The fact that zarya is getting nerfed

Hanzo 2.0 builds his ult more quickly, he’s much easier to use, and he has almost he same one-shot capacity as 1.0.

While retaining super charge is nice, Zarya wasn’t the problem here.


she’s better balanced with the nerf. charge decay means you can more easily maintain charge between pushes, meaning more energy on average, meaning more damage output, meaning potentially more gravs. it’s going to be easier to play around, but still highly effective.

it’s a good change. it isn’t as much of a nerf as you guys are making it out to be.

That’s a teamwork issue, not a Reinhardt issue.


She wasn’t, yes, but still I don’t see it as a nerf by itself. The smaller ult will make good Zaryas be more rewarded than bad Zaryas who just throw their ults randomly. Then, both types of Zarya get some bonus as they can retain more charge to carry to the upcoming battle.

I could do this BEFORE the change. It wasn’t difficult to get max charge during team fights if you are good with Zarya. It’s a nerf for those who are skilled enough with her, a buff for those who weren’t.


That seems to be the theme lately with other heroes.


Here the thing though…

Zarya does not have mobility,abilities with low cds, a one shot ability, or consisten high burst damage, or a slender hit box.

Hanzo has all of those. Sooo who’s more op? Zarya requires teamwork for her ult to work. Hanzo gets them like Oprah gives away stuff. See the problem and the idiocy in the nerf?


You seem to misunderstand. I didn’t say anything about getting max charge in fights, I said you will maintain more of it between fights. this affects her bubbles too, you won’t need to farm charge with bubbles as much and can use your personal to bodyblock more often.

Actually, the range nerf can actually be a buff if you play correctly. Think about it, if you graviton 2-3 people and kill them, then the team fight would be 3 v 6 which is unwinnible (especially of you grav their supports). And instead of a teamwipe with grav which kills everyone immediately, not only will a 3 v 6 fight let you trickle them, but it can also help your team and yourself get ult charge. And this is made even better with the fact that the charge decay is much less, so it means you can solo people in your grav without having to combo.

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Except you don’t get Ult charge while your Ult is currently active. So it really doesn’t apply to Zarya. And your team was getting Ult charge before (even more so) because you could grab that extra person or two with it.

What you stated just generally applies to every hero, and not only Zarya so you really can’t say that logic makes it a buff. It’s like saying, “Oh hey, Reinhardt’s Earthshatter randomly doesn’t hit half the enemy team if they’re on a curb, but at least I hit that one Moira. Now my team can carry the weight of my unworking Ultimate and get more Ult charge!”

You’re not wrong, but your point applies to everything and does not single out Zarya.

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That’s not what you originally said, so I did not misunderstand.

Anything can be called teamwork issue, because teamwork can beat even aimbotting snipers. It’s a completely useless statement in balance discussion. You know, teamwork could beat Reinhardt with 10000 hp barrier, so what?

Aimbotting snipers actually will quickly dictate a game because they’ll one-shot everyone with less than 300hp.

Go put an extra 20 hours on Reinhardt. You’ll see what I mean.

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Seeing as Blizzard seems to like ruining things for more, and more people: First Mercy mains, then Bastion mains, Sombra mains, Zarya mains, Reinhardt mains, and others I’m probably forgetting. We could unit, but what could be our message that wouldn’t get us all mass banned? This game is being handled in a very poor fashion. With what looks good on Twitch being the deciding factor for how things are balanced. That, and Blizzard is just awful with their “creative” solutions.


range nerf is justified. Either this or they should’ve made animation bigger, cause it pulls you in even when you don’t even touch animation

As others have mentioned, in the grav+dragon combo, dragon is much weaker by comparison. It’s grav that carries the weight, because the dps ult could be swapped out for Barrage, pulse, Whole Hog, etc. None of these ults would reliably get a team kill on their own. Only with grav.

But people like to ignore the fact that alone, the ult doesn’t do much. It’s difficult to use it as a zoning tool. And virtually no damage to be used as an offensive ult. So the core reason of its existence, comboing. Is what it does. If you change that too much. Than it’s a pointless ult. Her ult alone also has the problem of reliably getting team kills on its own.

This change, I don’t really care. Because it’s just 6 feet. I basically never go for 6 man grav’s. Because you’re just sitting on it forever. I go for key targets. Weather 1 or 3. But they basically can’t change it again. If they do something again. Than the ult will be useless. I am in agreement with the OP. It is stupid to change Zarya. Because of someone else. So because a character had a random crap ability. They change him to be better. In return hurting the character regardless. Scatter Arrow could kill Zarya at full health. Now Storm Arrow nerfed Graviton’s Range.


zarya is a victim of the poor balancing of other heroes.

hanzo still overtuned on PTR… nothing changed. but lets nerf zarya instead.


I mean does any single ult really do much on its own? With any coordination, a single genji/Reaper/Doomfist/Sombra/barrage/etc doesn’t do much but get you killed and waste the ult. Pretty much every ult is better as a combo in some form, aside from most support ults, which in a pinch are better used spread or staggered one after the other.

Than why did everyone moan that Trans could be beaten by two ults and a boost? If you agree all ults on their own are crap. But with X teamwork, they’re good. Why is Grav/Dragon/boost okay to complain about. The game might as well not have ult synergy.