didnt do that though so they made trans the single most powerful support ult and when lucio gets buffed back into relevance it’ll just go back to Zen lucio

Adding new heroes to fix current problems is kind of retarded, to be honest.

You add new heroes to bring diversity, not to solve issues with current heroes.


That’s basically how I see them “fixing” issues. Oh we have X X X characters in the works. We know this will fix this nerf on Zarya later on. So let’s nerf her for half a year. Than this new character comes out 6 months later. Oh, that’s why X was nerfed. I mean I can easily see this happening. Orisa does her pull move. And Zarya does her ult. That would bypass the range nerf. Dragon everyone.

Single Junkrat ult :fu::sunglasses::fu: If you do it juuuuust right :ok_hand:

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It still has counterplay (except maybe with the boosted dragon) ,it’s just that walking out is no longer an option.

Ya on paper her ult is very op. Confined to one area for 4 seconds with no mobility abilities able to be used. But look at it this way. I can grav 6 people in there but if I don’t have a team to follow up then I cannot kill all 6. Same with sombras emp or meis blizz. Ya you can essentially make everyone very easy to kill but unless you have yourself set up perfectly you cannot kill everyone you capture.

So the idea of nerfing someone’s ult because they synnergize with their team well is really dumb. Why don’t we nerf Reinhardt ult while we are at it? You’re even more helpless when you get hit with a shatter. With grav you can atleast shoot back.

So if grav is op then shatter should be considered op too and possibly even too good for the game since everyone is completely cc’d.

I don’t see everyone’s reading behind nerfing tanks since it’s already a role no one wants to do and most the tanks need to be held up by a healer which is another area that everyone is crying for nerfs for.


That’s the thing I don’t get. Basically people wanted her nerfed. But because she has to be buffed in compensation. What happens if I start doing this. Now that I have higher charge. It’s easier for me to get grav.

I can get 4 grav’s in a full drawn out match. 5 is possible, but super rare. 3 is common for me. I can probably get 4 now, with this charge rate increase. I will hold 100% more easier now. So if I solely go after supports/squishes. What than? All the people will whine. I’m dying so fast from good Zarya’s. Now you’ll want to nerf her damage? I don’t care about the Dragon/Grav combo. If I can get rid of squishes first. I can throw a junk grav to bait out trans too.

Oh ya mor def Zarya will get way more grave now. And also this might lead to them nerfing her Bubbles too because of you hold charge longer and you are sitting around 60-70 easy you will have your barriers ready more often since you don’t need to constantly farm charge which means people will cry healers aren’t dying fast enough because of Zarya having barriers more readily.

They buffed grav extremely hard when doom came out:
Graviton now also disables all movement abilities of affected targets, similar to how Junkrat's trap affects abilities.

I would prefer that revert then what they gave her now but It was necessary to nerf it, either way, it has little counter play (even tho it’s hard to pull off) and combined with dragon (a pretty weak ult alone) Its just broken so allowing to Support but not get pulled in is a great change.

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Except when it was useless because all of the heroes could use their jumps and/or dashes to get out of it…

Then they buffed it so you can’t do that and it was actually the first time Zarya was seen around…

Her ultimate is by far the most versatile as it can combo with anything, on the other hand Hanzo doesn’t really have that luxury.


you know hanzo is only usable because of brig right? Dive still eats him alive.