The Devs need to do some reverts

DVA 400 armor. So she lives longer than 1 second.

With Ana’s current state? I doubt it.

Revert Symmetra version 3.0 to 2.0. It was a nice idea and would gladly accept it if they gave us what was promised but clearly they lied and can’t or refuse to put resources into balancing her properly and giving what they stated so revert her to 2.0 which had most of her kit actually functional.

yes, lets revert the change that everyone wanted from the start! GENIUS! /s

why not just revert the armor over shields part?

Honestly I agree only with the last 2 but in general I would say : What they really need to do is not use a HAMMER to “tune” up things or “nerf” things, but a scalpel.

Lately they have been BASHING instead of balancing the game, and that is not good.

Just my 2 cents.

Not really, they made pharah more skillfull to use, and more powerful to those who know how to use her.

So you just need to aim a bit better, and to aim a bit more at the enemy instead of right at their feet.

You can 2 shot any squishie in the game. The healers cannot heal more than that if you hit your shots.

Accuracy and skill arent the same. You could spend all your game shooting at a roadhog and get accuracy, instead pharah is more of a flanker now, and succeeds in that quite well, being able to 2 shot any healer, and most dps heroes.

you can combo rockets now

Bring back genji animation cancel


-remove the 2 sec hack CD

And then you have a deal.

I really want these for Brigitte. Too bad most people in the community doesn’t want it since they’ll consider her OP even though she’s in a bad spot in pick rate, team fights, or overall survivability.






The only thing that has changed since mercy was meta was making Nano boost give you 300 HP. Mercy was still the dominant healer when she had 60 hps. She dropped out when she became 50 hps. If you bring it back to 60 hps, the same thing will happen again. Even Blizzard realize this so I don’t understand how you don’t.

Except in that VERY same patch, everyone else got buffed as well, only exception was Zen.

And with how good Ana is, again, I doubt it. Like dude, even with 60hps, she was considered a troll pick, and she even got that buff BECAUSE it was to compete with Ana after her release.

Please, its Blizz we’re talking about, you think they thought buffing Reapers passive was a good idea? Same goes with FtH? It only affected lower elos while higher elos arent much effected. Blizz dont always know what theyre doing, same goes with how they reworked Mercy the first time.

nope, it was a nerf.

No, Brigitte got nerfed. And if you have either an Ana or Mercy, Lucio is an off healer, so he is irrelevant to the discussion. I already explained to you what Ana’s buff was, and how it didn’t change much. I’m too lazy to research what season and statistics on mercy back then in GM/top500, but in OWL mercy had a 90% winrate on the patch right before she was nerfed.

You saying mercy with 60 hps was a troll pick is flat out wrong, in GM/top500 and even OWL Mercy was still the primary healer pick until they nerfed her healing. She was not a troll pick. This is an objective fact.

I already explained this. The only change they made to ana was giving 300 HP to nanoboost. That alone is not enough to take down old mercy’s healing.

That’s my point. Blizzard make a lot of dumb decisions, yet even they are smart enough to realize buffing mercy’s healing is not a good solution.

No, she was the dominant healer because it was the double sniper/ grav dragon meta. When Hanzo and Widow got movement nerfs, Zarya lost her the range of grav and Mercy lost the ability to boost the dragon, that meta died and made GOATs the strongest by default and she sucks at healing tanks even if she had 65hps. The 60 hps nerf was completely unwarranted. Mercy is the only healer that enables DPs better than tanks, she remained in the meta after the rez nerfs solely because she was damage boosting the dps that were scattered in different parts of maps. Death ball and triple tank comps are beyond her ability to heal and she is suboptimal in those scenarios. It takes almost 10 seconds to heal a D.Va with critical health for Mercy with 60 hps, because she doesn’t have burst healing and since she also doesn’t have AOE healing she basically would have to spend 10 seconds just attached to D.Va and ignore everybody else.

Why did you start with “no”? None of what you said contradicted what I said. All I claimed in what you replied to was Mercy was the dominant healer when she had 60 HPS. You just added some more reasons to it. Also you mentioned that mercy is terrible at healing a tank meta right?

What do you think is gonna happen when GOATS stopped being used. If you notice Blizzard have been doing a ton of nerfs lately to get rid of that meta. And it’s slowly but surely working.

So either way my point still stands. If you give Mercy 60 HPS she will become the dominant healer again.

No it does not. are you being dense on purpose. Her healing did not keep her in the meta. What kept her was Hanzos dragon and Widowmaker and ocasionally Junkrat. 60 hps had nothing to do with that. You’re not explaining how 60 hps is gonna make her dominant when she still has no burst heals and no AOE heals.

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Add Scatter, so Hanzo has both SA and SCETTAH. Buff Hanzo finally so people dont get angry when I pick him.

I read some of this comments and I finally understand why the devs don’t listen to the ideas of this community