The fact that zarya is getting nerfed

Because of OP hanzo, makes me mad angry.
The ult was perfect for two years but because they reworked a hero and made the rest of the dps obsolete and basically transformed the game into a joke, they decided to nerf the tank(Zarya) … and tickle the dps hero. ( Hanzo)

Its incredible… Hog is garbage(brig, ana and mei make him a huge joke) , Winston is garbage, Rein is garbage, now they are destryoing Zarya ult ( already has a long charge rate, now has less effective range too).
A joy… A joy to play tanks. A joy to main them.

As a side note, Mei got buffed too.More usage, more frozen tanks.

No wonder more and more matches I play are made off one tank, 3dps and 1 hybrid dps healer and 1 main healer.

And you know what? I’m a dps main… But I can’t stand the bs that happens to them.

I ve started playing quite a lot of tanks, just to get stunned, rolled, frozen, thrown away nonstop.



you do realise that Graviton Surge is one of the things that enabled GravDragon?? Hanzo’s ult on its own isn’t always good. And Graviton disables movement abilities. So it’s the perfect tool for combos.


Hanzo’s ultimate could have used a nerf as it deals too much damage. I think they should’ve decreased its damage to 200dps(center) but added a slow so its more of a zoning ultimate than just another DPS ultimate.


They’re also buffing her charge rate decay, its so she can maintain high energy or a decent chunk of it at least. In theory, it translates to being able to get a decent or consistent ult charges constantly.

Besides, the diameter was a bit ludicrous, making it slightly smaller is good and also doesn’t really change much since the distance Zarya often engage in often mean she’s quite close or able to reliably grab key targets.


That combo always existed, but they made Hanzo completely broken and now other characters have to pay for it.


They didn’t change his ultimate at all though when he got reworked.

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You talking about the ult range thing? That should have been fixed years ago, at least for once a visual ulti that destroys you if you don’t play around it right will somewhat match the visual.

Now if only they would make Rien ulti actually match the visual we would be in BUSINESS!

I can’t tell you the amount of times before I knew to just stay away I tried to play around the Zarya ult to get sucked in. Because you can’t see the range you literally always end up over playing around it by default, which is really unfair.
Any sometimes I even still get sucked in by accident, too!

The problem for me is now she’ll be very hard to be useful in almost any meta if the size is too small, initially. I really hope they make a special animation/coding so that when the graviton first ends up at it’s final location is expands for a split second to what it used to be, catching everyone within that bigger circle, then goes back down to match the visual better.

Hanzo is the problem, not zarya :frowning:


I never said they did, i mean they changed Hanzo into a must pick and instead of nerfing his storm arrow more, Zarya gets punished. With or without the combo Hanzo would be a must pick.


She was a perfectly balanced hero. They didn’t need to touch her.
I’m also upset about it.


Somehow they like to ignore real problems and break which isn’t unbalanced.

It’s just like the DmgB nerf.
It was a bug for 2 years
For sure.


Well Graviton received à huge buff months ago making escape abilities impossible to achieve. Once you’re in a grav there’s nothing you can do if you’re not Reaper/Moira/ORISA to get out of it.
Plus, Zarya’s charge rate is increased so she’ll have more gravs eventually


I don’t think it’s a nerf I will notice often. Very rarely do my Gravitons affect enemies at the edge of the maximum pull zone, I usually forget how generous it is in that regard.

6m Graviton is a joke, that will have to be used to get solo kills. If Zarya going away means less shooting at Reinhardt’s barrier, then I’m happy. Nothing was more annoying since 4 second DM than constantly regenerating barrier that moves around.

Typical Blizzard balancing philosophy. Nerf or buff other aspects of a hero’s kit that isn’t the problem, or a completely different hero that isn’t truly responsible for a problem but is instead related.


It’s not a complete nerf. They are enabling you to get the ult easier with the reduction on decay.
Then Graviton is good in a combo with most ults, even without ults actually.
Then, this combo was known for 2 years too. I don’t remember seeing any buffs on Hanzo’s ult. Personally I don’t know why it became such a trend to complain about it lately.


It seems some people in here are misunderstanding what you’re saying, OP, but I get where you’re coming from. You have heroes that stay untouched for months/years, but the moment a hero they synergize with receives too many buffs, suddenly that untouched hero gets nerfed due to their synergy.

It’s like adding an overtuned hero, but instead of fixing the new hero, they nerf a preexisting hero instead. Seems like flawed logic. I’m also a Reinhardt main but after the last patch he’s become literally unplayable, and I haven’t touched the game since. So yeah, I’m a tad salty.

That aside, she did at least gain a charge rate buff, so…silver linings, I suppose.


But for the whole duration of the game so far grav has never been touched and spamzo ruined that and blizz is too dumb to realize hanzo is the problem of it all.


Go play Reinhardt for 20 more hours, and you’ll realize his shield isn’t as strong as it may seem from a different perspective. His shield breaks in like 5 seconds of focus fire. Ignoring the shield doesn’t make it magically go away, and your team really can’t complain about it when they’re not trying to break it.

He’s really not as strong as people think he is, and it’s generally people who never consistently play him that think that.


True, but 9 out of 10 times I have to focus it entirely on my own, that or just leave Reinhard do whatever he pleases. People don’t focus fire the barrier.

No grav got a buff last year that disables all movement abilities that aren’t anti cc or invincible making her low key op but zarya wasnt and isn’t used in dive no nobody noticed after the first month