The devs deserve a HUGE pat on the back for this

Okay, but we still got baby projectile sizes.

Well seeing that all other free to play games lock their heroes behind a significant time dump or cost, this isnt what they should do

Rather this is what theyre choosing to do perhaps to distinguish themselves from the othrr games, or some crazy algorithm told them this will retain more players for future sales

I don’t because all that getting the pass did is unlock the characters a couple of weeks earlier anyway. Anyone who paid cash to get Ram or Illari early are unaffected by this change, because everyone else has been able to get those characters without paying.

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ok – was not sure how that worked. I don’t play that much to pay attention.

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Can we get the challenges knocked down a peg or two since new heroes are gonna be available from the get go?

I mean 35 wins isn’t bad but…with my WR/MMR it’s not easy.

Should be the number 1 thing on forums rn. Mauga was in a good place they buffed him didn’t even give it a weak and reversed it. Good job

When you make a choice that was neutral to net negative as a baseline, all they deserve is the negativity regarding their initial choice to have it in the first place absolved. No pat on the back.

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Probably skins sales way better than battlepass , its always money behind all big corp decisions.

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They don’t deserve a pat on the back for removing a feature no-one wanted or liked. It should never have been a thing in the first place.

Sure, the BP still won’t give you its full value back in coins though, so you still have to do weeklies, if you want it for ‘free’

They never should have sold heroes in the first place, too little too late.

I’ve been accused of being a hardcore doomer at times for how willing I am to criticize the devs. No. This is not bending the knee. This is saying “The devs did something which is objectively good for players, and we should recognize that.”

First, the change was likely an upper management thing. Anyone else notice that heroes become free only one season after the upper management at the company was changed? Hmm. Funny how that works. The devs talked about how Microsoft leadership said they’d give the devs a lot more control over stuff, but this was still probably something the devs had to fight for.

Second, I call BS on anyone who says “they don’t deserve praise for walking back a bad decision.” It is work to undo a bad decision, and they deserve praise for that work. If I had a friend who was an addict, you can bet that I would heap praise on them for times they stayed clean, instead of just being like “you moron, you shouldn’t have made that mistake in the first place.”

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So…they’re giving us OW1 back slowly then essentially. It’s crazy how fast people forget what we had

I have no problems insisting and openly saying the developers have made countless [deleted] choices in regards to the game on multiple fronts. Content decisions, balance decisions, gameplay decisions, etc.

Ill go so far as to say overall im heavily displeased with the developers as a whole currently- and think theyve largely been doing a lousy job.


Im not going to let that keep me from givign credit when they make good decisions.

Heroes being free from the get go, going forward, is a good decision.

Its just as important to give positive feedback as it is negative (While trying to stay constructive. Granted that can be difficult when frustrations are high). Letting them know “hey, we LIKE these decisions” is how we encourage them to make more decisions like that in the future.

Just because someone gives them credit for good decisions- Doesnt mean theyre some shill down on knee pads.


That’s how the game was for years before OW2.

People don’t understand this. If their only behavior is “How dare you!” then devs have 0 incentive to actually make good changes because they’ll be cussed out either way.

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Literally them NOT doing something, which is all they know how to do. Broken clock is right twice a day, doesn’t mean it works.
Meanwhile, they also do not make PvE, working matchmaking, anything to deter rampant smurfing, trolling, and bots, don’t make affordable skins and cosmetics, and don’t ever listen to the players.

Want to pt them on the back for not doing that stuff too?

Them reverting this change was literally them listening to players.

Them buffing HP threshholds to reduce burst damage and implementing DPS passive to reduce healing and increase DPS contribution were also in direct response to player feedback.

They can make bad decisions AND good decisions. This was a GOOD decision. We can praise the good decisions while critiquing the bad ones. I seriously am baffled why people can’t understand the concept that companies can do good things AND bad things, and that we can comment on both of them in different ways.

I am not applauding them for this. It was panned from minute one by literally the entire community.

It took years for this to happen. They do not deserve applause for this. They do not deserve congratulations for this.

This stinks of a PR stunt.

Revert to 6v6 or at least do a 6v6 experimental where people can actually review their matches with a 1-5 rating (and a short explanation why, this can be read by many bots and compiled into easily readable datasets for their perusal).

Rework life grip to not ruin agency.

Literally just do their jobs and make a good game, instead of tossing darts at a wall and putting things out without any thought as to what it’ll do to the game.

No. Making good decisions deserves praise. Pre-emptively avoiding bad decisions through PTB’s and feedback deserves praise. Relenting on ignoring community feedback for multiple years and finally reverting something does not deserve praise.

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Nah they all deserve to be spat in the face. I’m not praising them for something they never should of done in the first place.

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What if trump caused world hunger, then undid it when he realised it was bad for business?

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