Well I wasn’t playing at the time, but I heard about it. Whoever was doing that was stooping pretty low there.
A lot of the high support ranked players were very pro her as well.
After all, they gave them a viable switch vs flankers - for the first time in the games history.
Was she OP? yes, but she also had to be.
as it is, we will get Brig v2.0 soon enough.
They should’ve just nerfed tracer and Dva.
Well that’s the Overwatch team in a nutshell. Just do bizarre things and designs to avoid ‘nerfing’ a mascot character.
Yeah, but they won’t.
The answer will be Brig 2.0
A NEW anti flanker support which everyone hates on. Everyone will call “skill less” because they don’t have to aim, and will have either burst damage or a large stun area.
I don’t get it either, it was really obvious that tracer and Dva were what kept the dive comp alive.
No crappy game balance/developers ruined the game. Don’t blame the hero That was created. Blame the creators.
That’s a fact. What you said is false.
it wouldn’t work, just roll Q could
as long as stac defensive resources + healing were allowed, only change the names but it would still be goats
Uhh… well, yes actualy…
It’s more like 20% Brig Mains, 20% Brig Haters, and 60% waiting to hear an actual breakdown of things.
Because aside from the healing and how it’s applied, what is the issue now??
change the score to brig mains:-24 brig haters:26
its more like 4 to 6 tbh, but I want to keep the peace
She enabled dive more than any other support LMAO
No one wants Brig to be dumpstered, but if it means the game was that good a month ago, so be it. Until they change her entire kit, they need to make her unplayable
That’s not how game development works or ever will work. Until a rework comes, they should tweak her so she’s at least in a playable state without being too oppressive. Which is certainly possible, might I add.
Yea 200hp brig is that tweaked version,
Except it’s not. The proper one would be to remove two repair kits. This literally makes her unplayable considering she doesn’t have the HP to be inside her effective melee range.
225hp Brig with 1 repair pack is still gonna dominate the meta
Switching sides
I’m just here to watch the fire but man what a bad hill to die on…