Mine just came through!
I guess there’s a bit of a delay~
they happen in bunches.
Blizzard gives them to like all the people who meet the requirement all at the same time and not individually, I think.
Thats what the streamer is saying.
We know that but its the fact that people are getting all of the sprays but not the player icon. Even if you hit the 4 hour mark and get that spray as well but not the icon.
I watched 3 days of the Rainbow Six Siege Invitational for the 6 charms they were dropping and I only got the Bronze and Gold charm, nothing lower or higher. Twitch can be buggy sometimes
I wasn’t notified of getting the sprays but I got them, ok then
You should get drops from them any time they stream overwatch until the 21st, just on their day all bits and tips go do to charity
As far as i know its every streamer listed gives out the drops until the 21st after emongg’s stream, but only on their days does every bit and tip they get go to charity
In addition to streaming for charity, these channels will also have Pink Mercy Twitch Drops enabled any time they stream Overwatch from May 8 to May 21
Was said on the post when it came out
Mine came after watch at least 10 hours.
I actually did this yesterday c: If you are conncted to Twitch with your Battle account (Go to your Twitch > Settings > Connections. Check if your Tag is connected, if not it won’t work) then you’ll know because at the two hour mark, you’ll receive a notification of a drop showing you got it. There are no internal timers on most Twitch streams for this event so just keeping track of time is the only way (A timer, stop watch etc.)
I watched 6 hours yesterday on Cuppcaake’s Charity Stream and received all of my sprays and icons afterward that same day If you are connected and did not receive your drops yet, then be patient as I am sure you will since most people are complaining they did not.
Thanks for the info!
By the way, the notification you mentioned - was that on Twitch or in-game?
it says i got drops but none on by ps4 account
No, the notification pops up while watching the stream. You will see it pop up. So basically, depending on which account you want it on (I see you have both PC and Xbox OW) you can only set up one account ((make it your primary)) if you only have one Twitch account)
I am on console so I was not in the middle of a game when this happened most PC players asked if they could play a game while having her on in the background, but I wouldn’t risk it. I was just watching the stream and made sure that no other windows were open since I didn’t want to risk being “inactive” (Though i realize that even though your icon will say “away” it still counts since you are still watching the stream aha) As long as you watch the stream, don’t leave the channel etc. you should get a notification every 2 hours from when you started the stream c:
Make sure you go to your Twitch connections to check to see if you are connected properly. If so and you received notifications saying you have drops, be patient as I noticed yesterday while on stream a lot of people who were missing sprays and icons etc. They said that Blizz will get to you and make sure you get your sprays Words from the streamers (I oddly, didn’t have this issue as I received all of my sprays and icons the moment I got them)
Much information. Many appreciates.
No problem hun
I have gotten the sprays, just not the final Icon I want.
Ahh yes, the icon. Most people were having issues with the icon as the whole chat was blowing up yesterday saying that the majority of them didn’t receive it. I say just give it 24 hours. Most people said that it took them a day before they got everything. if not, just be patient, as I am sure you will get it. The streamers assured everyone that since Blizz is keeping track of over 20 million player’s internal times, it could be a bit for some.
Make sure you at least watched 4 hours or more for the icon though.
I’ve said, I have all the sprays, its been over 24 hours and the icon hasn’t came to me.
blizzard isn’t keeping track of them. Twitch is, and its automated.
The streamer yesterday said Blizzard is keeping track of the times (not sure how accurate her information is on that though) Again, just wait a bit more. A lot of people are having icon trouble (A majority of them) Give it time, I am sure you will get it. If you don’t, then I would propose starting a thread about it in the hopes Blizzard answers. I received all of my sprays and icons that very same day I watched the stream so I don’t know if it’s a PC thing only or whatever (maybe more players?)
If you did watch more than 6 hours, you should get your icon. Always double check to make sure you did watch those hours though.
had notification (on twitch) that ive gotten the first spray, figured Id watched close to 4hrs yest but could be wrong. Not sure if theatremode counts or not though, many were saying you have to be fullscreen…