The division in Overwatch (Please lock, got nerco'd)

While yeah I do admit I am biased toward off tanks and flex DPS (hell, everyone is biased to something to a degree), I do at least want her to be fun for both Brig players and fair to play against. I do not wish for her to be annoying and limiting to play against, but I also really want her to be viable. That is why I am asking for repair pack nerfs and HP/inspire buffs which I think will help on both sides

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I would say the artist did it


And thats fine.

but like the people who legit act like “brig ruins the core of the game with her existance she should be deleted / left to F tier” are a joke.

there are many characters that i hate but you dont see me inventing that type of stuff.


I dont know how many knows Conqueror from For Honor. Their kit would be interesting to see as an Off Tank Brig kit.

Im preparing a concept suggestion for it alongside an Ana power shift suggestion. Im still thinking about which one to post first.

How about this: Anyone who thinks Brig should be deleted/dumpstered/a free kill to flankers are idiots.

Anyone who thinks that Brig should be OP are crazy.

Essentially, please for the love of god balance her correctly.


Yeah I don’t understand why people want her deleted and intentionally bad, and makes me upset when I see people only caring about one side. I think a rework would be nice or at least a power shift, but buffs/nerfs have kind of proven to not work anymore.


Notice how all the supports capable of defending themselves are hated? People want their free kills.


Tracer ruined the game because she can’t be countered without being rendered useless.

Begin the controversy


i mean then the game was ruined from the start lol

cuz she was like the 1st hero


I wish I could’ve been there when Widow could’ve one-shot Tracer with a bodyshot lol

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I wish they designed Tracer to be less of a glass cannon so she can be safely soft countered without being completely invalidated by the nearest stun’

On top of that, I’m pretty sure there are only like six Tracer mains that aren’t toxic.


Honestly supprized noone checked my profile lamo…
but then again… there is division…

I hate lurking on others profiles xD

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No? she made dive completely unplayable in every shape form and fashion

I have to admit this made me laugh… but its so true…


Eeeeew filthy gold player…

Oh wait. Checks my own profile to see the gold tank medal

Wait a second. :stuck_out_tongue:

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It’s unplayable with Brig. Game is really ruined
Every time i see her she’s dying kills whole our team instantly and doing insane healing output just like zen ult
I’m so afraid of her even IRL I’m praying for removing or mega nerf her


Oh my god really? Same, bro. I’m constantly looking over my shoulder because I am afraid she’ll round the corner with her shield bash.

I’ve lost contact with several family members because I couldn’t stop thinking about Brig, too. She’s just too scary.


claims game is ruined on the forum of said game they definitely still play. Very logical.


Did you know? If the enemy Zarya died you had a 91% chance if winning that team fight. Plus Zen’s discord helped enabled Zarya and the tanks do more damage. Then there’s Lucio enabling them to move faster.

Oh would you look at that. Speed (Lucio) Damage (Zenyatta) Protection (Zarya) it’s almost like this comp was multilayered and had several moving parts to make the whole thing work :thinking:

You don’t need to check someone’s profile.

Better to dismantle the argument then just point fingers and go “look look, you have thirty six seconds on Pharah and you died once.”