The fact that zarya is getting nerfed

I’ve accumulated over 300 hours across a few accounts around 3.6k SR on her and have mained her ever since the a few months after release of the game.
It hurts but there are a few things to balance it out. I’m not to thrilled though. Zarya will be even more deadly. Gravs will be more frequent but smaller - which means it will occur more in sync with Dragons. I can’t tell if that will be better or worse.

Silly players
Obviously, the devs are telling us to stop picking tanks :upside_down_face:


It hurts how accurate this is.

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That’s what I see. I see people just going to do something else. If Dragon Grav isn’t that useful. Than try like Orisa’s pull, than grav. Ana boost Pharah, Zarya bubble Pharah, grav. On top of Zarya melting you easier. Zarya ulting alone, melting, almost dead, Ana Nano boosts, re-healed and boosting her more.

Zarya was not nerfed. She was buffed in damage output. She will get her ult much faster now and will be able to use it way more than she can now on Live Servers.

The radius got smaller to compensate how many times she will be ult ing the enemy team.

The best way to use Zarya’s ult is to ult the supports and even damages. Leave the tanks out of the grav. You will build/farm ult charge off the tanks and will have it ready again soon.

Search pro Kafeee or watch some clips like this:


That’s pretty hopeful for such a small buff to make up for such a drastic nerf.

Thats…thats not the case.

Hanzo is the main catalyst in all this chaos. Rein and Zarya are the two main tanks that dont get completely smacked on his new “fan the hammer” since Rein can block it, and Zarya can benefit from it, hence why you dont see dive tanks, or the other tanks since they get shredded by storm arrow.

And since comps that aren’t dive usually require staying grouped up, it means ita the perfect recipe for Zarya and Hanzo to work together.

It isn’t Zaryas fault that Hanzos are seen more each game, its the fact that he got super overbuffed and meshes well with the current meta, nothing more :confused:

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Do you realize it’s a net buff? Likely a slight one, but still.

More Gravitons and more damage…for maybe a person or two less in a surge? Seems well worth it. Most Zaryas will be barely affected by the range difference.

It was indirectly buffed due to his absurd damage output which makes him charge it much faster than pre-rework.

‘him’ don’t you mean ‘her’

The distance to me is no big deal. Because if you’re at 60% charge. 6.5 feet in reduction is really nothing.

I didn’t know Zarya got reworked.

Oh, you’re talking about the Hanzo.

I don’t see orisa’s pull going that way, seeing as it’s always been around and that never became a crucial part of meta at all.

I do see Zarya becoming a weed-out hero, though. Season 10, we saw a lot of what I like to call “popup” mains. People who have little experience on a hero but pick it up due to the meta, and, as a

result of easier climbing, main them. Since its not their long-time signature hero this means they get a lot of lackluster plays. Hanzos and Zaryas that only kill with grav combo are like this. I have been yelled at by Hanzos who have 34% on their ult, get dragons less than I get grav and are upset i didn’t combo with them (while the rest of the team kills everyone in grav without them). If her grav is harder to use, she may become a more specialized hero again.

I don’t find it so drastic. I’ve played her so much, I’m not worried. I think it’s unfair but I’m going to remain hopeful because I know I can adjust to the changes. I still mained Zarya as one of my top 3 heroes during dive, when she was considered useless most of the time. I don’t think it’s something that will write her off forever.

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Zarya was integral to many points for Winston dive tactics…

Oh i certainly agree there, I just don’t believe the buff she’s getting is equal compensation.

She was one of the least picked tanks, people were often told to switch off to dva or winston :woman_shrugging: she was helpful, yes, but not nearly as important as winston and dva, seeing as they were the only two mobile tanks at the time.

Oh yeah, it definitely isn’t. :frowning: I’m ready to see how it pans out, though.

Grav Dragon combo has been forever too. Anything is possible. I’ve done this tactic with friends. Especially with Ana restoring your health with Nano boost now. Orisa can simply fortify, go into direct fire, do grav ball. Get boosted to survive/shoot back, drop a barrier to escape. While I grav them in place.

OP, you’re casually leaving out the huge buff grav got where many heroes lost the ability to escape from it. If that never happened, grav-dragon would never have happened either since the counter swap would just be dive heroes. Food for thought.

And since we’re still keeping that buff, it’s necessary to nerf grav somewhere so that we don’t get another “grav+damage ult” meta, since Hanzo’s ult isn’t the only thing that can team wipe off a grav.

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GravDragon was fine when picking Hanzo was equal to throwing the game.