The double shield problem

Its been the dominant meta since season 18, it is now season 25

Don’t powercreep your way out of this like you have with prior metas or create new gamerules, fix the keystone characters to not do multiple jobs simultaneously so that other heroes can be effectively ran

Double shield has been meta since august of 2019… that is literally 16 months, with only 2 brief intermissions in seasons 21 and 24 for just a few weeks

PLEASE let overwatch be fun again, let tank players play actually engaging tanklines, let more DPS players than just sniper players actually be able to get kills and make plays, make supports unable to make things immortal deities and be used more for the utility aspects of their kit than heal peal repeat


How can one get rid of double tanks? And + double shields is a shell of its former self due to the shield nerf

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A lot of people hated double sniper too


double shield being a shell of its former self is still stronger than any other composition in the current game


literally nerf bap and it’ll go away. That’s literally it

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bap is generally a good addition except for immortality and burst AOE

but with double shield it really stems from that the tankline has 2 defensive abilities and can be on offense and defense at the same time

both orisa and sigma have shields, then after orisa shield is broken she has fortify to keep her alive until its off cooldown again, which keeps her alive until fortify is off cooldown again rinse repeat

sigma has his shield, then once his shield is broken he has his shift to eat all front facing damage and apply it to his HP until his shield has regenerated, which keeps him alive until his shift is off cooldown, rinse repeat


Maybe ask yourself why double shield disappeared recently but has re-appeared again without any changes to orisa or sigma that should make it come back? Then you might see it is not them that are causing its return. They are both much weaker than they ever were before and can’t really be weakened further without being unplayable. Fix the problem that brought it back again, not nerf them.


Bruh do people think Double Shield is strong because of the 2 shields? Yes it’s called 2x shield and it’s annoying to play against but it’s not the reason why it’s busted. The reason why it’s busted is because of their sustain abilities, that just got buffed all the way back up a few patches ago

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?? Orisa has gotten a buffs a few patches ago

Yes to her fortify since before she was being killed a little too easily

because they also nerfed her shield. Fortify creates the boring double shield, so you don’t make that oppressive but you buff her shields so she becomes the niche bunker tank like she was designed to be

I think we’ll reach a point when there’s limit to 1 shield tank per team (Sigma, Orisa, Reinhardt)
I wouldn’t mind it but barriers should be reverted.

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I would be more than happy if they buffed her shield back but people complain that shields are boring, not fun to take down, or should never be part of the game.

I know the idea on 1 shield tank restriction has been floating around the forums but I don’t think adding more restrictions is a good idea. If done can cause other restrictions for dps and supports.

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lets just let orisa not be meta for a while before buffing her shield again, let brawl or dive comps be meta for a few seasons, the horse has been in every other match since last august

The problem is not double shield. The problem is baptiste and sigma.

Sigma when combined with another shield tank can effectively provide the same benefits of certain triple tank comps. With his shield and DM he can provide very reliable rotation of protection when combined with any other means of damage blocking. What’s more, he can simultaneously guard against multi pronged attacks.

Combine this with baps frisbee, it gives a single team far too much sustain. Baps healing is already formidable. He is the only support in the game with a cool down ability that can hard counter damage ults.

It’s ironic, really. Blizzard moves to 2-2-2 comps to avoid stagnating fights caused by triple tank. Then they go and create two characters in a row that basically enable the same style of play they claimed they wanted to avoid.

Both these characters are obnoxious to play against on their own. Combined they are a nightmare. Just my humble opinion.


What I would like for Orisa to stand on her own without a second shield tank.

It’s not even meta right now though?

Looks like GM is playing Sig/Hog/Ball more than double shield


hurr hurr overbuff = meta guys :)))

Orisa is already unplayable in any other context.

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