The effect Brigitte has on this game is absurd


Here’s the relevant stats: Ironclad is 20%, Sentry dps is 450, and it takes 410 reflected Sentry gun damage to kill Bastion (if i did the math right, that is). So 1s of shooting into Deflect still kills a Bastion despite the passive and his armor. The only difference to old Bastion is that with the help of a healer, he can barely survive shooting himself for 1s.

The notion that if the Bastion played smart, Genji wouldn’t be an issue is ignoring the fact that playing smart isn’t exclusive to Bastion.

Genji can wait to use Deflect to bait out an attack or simply use his dash and shurikens to kill Bastion while he’s not being attacked. Sure, in theory Bastion can bait Deflect too but it’s at the cost of self-harm and Genji can just dash to cancel it anyway.

The cyberninja holds all the cards in an even fight, he’s absolutely a counter.

Bastion can be outplayed quite easily by Tracer, Hanzo, Widow, and S76 but in his effective range, he can kill them faster than they can kill him. They have no tools to deny his burst, so they’re vulnerable to it. The same is true for Roadhog, even though he can hook him out of Sentry.

Genji is a better counter and it’s not even close.

It’s not an automatic death to face your hard(est) counter, it just means the deck’s heavily stacked against you.

Do you not see the hypocrisy in downplaying Genji as a Bastion counter and then turning around to claim that it’s unfair that Brigitte is a strong Tracer/Genji counter?

I’m not defending Brigitte, by the way. I think she’s far too forgiving to play and her damage potential is questionable for a tank/support hybrid but the fact that she counters dive is not the problem.

Would you be ok with a decrease in armor but keeping the shield health? To me her shield is her main form of damage mitigation since she has to be in the thick of battle to produce any kind of valuable healing. She can raise her shield to defend without being in battle. Decreasing armor and leaving her shield alone would decrease the amount of time she can viably be in a skirmish.l

Actually her health is fine for her type of character. But the 400 hp shield will force her to be more resourcefull.They say focus shield,but there are other teammates besides Brigitte,and all your DPS focusing on that tiny shield while her team mates keep getting in the way.And then it regens after a few seconds anyways.Point is her regenerative abilities are just too strong.And her tiny bashing shield uncomprable with Winstons giant 600hp sphere with a 13 second cool down.

Actually her health is fine for her type of character. But the 400 hp shield will force her to be more resourcefull.They say focus shield,but there are other teammates besides Brigitte,and all your DPS focusing on that tiny shield while her team mates keep getting in the way.And then it regens after a few seconds anyways.Point is her regenerative abilities are just too strong.And her tiny bashing shield uncomprable with Winstons giant 600hp sphere with a 13 second cool down.The small size is in this case an advantage.

Ok how about an increase in wait time before it starts to regen. The only reason I would be wary of lowering her shield health is as a rein main I know first hand how fast your shield goes down when it is focused. I understand that in certain situations it might seem impossible but her shield health is fine IMO. She needs more vulnerability as far as her armor. She is to durable and gains courage to act because of that.

As far as the pick rate comments, it’s entirely possible her pickrate has nothing to do with her strength. The pickrates right now are quite literally determined by how a hero compliments Hanzo. I wish I was kidding, but I’m not. If her win rate is low, it could very well be that it’s just because she doesn’t fit the puzzle as well as others do, but it’s not an indication of being op/up.

There are a LOT of great heroes that have plunging pick/win rates right now, and really the only thing it proves is if they do or do not compliment Hanzo lol


this game is about being on a payload, and taking or defending a point.


My preference is to make it make sense. Every time she uses her shield to bash, she is abusing it and isnt using it for it’s intended purpose, causing 200hp damage to the shield.

She then has to recharge it to maintain the ability to shield bash, and sometimes have to decide on using shield bash or conserving the shield for survival.

I agree, people act like a hard counter immediately requires you to switch off that hero or it’s a death sentence.

With zen I avereage a 25 percent weapon accuracy. Ana I normal avereage 35 to 45 accuracy.

You cannot get away with bad aim on zen. 1 zen is part dps in order to get his ult fast and be effective you need to able to frag. Inormaly average 15 elims granted the average is 17-18. . Also if you want to climb with zen you need aim. Ult timing. Position. Ana requires a simliar skill set to zen the main difference ana van be hitscane while seen has more diffcult projectiles

you’re right, all the interactions in this game should just be pressing H in spawn. you shouldn’t actually have to play the heroes to get value out of them. just knowing they are counters is enough.

glad this game is just rock paper scissors with fancy graphics

mccree is a bad hero that has been ill equipped to deal with mobility given everything else in his kit outside of flashbang, and has been overdue for a redesign for several seasons so he can actually do his job. that’s not the flanker’s fault, and i say that as a mccree main

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If you’re playing Brigitte against a Junkrat or a Pharah, you’re going to have a bad time. Whenever I play her, I find the explosive splash damage throws me around too much and I’m forced to switch because the range at which junkrat and Pharah can harass and kill Brigette is too much to deal with if teammates can’t help solve the problem.

If Brigette was so overpowered as people would have us believe, I’d probably not run Moira or Mercy in favour of her instead.

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No, i played roadhog against armored junkrat.

Brigitte makes junkrat unkillable for roadhog.

Brigitte has plenty in her arsenal that makes Roadhog’s job difficult in general. A barrier on the field is gonna make landing hooks difficult, a stun is going to make your self-healing and hook follow-up difficult, and healing/adding armor to teammates is, well… gonna make everything more difficult for everyone.

Honestly, if a Junkrat being supported makes him harder for you to deal with, that is kind of a support doing their job… right?

What a moron lol. Brigitte is w + m1.

i cant understand why you insist that genji counters bastion

what bastion in the universe, blind fires into a deflect

like a 2400 mmr bastion doesnt even do that, like if your like plat on console or silver on pc

sure bastion is countered super hard because ppl just fat finger the trigger and dont have the reaction time too stop firing

but the rest of us who play bastion, are only countered by hard CC. high burst or ults

if you want to talk about counter, zenyatta is countered by like every dps hero in the game that requires aim

sombra, tracer, genji, mccree, widow hanzo and soldier come to mind.

why? because zens head hitbox is apperently the size of texas and he has no mobiltiy

so its easy for a genji/tracer to dive on him, or a mccree to get 1-2 headshots and w/e follow up

but again bastion is weak not because of genji, but because BURST DMG (somthing genji is garbage at) will kill him even when being healed

the same goes for a torb turret

(this is why hanzo/soldier are better at killing bastion or torbs turret compared to other heroes. tho alot try to use widow, when she doesnt have burst unless shes headshotting which is unlikely unless you pla hardcore flank widow)

Genji doesn’t counter bastion.

He has deflect that can kill a sentry bastion very fast. That’s his greatest weapon against bastion,but it relies on bastion player’s reaction.

So genji isn’t really a counter.

I’m so tired of Brigitte. Whenever someone picks her it’s a ruined game for me, no matter which team she’s on. Even if that person is me.

(And people are climbing from bronze to plat by one tricking her LOL, it’s strange how all these previously hard stuck people suddenly rocketed in skill… )

brigitte is the ultimate deathball hero

doesnt matter how good your team is, if the enemy team pick brigitte to fill a role as dps then you’re screwed unless you also pick brigitte

hanzo kills whatever is far away and brigitte kills whatever gets close, this meta is really fun i must say