The division in Overwatch (Please lock, got nerco'd)

it is like this in basically all the characters, there is no middle ground


You know, both the haters and supporters are not going to get what they want.

echoing laughter can be heard from Activision HQ


Nah. You can hear the worshiping noises from Activision.

They are bowing to the Great OWL as they worship esports.


People don’t like to think that there was more things influencing goats then brig.

Honestly, when someone says brig ruined ow my first thought is usually they probably haven’t finished grade school yet. :grimacing::grimacing:


if brig got a 6k she deserves it like any hero. Lol

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Tracer ruined the game, Brig was a response to that.

She was built for a reason, and they should have fixed the cause, rather than bandaided it.

But you can’t lay the problems at the fix’s feat for the problem in the first place.


Goats was discovered by accident. I still think to this day that without Brig even Moira could have been sustained a 3-3 comp. Maybe even Ana but that would have needed extreme protection for both Anas.


Goats was a small change from Slambulance. Which was already being run.

Yes, Slambulance… which was the precursor to Goats. It did EXACTLY this.

Not only could she, she did. It worked super well.

Moira for healing, Lucio for speed, Typically Rein / D’va / Hog, +1. We ran Reaper, others ran a support.

Moira would soak the team in Moira juice on the way in, Lucio would be on speed the whole time, and would Amp at the most dangerous part of rotation, or when the fight was joined.

The fight would be over… QUICKLY. And would you take ptA, and be ready for PtB where you would do the same thing again, but with Ults on your side but not theirs from the won fight from PtA.


You really can’t, there needs to be a logical fact present for it to be taken away.


Ah yes, the logical conclusion of blaming a fictional character that literally has no agency over anything ‘she’ does, instead of the balance team that created her or the game company that can’t manage to retain top talent that would be smart enough to make her in a way that was balanced rather than OP and lopsided…

I mean we are aware that Brigitta and the players that play her are not at fault for what she is, right?

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Ana had already enabled a triple tank meta before that, so I agree. A triple tank/healer meta was going to happen at some point

Brig was one piece of the puzzle, and was a scapegoat for GOATS in the end, not the sole reason for its existence.


Moira was used in alot of tank heavy comps then. Heck, she was only used in those kind of comps then.

lol its gonna comeback in nl comp.

No, Lucio player here and I despise brig, especially the first 6 month Brig mains claiming that she was perfectly fine because an idiot could stand in the middle of an open field and be killed by a Pharah.

The only division, outside of the first iteration of Brigitte, was always DPS players complaining about being killed by melee while being in melee range.

And of course, now that Jeff has sequestered himself into the private discord with a sycophantic think tank that never have differing opinions, Brig will never be good again. Because she can kill people in melee range and heal from afar and by god that’s completely unacceptable.


didnt you say you were leaving permanently like a day ago?

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Let’s not act like high ranked support and tank players also were not complaining about her.

Yeah blame a whole group of people and their character because of 1 time 1 guy did something, typical Anti-Brig archetype and lOgIC


Remember when the Anti-Brigitte brigade harassed Brigitte’s Voice Actor on twitter? Guess we’ll lump them all in with them.


wait, but it’s she who screams rally to me

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