The Event Sprays

Oh right, I see, that sucks if that’s true. Oh well :), thanks for letting me know!

There’s a list of all the different streamers you can watch and QueenE’s is the one currently on.

I’ve been watching her since the stream started and it’s just… nothing. No sprays, nothing.

Yeah, same with HALtv, and it says ‘drops enabled’ too.

Upwards of 4 hours and still nothing for me either

May 18 (6:00am - 2:00pm PDT):
So I’m guessing that he’s not going to actively “drop” until that day.

HALtv’s isn’t till the 18th lmao

Ah that would explain it, guess I’ll have to go to a stream I don’t want to anyway. Thanks for sharing.

EDIT: Wrong I believe!

“In addition to streaming for charity, these channels will also have Pink Mercy Twitch Drops enabled any time they stream Overwatch from May 8 to May 21. See above section for details.”

So from that, I should be able to watch any supported stream during the event between May 8th and May 21st, not a specific streamer each day.

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Oh! You’ll probably receive your rewards after the stream ends! With OWL (for me at least) I receive them after the match ends. So you’ll probably receive rewards when the stream ends don’t worry!

Don’t get upset yet- just wait until it ends then we can see if you get them or not ! :v

They confirmed its now done in batches


So do you know when the batches are released? I watched something in the neighborhood of 7 hours of QueenE’s stream before it was over and am yet to receive anything from it?

So I just checked and I have gotten the in-game spray “ribbon” and “cure”

but have NOT gotten the in-game player icon “pink”.

I didnt keep track of the timing i watched under QueenE’s twitch, but do the in-game rewards go by the hour? (since i only got the sprays but NOT the icon?)

Try to look at mercys sprays only she can use the new one.

Got all the sprays finally took 4-5 hours for them, no notif for them but I checked the sprays and they were unlocked

all sprays and icon yeah? i wonder why i only have gotten 2 sprays so far hmm

I haven’t got the pink profile pic tho and that should’ve dropped with the cure spray

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ah yes, my question exactly. thanks for confirming! :slight_smile:
omo… so i guess i will watch and see how then

Well I got all the sprays but I never got the player icon at 4 hours.

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I’ve got all the sprays (6hrs included) but still no 4hr icon… :thinking:


Same here! All of them but the icon.
Guessing it’s bugged? xD