The Devs did listen


You’re arguing that someone saying significant numbers of heroes are underpowered or need reworking… can’t show the truth in their claim…

Are you 12?

That’s not what I said.

Are you conscious?

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Can’t hear you there buddy. Speak up!

As per usual they really only listened to dps mains, many of whom preferred the fire rate over the health. Bap still got scrapped and the changes that were reversed for Orisa and Sigma were inconsequential

he needed nerfed in some way.

his high tier hps, dps, and support via i.field was a ton of power on 1 hero.

Torb is actually really good right now, doesn’t need changes tbh

Well they nerfed his utility and the community overall seems to want lower healing, so what gives? Fire rate at least was nice because it created some new M1/M2 combos which I think is good, more depth in his gameplay.

I think lowering his healing is a good thing, maybe Mercy can function in the main healer slot again in the pro scene…

Actually I expect Brig to be next. 50HP/s armor pack or something like that.

Brig is already in the trashcan, now Orisa will join her.
These changes were made to take her out of the top position in GM/Master, because its definitely not “balanced” at all.

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I would not be surprised if she were to supland Bap in the meta now.

This patch was better than last patch

Signed, a support player

Well, there’s not a lot of difference between unusable and more or less unusable…

I feel like this is due to them watching how OWL scrims have played out rather than any feedback given by the community =\


Can you explain why?

He has solid range, a reliable hitscan gun with pinpoint precision, and controls a 10m area around him better then most other DPS in game.

Plus I don’t like adding additional armor or HP to the cast as a whole, as it just reinforces power creep and further necessitates burst damage over sustain damage.

I would be ok with this if there wasn’t power creep and high damage abilities already. Mcree fire rate included.
As a person that has 100 hours on Cree and 80% of them are pre-fire rate buff i’d say that he was almost perfect back then. He just needed a little survivability buff in form of either +50hp or some more buffs at the roll.
You say that power creep is bad but the Fire Rate buff is exactly that. If you can aim you delete people right now with Cree it’s not even funny. If queues weren’t of 17 minutes i’d abuse of that till Diamond. Yeah till diamond. Cree is literally a noob stomper now. Useless in high ranks and op in lower i see so much more crees that just spam in the general direction and just rack up kills

In fairness I was opposed to that as well, however comparing him firing 0.08s faster and an extra 50hp(and all the breakpoints that changes) and it’s effects on power creep is a bit zany.

Don’t get me wrong. I still think that Orisa was overnerfed. That still bothers me, but it is less bad than what I was expecting. And you could be right that it was more because of scrims than the forums or Reddit. That’s possible. Either way, they at least pulled back some which is a positive. I’m trying to be optimistic.

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I shall say this again: sym is the most overpowered dps hero in the game

they shouldn’t have.

I disagree. I actually still think that Orisa is slightly overnerfed. She won’t be meta after this. She needed a nerf at the high end, but at most ranks Reinhardt already sees more play time.

You have to be careful with too many nerfs on the same hero in the same patch. Fortunately, the devs seemed to agree that it was too much.

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