The effect Brigitte has on this game is absurd

I have to disagree, let me set it up.

Fight starts
Genji starts throwing stars
Bastion can fire or leave, if he fires, he’ll be reflected and killed, if he leaves he’ll eat a few more shots and then die to a dash

Its a no win situation, I’m totally willing to listen to how Bastion can escape the trap, but I’m not seeing it.

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When I see a Brigitte heading my direction, I do 180, run away, and scream like a little girl LOL



A strange game.
The only winning move is
not to play.

How about a nice game of chess?

Ah what?

There is irony in that your name is Parzival and you don’t get the reference. See thats the problem I had with the movie lol

Its a quote from Wargames. Basically the only way to win Global Thermonuclear War is not to play, I’m implying the same goes for Brig lol. Like you said, run away.

wow that’s deep dude XD

HAHA thanks man :slight_smile: Im hyped on morning coffee, brains going 90mph

Mind if I add you? You seem cool :slight_smile:

Sure, go for it.
/20 char

Because i’m right.

You seem unable to grasp that Genji counters Bastion beyond deflect > slow poke beep bop kills himself.

I gave my reasoning as to why i think so and it would be neat if you actually addressed my arguments directly.

All these heroes can outplay Bastion by exploiting his weaknesses. His lack of mobility, big hitbox, and ineffectiveness at long range.

But every single one of them loses a dps trade on equal terms. Bastion can match their burst while being far more resilient to it with Ironclad, armor, and 300HP.

Let’s compare that to Genji. Deflect is outright capable of denying Bastion’s strength (high dps) while also having the tools to exploit Bastion’s aforementioned weaknesses.

Again, it’s not even close.


I explained why that argument is flawed in the very post you quoted. Genji dictates the fight every step of the way and if he dies after Bastion simply waited out deflect, he screwed up or got massively outplayed akin to being solo’d by a Mercy or Ana.

You’re gonna have to do better than that to convince me.

If by “not that hard” you mean “at all possible”, then yea, totally. It only takes a lot of effort/coordination and a lot of time from multiple people on your team, that’s all… And if she uses her ult then she’s practically invulnerable even against 6 people. And no, I’m not a flanker or dive tank at all. It would be amazing if only flankers and dive tanks were punished by brig. I’m a zen main and I don’t go flanking on my own ever, i stay as safe as i can. I stay as far from her as i possibly can, and spam orbs into her shield all day and run further back so i can finally click on her head. But most of the time she still catches up to me and wrecks me before i even break her shield. It takes 14 zen orbs to break brig’s shield. Do you know how much distance she can cover while you’re spamming 14 orbs? just over 20m, the distance of a roadhog hook, which is pretty far. If she used her stun for mobility prior to this and another stun after, she can get 32m of distance to get to you and kill you within 8sec while you’re TRYING to break her shield to just START damaging her. It’s not “not that hard”. Plz stop claiming that she’s fair and balanced. She absolutely is not. She should be completely reworked imho.

Or maybe your solution is that someone goes pharah/junkrat/doomfist on my team and tries to kill her? That’s still going to do very little to win a teamfight against brigitte’s team. She’s going to distract a lot of you and tank your damage for a long enough time for her own team to get some picks and ultimately win the teamfight.

Even arcade modes are completely ruined because of her. Mystery Heroes? more like “whoever gets Brig first wins”; Deathmatch? Team Deathmatch? Brig. gg. Total Mayhem? Brig. gg. Where did all the fun go in this game?

slow poke? what is the bastion sitting entirely by himself with 0 help?

if thats the case, thats a team being blind problem

a hero is only countered if it works when the team is working with them

you can still counter a widow with winston, (assuming they have no brig) even if the team helps them out

bastion, can already out heal genji’s attacks, if hes behind a shield with a support. genji will do nothing



even ulting him would be useless

if your playing bastion out in the open with 0 protection and bad positioning. then your playing the game at a silver/gold level. where literally anyone counters bastion

mercy’s pistol does like 100 dps. she now counters bastion (which btw is higher dps then the genji’s shurikens lul)

edit: and if genji is jumping around the bastion. he (the bastion) can just melt the genji down after deflect

ive done this many many times. to many ppl when i was in gold thought genji countered me and were sent back to the respawn queue over and over because of that.

Brigitte is a hero that punishes bad positioning, to say that you get killed by her means that she overextended but no one had punished her, or that you were out of position and she took advantage out of it. Plain and simple.

If anything, her playstyle is more akin to Mei. She punishes close range flankers, has some defensive capabilities, and can cause issues for your team if no one coordinates to work and defeat Mei. And just like Brigitte, Mei is limited with the fact that she can only be a threat at close range, to be killed by her means that it’s either your fault or your teams.

If you can’t adapt and just stay stubborn by picking Zenyatta, that’s your choice, but I am gonna adapt and actually help the team pick her off, whether as an Orisa, Moira, Junkrat, or Brigitte herself.

This is so true. I’m scared to do too well with DVA early because I get greeted by a Brigitte on point C when I’m in a groove and it may be too late to switch and have the same impact, so sometimes I just hold back so they think I’m not a threat and go nuts at the end.

not true at all. It’s almost impossible to be in the “right position” when dealing with Brig. She is way too defensive to kill from far away, next to impossible to kill up close. She just walks up to me and kills me. Please don’t lecture me on mei. I play mei just fine from far away and don’t even need to freeze anyone UNLESS they get close. You’re comparing apples to oranges. But even mei has an exploitable weakness - push her too far and wait for her ice block. What is Brig’s? Her shield can break eventually and then you have to outdamage her healing while she’s making one of your teammates useless until they die? I can kill mei during her ult. Is that even possible with Brig?

Gotcha. I guess i’m “stubborn” for playing a healer for my team, and one who on paper is supposed to have a damn good chance at countering Brig, but somehow in reality that doesnt happen. I guess me being “stubborn” is the only answer, not that Brig is broken af. Btw in what universe does Moira counter Brig? maybe with her ult, but that’s all. I guess i should take your genius advice and “adapt” by throwing my team comp into a blender and switch off zenyatta, who idk if you read my above posts but i dont go chasing no Brigs - i run away from them and shoot them like i’m supposed to, and it’s still not enough. Why don’t you just “adapt” and admit that she’s broken?

Nothing wrong with playing healer, just that if you had an issue with a DPS or a tank taking you out of the fight, you’d probably swap off to something else, wouldn’t you do the same for Brigitte? Then again, this is the same community where Genji mains complain that a Moira countering her should equate to a nerf.

To counter with Moira is easy to a certain extent, particularly when Brigitte is ulting. Since she can’t gain ult charge during Rally, I can throw a dmg orb to farm ult charge whilst staying safe from the fight. You’d be surprised how many Coalescence’s I can pull off when Brigitte casts Rally. You could even counter Brigitte with Ana, since bionade just destroys her tankiness, and Sleep Dart would make her so vulnerable, it’ll be funny when she continues to try and play Brigitte.

I’m not gonna argue that being countered by Brigitte is annoying, but I’m gonna disagree that she is broken, just cause you’re playing a immobile hero.

I got killed by a Brig earlier that swung her mace beneath my feet while i was floating in the air and it still hit me. The end of the mace was about a foot below me and its collider still managed to hit me some how.

Another Genji main, at this point I should even stop checking their profiles :rofl:

i foresee, Genji main… And not a very good one.

Her ability to punish bad positioning isn’t the issue, its the fact that nearly every position you could possibly have is a bad position when it comes to fighting her. If you fight up close, you are insta killed, if you fight long range, any shots that land hit the shield, which even if it breaks, it comes back way too fast, and in middle range she can just close the distance between you. Having a hero who punishes bad gameplay is a good concept, until they have the ability to treat good gameplay the same way. Also, it takes a lot of time to ‘adapt’ to a new main. If your mains all are countered by brig, (Which isn’t a very rare thing), it’ll take a very long time to get your skill with another hero up to where you were. Keep in mind that everyone is good at a certain set of heroes, and might not be able to play things that can counter the new brig meta. It’s not fair to force people to abandon their favorite heroes just to be able to play the game without getting hard countered every match.

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